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  1. cannonfodder

    The Case For The ARS

    Some form articles that refer to use of AI:,unmanned%20aerial%20vehicle%20%28UAV%29%20that%20usually...%20More%20 Apparently US already used some form...
  2. cannonfodder

    The Case For The ARS

    Haldi, I really doubt that, they must have moved to something better under the hood without advertising it. You can look up ticker symbol PLTR, its an AI company already getting US forces contracts to improve efficiency in forces/govt. This company is in operation getting contracts for about an...
  3. cannonfodder

    The Case For The ARS

    Rise of machines is in-evitable. Didn't you get Elon Musk's memo? :troll:
  4. cannonfodder

    The Case For The ARS

    I see what you are saying. Over time, I really imagine this will give evolve into some kind of AI based system to make sure no false alarms & the complexity to cover all possible scenarios to make it effective deterent for adversary. Might gain some situational awareness as humans will keep...
  5. cannonfodder

    The Case For The ARS
