India US Relations


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Feb 28, 2016
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Looks like Americ*nts/Five c*nts roped in Former Army chief Naravane for influence operations..
Categorizing Russia as an adversarial power..Hmm..

When you see Panag and now Naravane's writing, it really activates the almonds that were they (((hired))) post retirement or while serving?
Like it is only Bipin Rawat that dies in a mysterious chopper crash and he was very friendly to our beloved leader unlike all his replacements.

Perhaps our Great Leader's pusillanimous behavior regarding the two enemy neighbor nations is because he doesn't have trust in the officerdom of the forces, that they will deliberately lose any war we get in with huge casualties at the behest of foreign masters just to dethrone great leader?


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Nov 24, 2023
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"The ambassadorship has given the close Biden ally the opportunity to relaunch his political career thousands of miles from the lingering scandal at L.A. City Hall."



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Nov 24, 2023
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"Ministers aid seafarers caught in Baltimore bridge crisis
‘Everyone’s still kind of rattled and trying to figure things out,’ said the Rev. Joshua Messick, who has Bibles ‘in every conceivable language’ to distribute upon request."



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Nov 24, 2023
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"Christian humanitarian group, Free Burma Rangers (FBR), has been well-known since the 1990s for bringing international and local volunteers into ethnic states of eastern Myanmar where minorities have fought back against the military."

“We do humanitarian training for all who want it – not military training,” FBR founder and former US special forces soldier David Eubank

.Problems in Manipur have blessings of USofA
.Taken together with incident of Baltimore bridge mv Dali and special interest taken by reverends in gentrifying Indian heathens aboard ( if any)

It's clear indian soul harvesting is still a goal of USofA administration.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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"Christian humanitarian group, Free Burma Rangers (FBR), has been well-known since the 1990s for bringing international and local volunteers into ethnic states of eastern Myanmar where minorities have fought back against the military."

“We do humanitarian training for all who want it – not military training,” FBR founder and former US special forces soldier David Eubank

.Problems in Manipur have blessings of USofA
.Taken together with incident of Baltimore bridge mv Dali and special interest taken by reverends in gentrifying Indian heathens aboard ( if any)

It's clear indian soul harvesting is still a goal of USofA administration.
Harvested souls give them leverage on India
when harvested souls riot or otherwise bait the majority community and there are some human right violations results.
harvested souls tend to be the sc/st people so anyhow they resent the other tribes for good reason.

100% harvested areas like the NE and northern Burma result in full blown secessionist insurgencies backed by religious feelings and Uncle Sam's aid

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Global ’Think Tanks’, sing the tune of whosoever pays them. These institutions whether located in America or Britain have the same master. These are opinion maker and advance their own national policy. Although the appearance is of honesty but honesty is limited to whatever they are looking for. Interestingly, to supplement their own flimsy research work, they will hire consultants either supporting their view point or supplement their own view point.

In case of India, the view point in the State Department has been molded by a bunch of Washington/New York consultants. They are blinded by India’s purchase of cheap oil from Russia hence in addition to whatever the State Department politicians already wish to do is supplemented by these consultants. All the advisors they hire for a particular job are eminent in their field but are politically opposed to India emerging as a power in South Asia. Hence, all the advice they tender is anti India.

That is the State of affair in the U.S. State Department. It is anti-Indian now. We will have to wait until the November US elections when the Democrats most likely will loose and the department will be purged of these elements.


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Mar 22, 2021
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Yes, that discussion group was refreshing. Linda Curtis at any time is a friend of India.

It's bad enough when Americans( of non-Indian ethnicity) act judgemental, arrogant, scrutinising and condescending toward India, in these think tanks. It's even worse when Indians or persons of Indian origin put on those airs as well. Long description short, there was an Anita Bhatia in some tank, who decades ago wrote a long article on India's space programme, counselling India not to continue with its launch vehicle development, because of its possible dual use linkage mainly. She closed the article with a condescending "India must review its policy options" Eeeeech


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Feb 28, 2016
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the usual suspects, the fact that this lot is still able to get away for years without participating in proper debate on their opinions which have inbuilt deniability, that are essentially dog whistling in favour of extermination of native culture and religion of India, is a travesty on "intellectualism".

