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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    You are right. Thanks for the heads up. :)
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    I guess it all boils down to how you define "Asia owning the 21st Century" This is how I define it. It's not enough that India's and China's GDP will be top 1 and 2 as that means more about sustaining 2.5 billion people instead of "winning" the 21st century. Asia would also have to: [We are...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    I was talking about a future you and I will not live long enough to see :P I know it's quite silly, but I care for that future even for just a little bit. Anyways, all in all, I believe the 21st century will be close battle between whites and asians with no clear cut winner unlike you guys...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    I did not claim their education was better. I was trying to point out that my example (not my thoughts) and saty's claim are both silly. Crime rates in Asia is not necessarily lower than West. I think Europe has like 3 murders per 100k people, Asia's is 2.9 this year. Although India's rape rates...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    The concept of Per capita/gdp is not bad at all. What's wrong is that every country is seen through the eyes of the Dollar. They are constantly comparing themselves to others. A country should see its per capita/gdp through it's own perspective ,currency, standards.
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    1. We are for Asia, that's clear. But let's not get childish and silly. Claiming what you just claimed is just as credible as claiming the West educated us with western infrastractures and western brains and that's why we are succeeding. :P 2. Meh. That's like a silly random youtube comment...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    I repeat, I never claimed the colder North is more favorable than than the temperate south. Just not as bad as you think it is. Technology will chime in, global warming, big or small, will have it's say as well. Of course we want a dominant Asia :p I'm just not convince Asia has bagged and...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    Like I said in my previous posts, there is no Russian population boom. I was talking about a potential. I never said colder climates are more favorable to temperate ones. But it's not as bad as people say it is, especially whites. Didn't Russia make India's carrier in the "uninhabitable" North...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    Yes, high population density has a lot to do with favorable weather. But lets not kid ourselves and ignore the fact that poor people have a knack for giving birth to more children than they can handle. Trust me, I live in the Philippines. :P Europe's and Russia's climate do suck, but not so...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    There is no Russian population boom. Although it is growing. I'm not talking about a direct boom like China's and India's, more so a potential. Russia is unbelievably sparsely populated. There is a lot of room to grow. I don't know about you but I think a lot of Europe's economic...
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    The same way India was a BIG ZERO 30-50 years ago???? This century will NOT belong to browns and yellows if Russia submits to the West! You are vastly underestimating the potential population boom of Russia. Isn't population the very seed of Chinese and Indian resurgence?
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    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    In my opinion the truth is somewhere in the middle but still slightly towards US/West/Whites. Why? 1. People severely underestimate the reality that a lot of the "Russophobia" in the West has to do with the fact that the people in power there grew up in the Cold War. These people are slowly...