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  1. DingDong

    Pakistanis want to be Arabs?

    I see a walking, talking bomb is preaching morality. How beautiful.
  2. DingDong

    Pakistanis want to be Arabs?

    Most of these theories have been proven to be 100% :bs: Most of the Indian Ethnic Groups belong to this country, we separated from the rest and bred with the local groups for long enough to be distinguished as indigenous. The linguistic similarities some experts talk about are primarily because...
  3. DingDong

    Pakistanis want to be Arabs?

    This is what Abu Bakr, so-called prophet's right-hand-man used to do during medieval times, this is exactly what ISIS replicates now. Khalifa Abu Bakr - Apostacy Campaign Against Taleah He who refuses to accept Islam, and persists in hostilities will be given no quarter. Force will be used...