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  1. apple

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    Don't bother talking sense to him. That guy is an insane genocidal lunatic
  2. apple

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    I have no idea who the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights are and they are the organisation the article quoted. So, can't really defend them, you could be right. P.S. Try a bit harder Mad Indian, maybe I'm available for conversion :wink:
  3. apple

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    I'm not trying to convince you, just offering evidence for the non crazies that may have some how ended up reading this thread. And seriously, your response to me is RT :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: If you believe RT, I hope you hold on to your mummy' s when you cross the road. P.S. I can't see...
  4. apple

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East Observatory's figures also suggest the air campaign waged by a US-led coalition in the past 13 months has killed IS members at a higher rate while harming civilians less. The...
  5. apple

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    More ISIS are getting killed by Western aircraft than Russian, and we've been killing them for a couple of years now, not a couple of weeks.
  6. apple

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    :facepalm: Yeah sure thing, Putler... Hezbollah are heroic freedom fighters and Assad's Syria and Iran are shining lights for humanity