Understanding white supremacy/nationalism

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Posting from Stormfront

TLDR: We fucked everybody, now we are afraid they will fuck us back.

Chapter V: Who are our adversaries and why do they oppose White Nationalism?

A. Nonwhites

One half of Americans born in 2011 are nonwhite. Since other races have much higher birth rates than whites, our descendents will be a minority in a country our ancestors have built from scratch, turning it into the most technologically advanced civilization in the history of mankind.

White countries currently flooded with third world immigrants such as France, United Kingdom, Holland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand appear doomed as well, but will likely retain their white majorities longer than the United States.

Considering that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be surrounded by nonwhites, it is very important to discern racial attitudes of these alien peoples. Will they allow our apprehensive descendents to survive as a race, or eventually destroy white communities altogether, as in Haiti, Zimbabwe and South Africa?

Historical grievances fuel the hatred toward whites

Unfortunately, our descendents will live among extremely unfriendly neighbors who harbor deep-seated animosity or outright hatred toward whites. Without exception, alien races and ethnicities flooding or already present in white countries blame us for their national traumas and social pathologies.

Let’s start with American blacks, who were enslaved by whites for 250 years and legally discriminated against for another 100 years. Beset by a host of seemingly intractable social problems and permanently stuck at the bottom of the social pyramid, blacks hold grudges and harbor hatred against the whitey whom they blame for their misfortune.

American Indians blame whites for stealing their lands, destroying their cultures and for their numerous social problems, including pervasive alcoholism. Their Latin American kin blame Christopher Columbus and white conquistadores such as Hernan Cortez and Francisco Pizarro for the destruction of their native societies.

Mexicans additionally hate gringos for taking away more than half of their young country’s territory at the end of Mexican-American war in 1848. Victorious Uncle Sam, under the leadership of one of the greatest, yet relatively obscure American president—North Carolinian Democrat James Polk—annexed Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, much of Colorado and chunks of Oklahoma, Kansas and Wyoming (the landmass equal in size to about 56% of European Union). Most Americans are not even aware of this event that is forever etched in the collective memory of Mexican-Americans, a community that is about 33 million strong and growing rapidly. Their national organization called La Raza (The Race) and student organization M.E.Ch.A. (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan—an area ceded to U.S.), present on every campus and indirectly subsidized by taxpayers, are intent on recapturing ‘their’ land.

Judging by the seemingly endless exodus of whites from California, where we are now a minority and where white children comprise maybe one-third of newborns, the plan to recapture American Southwest is running ahead of schedule.

What kind of government would invite and encourage alien invaders to take over American territory, while subsidizing their treacherous activities? Obviously, a government that is anti-American and pro-Mexican!

What do other non-white communities in the United States think of their generous hosts? They all harbor antipathy and historical grievances against whites.

Chinese-Americans are indignant about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which prevented this alien race from overwhelming United States more than a century ago. Chinese apparently regret that they missed an opportunity to wrestle away the United States from whites long before Mexicans ultimately did it themselves.

Japanese-Americans, whose home country launched a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, spent some time in internment camps after that infamous event. Immigrants and American citizens of German and Italian origin were also sent to internment camps during WWII. Aggrieved Japanese extracted a groveling mea culpa from U.S. Congress, which completely ignored the plight of our unfortunate white neighbors, whose only crime was that they were named Hans or Giovanni. These victims received no apology and no compensation. 99% of Americans do not even know that white Americans were placed in internment camps during WWII.

Our own elected representatives apparently consider whites ‘lesser’ constituents who deserve no compassion. If overwhelmingly white U.S. Congress, proud home of the Congressional Black Caucus, discriminates against us today, imagine how they will treat whites when a member of the Nation of Islam becomes the speaker some day?

Speaking of Farrakhan’s organization, the Somalis, who have invaded overwhelmingly white, German-Scandinavian Minnesota, are also black Muslims who deeply hate white Christians. U.S. government officials have repeatedly expressed concerns over Somali ties to radical fanatics who are waging a never-ending civil war against each other in their ungovernable homeland.