CFR 5/15 Religion and Foreign Policy Webinar: India's 2024 General Elections
It's by design, they are not "getting away" with anything, they don't want to show "India's PoV" but what they want to their audience to see India as.

All this stems from their cold war era mindset of containing India.
Which itself stems from their PANIK reaction when we didn't balkanize 10 years after independence like they expected to


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Containing India is an obnoxious, disgusting idea for whomever in the U.S is advocating and implementing it. India is not expansionist, militaristic, colonising, totalitarian or dictatorial. India is not imposing culture or language on anyone. And India is positively not promoting anyone else's ideology and system( Russia' s or China's or Iran's, Saudi) all over the world. So the hostility of whatever degree from these institutions, and by extension the deep American state, has got to be from the long term concern and fear of inter- mercantalist competition, and the real possibility of other developing countries being inspired by India's example. Less profits and market share for U.S companies in a variety of sectors. The same thing the Brits didn't like about India.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Containing India is an obnoxious, disgusting idea for whomever in the U.S is advocating and implementing it. India is not expansionist, militaristic, colonising, totalitarian or dictatorial. India is not imposing culture or language on anyone. And India is positively not promoting anyone else's ideology and system( Russia' s or China's or Iran's, Saudi) all over the world. So the hostility of whatever degree from these institutions, and by extension the deep American state, has got to be from the long term concern and fear of inter- mercantalist competition, and the real possibility of other developing countries being inspired by India's example. Less profits and market share for U.S companies in a variety of sectors. The same thing the Brits didn't like about India.
All contained countries are so because they are not slaves to the US, all these pearl-clutching moral issues are just jhumlas to wrap their containment in.
If they were so concerned about morality, Pukeistan wouldn't be their greatest ally in the Indian subcontinent.

They want to contain us because they fear we will be so big and powerful that we can become a large pigeon who will shit all over their well layed out chessboard of US-China cold war.

We have the potential to reach EU/China levels in size of GDP or exports value, domestic consumption, military power etc, such a power which is not aligned to your Burger-or-Chowmein binary is a danger to the (((world order)))

Imagine India so powerful that it will tip the scales in favor of who's side it enters in the New Cold( or hot ) War, that is what they don't want, that is their nightmare scenario.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Containing India is an obnoxious, disgusting idea for whomever in the U.S is advocating and implementing it. India is not expansionist, militaristic, colonising, totalitarian or dictatorial. India is not imposing culture or language on anyone. And India is positively not promoting anyone else's ideology and system( Russia' s or China's or Iran's, Saudi) all over the world. So the hostility of whatever degree from these institutions, and by extension the deep American state, has got to be from the long term concern and fear of inter- mercantalist competition, and the real possibility of other developing countries being inspired by India's example. Less profits and market share for U.S companies in a variety of sectors. The same thing the Brits didn't like about India.
another explanation could be, outside of a few institutions like pentagon, majority of murican institutions have moved away from pragmatism/realism to idealism as basis of their institutional core values, this shift accelerated during unipolar moment, the delicate balance between realism and idealism has been heavily skewed in favour idealism. this also explains disconnect between their own institutional opinions and ground realities.

in india's case it's a trifecta,
cold war purists don't like India ,
abrahamic lobbies don't like India,
left liberals don't like India.

all three are powerful lobbies within U.S, and it is a multi million $ industry in itself. it's a content creation (primarily literature) industry, so it needs to keep creating content to sustain their revenue flow.

in the larger scheme of things, India does not occupy murican policy mindspace, simply because neither GoI nor Indian industry spends much money on lobbying within U.S. in absence of which, the incumbent anti-India lobbies have a much larger voice. India is just one of the many chessboards the super power is playing the game with.

then the question arises, should India give hafta to murican "perception management" vasooli gang ?
no matter how much is spent, domestic lobbies can outspend Indian spending.

pakistan used to spend a lot in U.S for kashmir cause lobbying, when pakistan itself is in real poly crisis all that spending, all that decades of cultivating assets on murican soil were of no help. which can be interpreted as no matter how much is spent, it is going to be a transactional relationship.


