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  1. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Turkey lowered their interest rates leading to rise in inflation n lira falling. Turdogan wants growth at all costs
  2. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Chicken are excellent locust cleaner. They feed on it. U get free protein. But our government arent pro active
  3. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Tbh we are in no position to laugh at others when our own record is dismal and embarrassing
  4. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Pakistan is in a strategic position. Every superpower will try hard to bring it under its influence
  5. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    World will not let a nuclear power to go down. And this loan money will be spent on defence purchases and paying chinese loans.
  6. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Who cares??reality matters and not what someone mocks on twitter. imrani had said that half of Pakistans population shits in open
  7. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    They will use this money for military equipments nad also American ones , hence money returns to America
  8. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Chief justice Iftikhar was probably bought off by the company , he suo moto cancelled the deal lol
  9. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    No foreign company will invest in Pak then and their credit ratings will suffer , Pakis will probably negotiate the amount with the company
  10. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Yes ,they are lucky , without gulfies they would have been bankrupt till now
  11. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Everyone should watch this video lol keh ke le li isne pakiPaki ki
  12. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Russia will never live in China's shadows , Russia and China are natural rivals , The chinese dream of unipolar Asia while Putin wants to regain soviet glory , current alliance is dur to circumstances and common enemy the US. When the Chinese start exerting more influence ,clash is bound to happen
  13. Deathstar

    Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion

    Absolutely foolish pakis think that CPEC will solve their all problems lol , idiots think such articles are conspiracies of the west and India to derail iron biradar