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  1. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    Do you expect Indian Gvt to recruit personal body-guards for its total population? When terrorists plan for an operation they make enough home work. So 9/11 could not prevented. Not attack in Mumbai. But atleast we expect from our neighbours that they will not allow any extremist groups to run...
  2. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    Faruqi........... most of us want peace- be it in India or Pakistan. Still it needs a miracle to bring in peace. Hope we will learn more from you about what common people think about India (which does not permeate upto here through the paronia prevailed in the sub-continent.) Here I just can...
  3. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    So you give your opinion principly even whn you dont know you will prove you know much about Kashmir....
  4. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now? for the Balooch.....
  5. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    So, when people of a communist country become so sensitive about religion...! Why a simple thing doesn't enter your brain.....Pakistan was an Islamic nations formed by those regions where Muslim leagues got majority in election. Kashmir was an independent state before partition and it joined...
  6. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    No plebiscit is possible now I think...millions of Hindus have been driven out of Kashmir by the militants making a fair poll may have read about the massacre done by Pakistan backed militant groups against the minoroties. New generation Kashmiris want to join the main stream of...
  7. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    If politicians were little more careful situation in Kashmir would have become much better......good infrastructure, employment opportunity, education....India could have won the heart of Kashmiris much before present violence that crept in around end 80s. Kashmiri youths having more employment...
  8. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    Does our government support any possibility of a poll to decide the fate of Kashmir....If yes,....When?......If no,.....When it will recover its region from Pakistan and China.. Since the days of Neheru the situation has not moved a bit....
  9. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    true ...he allowed Pakistan to control 37% of Kashmir instead of driving them out what ?Our Army could have done. Kashmir gets much focus...what's the situation in Northen areas?
  10. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    Anyone please provide information about northen area of it belonged to Pakistan?
  11. Sabir

    Kashmir conflict-India should act now?

    Does Kashmir belong to India? Does Kashmir belong to Pakistan? ……………..Kashmir conflict remained a burning issue in the sub-continent since Independence and no solution has come out…nor any such possibility in near future. India claims the entire former Dogra princely state of Jammu and...