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  1. sorcerer

    India's Star war program

    India Developing Space Weapons
  2. sorcerer

    India's Star war program
  3. sorcerer

    India's Star war program

    Bridging Rhetoric and Reality: Harnessing Space Capabilities for India’s Defence Introduction Military space affairs are the flavour of the season. A veritable cottage industry grows around it, not only in India, but all across the globe. In case of India, the surfeit of visions and doctrines...
  4. sorcerer

    India's Star war program

    Starting this discussion to discuss mainly three ambitious projects by India. DURGA [Directionally Unrestricted Ray-Gun Array] KALI [ Kinetic Attack Loitering Interceptor] AVATAR ["Aerobic Vehicle for Transatmospheric Hypersonic Aerospace TrAnspoRtation] A New Frontier.. Boosting India's...