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  1. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    That's badly ture.A chinese youth was killed by CPC yesterday coz he cursed the leaders of CPC in a web forum.
  2. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    CPC government should learn something from your government in cracking down the separatists in china.
  3. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    Could I suggest you to watch first part of "India Reborn". I don't know what it said is right or wrong.If it is right,the muslims' life in india would be very miserable.
  4. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    Could I suggest you to watch first part of "India Reborn". I don't know what it said is right or wrong.If it is right,the muslims' life in india is very miserable.
  5. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    sorry,but how i could know that Ray si a military pro.
  6. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    I didn't contend like you said.I just saw you are talking about going to make a war.So i came in and craked a joke.
  7. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    there are mongols,kazakhs,tajiks,...In Xinjiang province. This illustration will give you concept of xinjiang's population.
  8. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    lol: ******,sum and proportion are two concept. PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS MILITARY PROS AS BUDDY
  9. M

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    according to India-Pakistan sub-system program,these regions whose popualtion mostly are Muslims belongs to Pakistan.Kashmir's people are mostly muslims.Why you want to occupy it? Nehru said:"Kashmir is indian hat",so you will fighting for this "hat"?