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  1. tarunraju

    2019.10.1-military parade celebrating PRC's 70th founding anniversary

    Locked thread to prevent necromancy.
  2. tarunraju

    2019.10.1-military parade celebrating PRC's 70th founding anniversary

  3. tarunraju

    2019.10.1-military parade celebrating PRC's 70th founding anniversary

    Trust me, the British Army, or even the Indian Army, isn't any less professional. Nor do I imply that your army is any less professional. Our marching columns have men of different heights, with slightly different strides. Communist marching formations consist of people handpicked by height...
  4. tarunraju

    2019.10.1-military parade celebrating PRC's 70th founding anniversary

    March-past is a display of discipline, not precision. If you watch western (or even Indian) marches, the focus is on discipline, not precision. We're trying to show that there's discipline, there are imperfections, but that only shows that the soldiers are humans and free citizens of our...
  5. tarunraju

    2019.10.1-military parade celebrating PRC's 70th founding anniversary

    More than the equipment I find the precision marches impressive. It almost looks like CGI.