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  1. S.Balaji

    Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

    Last i have heard from CVRDE is from last week of July last this news is 7 months old... dont know its current status now....In July i had an opportunity to speak with guys in tank power packs that time Bharat power pack designing was completed...prototyping not...
  2. S.Balaji

    Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

    I think it is a paid article to bad mouth Arjun i remember last July when i spoke at an CVRDE guy associated with the Arjun program at Chennai he said specifically that they have successfully shaved off 3 tonnes of Mk2.... at that time they were testing an all electric drive instead of...
  3. S.Balaji

    Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

    CVRDE folks said 3 tonne has already been shaved off...weight reduction is still a work in progress...even the tank that was displayed for the DRDO expo last month was taken off of weight reduction trials..that tank was being tested for replacing the current 'electro hydraulic system' with an...
  4. S.Balaji

    Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

    I was at the DRDO Expo conducted at CVRDE Chennai .....had an opportunity to speak to the people working on tank power packs...they said as far as Bharat pier pack s concerned only designing has been completed...prototyping not done....current status it is awaiting funding to bring in external...
  5. S.Balaji

    Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

    They are tight lipped on the achievable weight reduction.....It s still a work in progress so more weight reduction can be expected..but will it reach 60 answeres for hunch is if 60 tones can be achieved they would have said so team member lamented quoting...
  6. S.Balaji

    Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

    We currently source arjun engines from MTU rated at 1400 hp... MTU r world leaders in tank power packs..Abrams tank's locally built gas turbine engine failed in gulf war's sandy conditions making them to source diesel engines from MTU, now acquired by Rolls Royce power took MTU 12...
  7. S.Balaji

    Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) Mark II

    Had opportunity to speak with CVRDE guys at Chennai during the DRDO expo. They said they have managed to reduce the weight of the tank by 3-3.5 tons and it was is an work in progress to meet other requirements of the user with most requirements completed.Reg missile firing capability lahat seems...