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  1. patriots

    Project Kusha - Programme LRSAM/PGLRSAM/ER-SAM/XR-SAM/ERADS Missile Systems

    Tender for different components of M1 is LRSAM is already out
  2. patriots

    Project Kusha - Programme LRSAM/PGLRSAM/ER-SAM/XR-SAM/ERADS Missile Systems “Medium-Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM), Akash New Generation missile defence systems, Air Defence System Kusha, Ballistic Missile Systems Pralay are all the contracts we are expecting to sign sometime in the coming year,” he said at the briefing.
  3. patriots

    Project Kusha - Programme LRSAM/PGLRSAM/ER-SAM/XR-SAM/ERADS Missile Systems

    If India wants a s400 like system First thing should be a universal luncher which will be able to fire different missile s with different range