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  1. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    Honestly if Hindus invested their efforts in proselytizing and propagating the tenets of the religion- in purely non aggressive fashion- to the masses you would see demographic upticks amongst Hindus in the U.S. Unfortunately the lack of desire in doing such a thing and the overall insular...
  2. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    So destroy Judaism and Christianity just to get at Islam? Really, you think this sort of thinking is normal?
  3. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    So? If tomorrow I baselessly claim to be your brother and for us to have the same parentage, does that mean anyone who had an issue with me should also hold a grudge against you?
  4. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    Lol no, Islam is just a hijacking of Jewish prophets + Jesus mixed with Arab vagabond worship, pedophilia and an illiterate prophet to boot. No I’m neither Sikh or Christian.
  5. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    You’re describing Islam. That’s not what Judaism or Christianity teach.
  6. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    So then why do you only have an issue with Abrahamic faiths? After all, every human and teaching/practice is different.
  7. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    If they are just various ideologies, then why are they fundamentally different in teaching and practice?
  8. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    I think it's "bad" that people are denied their authenticity and have others dictate what they are. Sikhism is not the same as Hinduism, neither is Buddhism. There are differences in theology. Neither believe in the absolute authority of the Vedas nor do they affirm the validity of caste and...
  9. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    Why do you think this is somehow a good thing? You clearly don't understand the point I'm making, so i digress... Anyways, we were talking about Hinduism and not Buddhism. Sikhs believe in only one God. Same with Zoroastrians and Ba'hi. Do you have an issue with them as well?
  10. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    A Hindu prince who denounced Hinduism. Ashoka's spread of Buddhism was through soft power/cultural dispositions. Non-military.
  11. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    Yeah but all of that has really only been put into practical application within India. With the exception of my Tamil Chola ancestors, no other Hindu kingdoms expanded their territory over non-Hindus via military zeal. Just the facts. Hinduism is its own worst enemy in the lack of...
  12. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    Comparatively, Hindus haven't lost as much historic territory to Islamic conquests as other religious communities. Christians lost all of what-is-today Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo and the Palestinian territories...
  13. Tamil TigerWoods

    Are the Hindus Destined to Become an Extinct Race?

    Lol late thread bump but this requires a weigh-in. 1) Hindus are not a race. 2) Hindus are not destined to go extinct. The only true and concrete way for any community- be it religious, ethnic, racial, etc- go extinct is via military assaults and subjugation. Given that Hindus still number...