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  1. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Even building barrage will slow down the river flow enough for us to squeeze porki balls.
  2. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Now its time to Scrap Indus water Treaty stop all the water of rivers flowing towards porkistan. Even grass needs water to grow, starve them to death.
  3. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Look at these beautiful , tall and handsome Porkistanis why do they need food to eat when there is ample of grass available.
  4. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    And now Pakistan is more developed than South East Asia. :pound: :rofl:
  5. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Again you don't have statics to prove yourself and why should we take your words as gospel truth? Who are you? Just bcz u visited posh areas in Pakistan doesn't mean whole country is like than. Try to visit karachi and Waziristan.
  6. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    I presented you the official statics do u have any anything to prove yourself except hollow talks which are just based on brain farts and illogical assumptions.
  7. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Lol stop smoking afghan weed porkistan and Bangladesh are no where near India when it comes to infrastructure.
  8. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    This is the first post of this thread literally nothing has changed in the last 12 yrs.
  9. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    They can hide a whole f16 falling on their territory and the regular death of their soldiers so why can't they hide these small deaths. There is no free media in Pakistan for your kind information every thing has to be get approved by army first.
  10. fire starter

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    True same thing happened with Iran also .