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  1. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    well they are just phoney their definition of atheism means simply being anti hindu or anti dharmic , being atheist means equal contempt for all religions. i am okay with removing the temple but then churches , mosques , gurudwaras all need to go.
  2. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    dude being atheist is not bad , i am sort of atheist myself although that has nothing to do with hating on religion but more to do with scientific approach of which i am in favour of. but i am fiercely nationalist so i hate all forces that are out to harm the country whether internal or external...
  3. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    that's exactly what happened you have to agree to the stuff that you wholeheartedly disagree with its sort of like a mental gag reflex but really had to tone it down. my friend and family circle is your typical librandu self hating circlejerk except my mom and dad they are pro BJP and proud...
  4. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    I will neither confirm nor deny.
  5. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    let me get in first , its not easy. I scored low in interview before, being from engineering background it was hell to study polity, sociology and didn't score well in mains and blew the interview as well.
  6. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    Left my job in US to do this , so definitely will try my best :)
  7. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    it was really tough bro , i almost had falling out with the teachers most of them are commie islamofags but i brainwashed myself to cram that nonsense , finally cleared the exam waiting for the interview.
  8. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    Indians need to get this through their head that we don't give a flying fuck about afghanis they are also jehadis just like porkies , except they are on our side, we need to make sure afghanistan remains unstable and no one power can emerge as a clear ruling entity so that we can continue to use...
  9. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    Apparently the ISPR is now photoshopping fake bullet proof jackets to fool the awam into believing that they are being provided with all the equipments properly and aren't just used as cannon fodder and sent to fight in just salwars cheap ak47
  10. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    "I hope nobody has died" "I hope nobody has died" Me Too Bro Me Too
  11. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    Ohh that's my bad then , i thought clinically meant completely or methodically , but you get the idea. As far as destroying is considered should the day comes when we have to go to war then India must fully use nuclear as pre emptive strikes to wipe out their critical bases , infra structures...
  12. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    If violence is not solving all your problems then you aren't using enough of it. jokes aside being ruthless doesn't turn us into savages , i did not mean go torturing random people because of differences or whatever. but we need to clinically destroy porkistan and kill every porki , i don't...
  13. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    showing no mercy to enemy is totally justifiable , we need to outgrow our dharmic traditions and be totally ruthless hurt them everywhere , media ,trade , intellectual space , war. no mercy no emotions for porkies.
  14. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    i stopped reading after that, you were doing so good packie , but you finally revealed your true self, can't hear the truth about your pisslamic death cult , and your paedogod moho and whore aeysha?
  15. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    can we ban this packie please??? look at this lame attempt for hindi , his pakistaniyat is clearly showing? @ezsasa please?
  16. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    s Someone finally who pronounces LaWhore correctly , so proud of you😭
  17. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    not really im just showing my disgust for your kind , we don't need your delusional world view here so get fucking lost on the off chance you are not a packie or muzzie then you are a libtard which is even more dangerous than those scums.
  18. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    how can you not see that he is a packie or a muzzie?? this hate of BJP and this delusional world view that somehow china or pakistan were indian friends before BJP. pakistan from the day of its existence has never accepted india and wants to capture delhi and is a eternal revisionist entity ...
  19. OnePunchMan

    India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

    yes i can punch you in the face packie, get fucking lost , go shag a goat or something