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  1. ezsasa

    Terror strikes France again: Over 73 dead in Terror Truck attack

    One thing must be said though, any body remember when was the last time the whole world was terrified of something across the board? I remember conflicts since Ireland, Chechnya, Lebanon and some more in Africa. These were localised in nature. But never was one thing which has terrorised...
  2. ezsasa

    Terror strikes France again: Over 73 dead in Terror Truck attack

    There you go, the cycle starts again... BBC is reporting... More than 20 people in Germany injured after a man with an axe went on the rampage on a train - German media
  3. ezsasa

    Terror strikes France again: Over 73 dead in Terror Truck attack

    Aramco is 50-50 share between America and Saudi government( in effect Saud family). If democracy comes in Saudi, it can be used by some other country to remove Americans from the picture.
  4. ezsasa

    Terror strikes France again: Over 73 dead in Terror Truck attack

    I doubt we will be seeing any change in attitude from French government. At best we will see a announcement that one or two squadrons of rafale will be added in the iraq region. There is a reason this country has been occupied twice, and needed outsiders to come and free them both the time. In...
  5. ezsasa

    Terror strikes France again: Over 73 dead in Terror Truck attack

    France on the way to become the next belgium....