Regular Member
Feb 27, 2023
Containing India is an obnoxious, disgusting idea for whomever in the U.S is advocating and implementing it. India is not expansionist, militaristic, colonising, totalitarian or dictatorial. India is not imposing culture or language on anyone. And India is positively not promoting anyone else's ideology and system( Russia' s or China's or Iran's, Saudi) all over the world. So the hostility of whatever degree from these institutions, and by extension the deep American state, has got to be from the long term concern and fear of inter- mercantalist competition, and the real possibility of other developing countries being inspired by India's example. Less profits and market share for U.S companies in a variety of sectors. The same thing the Brits didn't like about India.
I'd also add some more reasons:
-The west hates countries that describe themselves as civilizational states. India, China and even Russia fit into that civ. state mold.
-The don't like the wild card in foreign policy that is India. It's a very binary allies-axis way of thinking: You're either with us or without us. If you're without us: that means you hate democracy, hooman rites, free press etc and can be relegated to an authoritarian state.
Pakies are also wild cards(between US and China), but they are too small to matter anyway. It's the large wildcards that they dislike the most.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Vox's article is a sustained virulent attack without even a tidbit of balance or contrary perceptions. Everyday on TV discussion programs in India, there is direct and implied criticism of the government and of the BJP/ Modi. If the government were so intolerant, the same people wouldn't be coming on TV day after day saying more or less the exact thing! That whole clichéd thing about " I have family in India" is so much rubbish. India is not a drug cartel or Guatemala and El Salvador in the 1980s. There should also be a little reminder of Goa in 1961 and whom Western governments and the vast majority of the Western media sided with. And of 1971 and what happened in the Bay of Bengal, to support what type of ideology in Pakistan. Those are just examples from the Indian subcontinent.
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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all three are powerful lobbies within U.S, and it is a multi million $ industry in itself. it's a content creation (primarily literature) industry, so it needs to keep creating content to sustain their revenue flow.
@Blademaster @Varoon2 or anyone familiar with U.S university systems.

is it possible to roughly calculate value of economy of anti-India academic propaganda in terms of salaries , departmental funding , tution fees etc, academics promoting anti-India themes would be drawing from murican universities?

say there are 300 such academics + 300 teaching assistants + departmental grants + tution fees of 5000 students , or whatever might be the appropriate proportion might be, how much would this economy be?

assuming berkely, UCLA, stanford, harvard, georgetown etc will have financial details publicly available, for estimates.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
@Blademaster @Varoon2 or anyone familiar with U.S university systems.

is it possible to roughly calculate value of economy of anti-India academic propaganda in terms of salaries , departmental funding , tution fees etc, academics promoting anti-India themes would be drawing from murican universities?

say there are 300 such academics + 300 teaching assistants + departmental grants + tution fees of 5000 students , or whatever might be the appropriate proportion might be, how much would this economy be?

assuming berkely, UCLA, stanford, harvard, georgetown etc will have financial details publicly available, for estimates.
No idea. Those data are not readily publicly available. You would have to do tons of sifting through data gained from data-mining, curate published reports regarding such positions and conduct several surveys to get data.
Feb 16, 2009
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Containing India is an obnoxious, disgusting idea for whomever in the U.S is advocating and implementing it. India is not expansionist, militaristic, colonising, totalitarian or dictatorial. India is not imposing culture or language on anyone. And India is positively not promoting anyone else's ideology and system( Russia' s or China's or Iran's, Saudi) all over the world. So the hostility of whatever degree from these institutions, and by extension the deep American state, has got to be from the long term concern and fear of inter- mercantalist competition, and the real possibility of other developing countries being inspired by India's example. Less profits and market share for U.S companies in a variety of sectors. The same thing the Brits didn't like about India.
when will India ever learn nobody is ever going to reward it for being a good boy and
playing by the rules?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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when will India ever learn nobody is ever going to reward it for being a good boy and
playing by the rules?

We have stopped being good boys and playing by the rules how much ever possible without resulting in sanctions and ensuing damage to economy and dhandho.

If we played by (((rules))), we wouldn't buy S400, we wouldn't get the 10 year chabahar port deal and we wouldn't be importing oil from Russkie.

The rule enforcers also don't want to push us too hard lest they make another enemies in times where they have few real allies

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