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  1. fire starter

    Science, technology and innovations in India

    JNCASR Researchers Invent Economical, Energy-Efficient Wafer-Scale Photodetector.
  2. fire starter

    Science, technology and innovations in India

    Home-grown Maritime Traffic Management software to be ready in 2022, says IIT Madras.
  3. fire starter

    Science, technology and innovations in India

    IIT Delhi developed a new technology and built “Hydrogen fuelled Spark-Ignition Engine Generator" The new engine developed hydrogen in internal combustion engines for zero-emission with higher thermal efficiency
  4. fire starter

    Science, technology and innovations in India

    It's a huge break through.
  5. fire starter

    Science, technology and innovations in India

    Indian, US researchers develop algorithms to get clearer images from futuristic lensless cameras.