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  1. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Saurav Jha's Blog : Interview with the Chief of DRDO, Avinash Chander -Part II
  2. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Thum! Kaun Aata Hai?: DRDO to Fast Track Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) Development
  3. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    IISc Bangalore.
  4. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Not in production but not far away from it. GE F414 family (EPE variant) EJ200 family (already built with plenty of scope for growth EJ220/EJ230 etc)
  5. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Plenty of universities are taking part in this project, however they are contributing at a more fundamental level (dielectrics, radar absorbing optically transparent material, frequency selective surface materials etc). There are two large(-ish) panel displays exhibited in India. This is the...
  6. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Is it official ? - No Is it grounded anyway in reality ? - No Is it connected in anyway to the information available about the project ? - No Then it's just mental masturbation and a waste of time and bandwidth, akin to discussing Schroedinger's cat, the hen and the egg conundrum or the...
  7. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    @makmohan you got fooled by something that was created by editing AMCA brochure on MS Paint ;) Please refrain from posting fanboy/unsubstantiated CGI art.
  8. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Sweet. 10 characters
  9. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    WTH are you talking about, of course it does have serpentine air intakes. No configuration of AMCA was without serpentine intakes.
  10. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    One of the many configurations that was under study at that time. The one at AI13 is what they will proceed with.
  11. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    You probably confused me with someone else, I was saying the same thing ;)
  12. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Not a full RCS testing but expensive repairs and significant amount of testing is required for stealth aircraft. The biggest advantage of F-35 that is being advertised is field repair capability of the panels without degrading the RCS.
  13. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    The largest anechoic facilities as they exist today in India CABS:- 35 x 18 x 18 meters used for testing AEWC&S antenna and other EM emissions. This is the newest facility and has come up only last year or so. LRDE:- 20 x 16 x 6 meters, used for EMI/EMC testing of radars, Tejas and Arjun...
  14. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Just wait for FSS based multilayer metamaterial rams to get cheaper. Each layer of the composite would be printed with micro electrical resonator circuits like it is done on printed circuit boards, resulting in a composite panel with wideband radar absorbing properties, including UHF and beyond.
  15. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    ^^ It's not about simulations of models, it's about the imperfections resulting from production techniques (surface fastners, gaps and edge alignment issues in panels, surface undulations) that can be rectified and improved upon before production, perfection is easy to reproduce, real life...
  16. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    ITO coatings on canopy are a fairly basic process. ITO in itself is not a radar absorbing material, rather it's application on canopy increases the conductivity of the surface manifold thereby increasing the radar reflectivity. It is applied on the canopy to have a more controlled reflection due...
  17. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    In that case you'd have to read/hear/see more ;) Just an example: ex USN and IN aviators being involved in naval Tejas project.
  18. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Re: Kaveri Engine I would like to correct my post here. Ej-200 Inlet size: 700mm M-88 Inlet size: 700mm Rd-33 Inlet size: 740mm GE-f404 Inlet size: 700mm to 787mm depending on variants. GE-f414 Inlet Size: 810 mm Current Kaveri Inlet size: Data unavailable in public domain. Those...
  19. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    According to the latest reports, the MTOW would be ~ 27 tons. The superhornet reference was an obvious mistake and meant for aspect ratio not weight and size (*cough* saturday night alcohol *cough*). It is going to be a very long-ish fighter for its width, very much in MiG-29 category as far as...
  20. Twinblade

    AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)

    Re: Kaveri Engine In terms of dimensions and MTOW, it should be somewhere between MiG-29K/MiG-35 and super hornet, considering which 75/110KN engines don't seem excessive.