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  1. T

    Pakistanis want to be Arabs?

    Amazing. You would justify his statement saying he doesn't represent 200 million Pakistanis, and then go on to categorize 1.4 ***** BILLION Indians as racist using NON-EXISTENT racist statements. I am south Indian and proud of it. Not one single time has anyone on DFI except for perhaps another...
  2. T

    Pakistanis want to be Arabs?

    The guy racist against South Indians was indeed your compatriot DEJAVU who was calling them black "african immigrants". Before being patronizing, atleast check what your own side said.
  3. T

    Pakistanis want to be Arabs?

    Funny how even the "late" sangam era literature predated Mohammed by 600 years. (~300 BC - ~100 AD). In fact, Tamil had Grammar books before Jesus was born. The thirukkural is basically a book of 1330 commandments, so not only were South Indians MORALLY advanced compared to the Arabian THUGS...