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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons This thread has a video that I had watched yesterday and I was waiting for US chamchas to say something. I don't think they are going to, now. They are too blinded by their love for US to see what the rest...
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    Why are people able to believe : 1) that an ASAT weapon can target a satellite in orbit, 2) that a orbiting HTK weapon can target a fast moving missile or even 3) that a ground based missile can target a small warhead, while at the same time disbelieving that a AShBM can hit a lousy lumbering...
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    What if they are able to track and destroy the launchers. Easiest part of the equation. And they have lots and lots of missiles and capabilities to do that. Both sides will lose the WW-3. So no point in this observation.
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    YW-4 a damaged tracking cum intel ship was used for target practice before IOC stage of DF-21D. After that claims of DF-21D being able to hit slow moving targets came in. This was sufficient to convince US that DF-21D is in IOC stage induction. Obviously a CBG cannot keep moving around at 30...
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    @jackprince, I don't think you quite appreciate what threat a good submarine poses and how difficult it is to catch enemy subs. US is the best in the ASW capabilities and Swedish subs have breached their defences (Thankfully for US they are friends with Swedes). Russians subs are regularly...
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    I think that is a bit too harsh. To think over a few things: 1) Why did the PLAAN claim that they can shut India up with 10 subs? I mean why did they not rely on their surface fleet? What reason was given to them not to think about that? 2) Given that India has a big coastline with hardly...
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    What is happening is that people have a resistance to change. They have been 'educated' that this happens some way and then they do not want to change, no matter what. What is the range and associated re-entry...
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    What will happen after this last time. Hope you don't do anything drastic :D. Anyways, at what highest Mach number would you expect a ballistic missile RV to be able to hit a moving target?
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    Off course it is at the cost of Nuke Subs. The budget is not going to expand much. Anyhow looks like our friends in US don't think we deserve to have hypersonic scramjet based MARVs. Wonder why! WU-14 has rattled out friends in USA so much that they cannot allow it even to their best friends -...
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    Indian Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks against most of today's weapons

    1) If DF-21D is a theory then all ballistic missiles ever made after Polaris were a waste of time. And the Chinese would not gather much from WU-14. Something coincidently that is being developed by everybody in the world today. A ballistic missile is not merely a rocket that goes up and comes...