Search results

  1. Okabe Rintarou

    HAL Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv

    These are from the 257 Squadron. Till date publicly confirmed squadrons of Rudra in Army service are:- 251, 252, 254 and 257. Going by squadron numbers and the fact that all these squadrons are newly raised for the Rudra itself, I am guessing Rudra squadrons are all numbered sequentially...
  2. Okabe Rintarou

    HAL Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv

    Since they are ordering for ships, I don't think they can change the orders now. They can't put 10 ton bird if the flight deck and hangar of their ship can only support NUH. Plus, its the Navy, not the Air Force or Army. So I am plenty confident that we'll see 111 ALH Dhruv as NUH. Only issue is...