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  1. Martian

    China has built 490 WS-10A turbofan jet engines

    China's indigenous WS-10A turbofan engine is an engineering marvel. It doesn't smoke. This means there is no oil leaking into the engine's combustion chamber. This requires perfect machining of aerospace parts to ensure no oil can leak through an imperfect gap. This requires a 3-micron five-axis...
  2. Martian

    China has built 490 WS-10A turbofan jet engines

    At AsiaWind, Mr. Liang was kind enough to translate part of the article. Quote from the article: "年均生产约45至55台之间,可以说已经形成了较大的装备规模,不过与我国采购的近千台AL-31发动机相比,仍然有差距,不过万事开头难,未来,我军将有更多战斗机使用国产发动机,年均生产量也将提高到每年100台以上。" Translation by Liang: The average annual production is between 45 and 55 [WS-10A...
  3. Martian

    China has built 490 WS-10A turbofan jet engines

    China's WS-10A turbofan jet engine test. ---------- Source (Use Google Translate): 中国太行发力年交付490台 即将摆脱对俄依赖 - 突袭新闻 "China Taihang [WS-10A turbofan jet engine] force delivered 490 sets about to get rid of dependence to Russia 2015/8/1"