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  1. S

    Indian Army for better frontline infrastructure

    I have got my answer. Thanks.
  2. S

    Indian Army for better frontline infrastructure

    @Ray, any ideas as you have the most direct knowledge of the situation. Is there any way to improve the situation?
  3. S

    Indian Army for better frontline infrastructure

    What is the purpose of these shelters? To protect from elements mostly (and to protect from rifle fire). Even a concrete shelter will not save from indirect fire. If the situation escalates, then open ground is better than the shelter as you can move on open ground. India will also use artillery...
  4. S

    Indian Army for better frontline infrastructure

    It is always best to construct with locally available materials. Army must be able to adapt. Army will be required to sustain and fight in unfamiliar areas. Nothing wrong in building "sengars" etc. Trenches, "sengar" etc. are perfectly fine for shielding from direct fire. The speed of...
  5. S

    Indian Army for better frontline infrastructure

    It is always best to construct with locally available materials. Army must be able to adapt. Army will be required to sustain and fight in unfamiliar areas. Nothing wrong in building "sengars" etc. Trenches, "sengar" etc. are perfectly fine for shielding from direct fire. The speed of...