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  1. Angel of War

    India-Iran Relations

    Keeping Iran away from pakistan china triangle is impossible . A lot of their strategic and economic interests co incide . After the signing of the 400 Billion dollar pact with china iran has openly showed to india that china matters more to them than india , another example would be the...
  2. Angel of War

    India-Iran Relations

    Iran is a islamic republic governed by Sharia Law and it is porhibhited to follow any other religion publicly other than Shi'ite Islam . They aren't sensible . They persecuted parsis because of which all of them came to india . In Iran the Supreme authority is the Ayotollah who is not only a...
  3. Angel of War

    India-Iran Relations

    Some day or the other our relation with iran will deteriorate to a no return point as india US and India israel ties grow deeper and stronger
  4. Angel of War

    India-Iran Relations

    Our strategic interests in the middle east and the Gulf rest on the indo - Arab - israeli Triangle .
  5. Angel of War

    India-Iran Relations

    India and Iran's interests don't align with each other . Whenever we diplomatically engage with israel there is always some discomfort felt in tehran . They have many times openly supported Kashmiri terrorists and their muslim clerics have issued many fatwas against indian army in kashmir . They...
  6. Angel of War

    India-Iran Relations

    We need a few supporters for india in the muslim world . Most suitable countries would be Saudi , UAE , Oman and Indonesia