Somali youth occasionally take a break from committing violent crimes in the United States in order to take part in the mayhem going on in Mogadishu. Once in their native Africa, they are often recruited for jihad against the reviled Yankees who came to their homeland in 1993 to help, only to be savagely butchered as the black hawks went down. American troops later dismantled the Taliban and finally murdered their beloved hero.

Importing masses of antagonistic, radical black Muslims is clearly the most effective way to destroy white Christian countries. The preview of future attractions that these hostile aliens have in store for us are traumatic events of 9-11.

Does anyone understand why Americans continue to facilitate the destruction of their own country by importing aliens from faraway lands who dislike us, many of whom hate us and some of whom want us dead?

Let’s examine the attitudes of third world immigrants currently flooding Europe toward their white hosts.

Millions of Hindu, Sikh and Pakistani immigrants are slowly turning Britain into European Punjab. As the smell of curry replaces the smell of fish and chips and Sharia law gradually replaces British common law, burgeoning ‘South Asian’ population is laying the groundwork for ‘getting even’ with the descendents of hated viceroys, who ruled their lands with iron fist for many years, and reviled nabobs, East India Company white servants who became wealthy through corrupt trade and other practices.

London was the site of a series of terrible terrorist attacks in July 2005 as four Islamist homegrown terrorists (British children of ‘peaceful South Asian immigrants’) detonated bombs across London’s transportation system. These traumatic events did not awaken white Britons to the perilous future awaiting their grandchildren. Neither did the massive riots that engulfed Britain in August 2011, which included brutal violence against whites, widespread looting, arson and massive destruction of property.

Finally, who could forget Richard Reid, another peaceful Islamic Brit, commonly known as the shoe bomber, whom we can thank for having to take our shoes off in order to pass through airport security?

Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it. Sadly, it will be our beautiful great-grandchildren and their descendents who will pay dearly for our sins.

An excellent example of pervasive, deep-seated antipathy toward us and our heritage that is fueled by historical grievances is anti-British and anti-white attitudes of 44th American president. One of the first official acts of this son of a Muslim tribesman from Kenya (who was surprisingly, a chronic alcoholic and unsurprisingly, a rampant polygamist) and a radical, white Kansan mother was to return the bust of Winston Churchill, displayed in the Oval Office in the wake of 9-11, back to the British. This traumatized son of Kenya apparently blamed the former prime minister for the supposed torture of his grandfather at the hands of British troops in this former colony. It turned out that grandpa Hussein, who served as a cook in the British Army, was never detained or tortured, but instead compensated for his services.

The United States has enjoyed a special relationship with Britain for at least a century. Unfortunately, our national interest in maintaining such relationship with our British kin is of no concern to a black president, whose heart and mind is in his African homeland.

This example also illustrates pervasive anti-white attitudes among mixed-race children, themselves a peculiar reminder of sexual practices prevalent in multi-racial societies. Despite their hefty dose of white ancestry, these children inevitably prefer their non-white side and often become more anti-white than genuine blacks. The lack of racial identity apparently creates confusion in their heads and turmoil in their hearts, according to the autobiography of self-reflective Kenyan, who also worried that he was too much like ‘suburban blacks, students who sit with whites in the cafeteria and refuse to be defined by the color of their skin’. Rejected by whites and teased by blacks, these disoriented children often act ‘blacker’ than genuine blacks in order to gain acceptance.

Similar mental pathology is common among black, Asian and other nonwhite children adopted and raised by white families.

U.S. attorney general, who judging by his appearance, speech and demeanor, may have more white than black ancestors in his family tree, is a radical black nationalist who blatantly discriminates against whites when enforcing federal law. Many Americans were shocked when he refused to prosecute two black-clad members of the extremist New Black Panther party who were intimidating ‘crackers’ in front of the polling place in Philadelphia in November 2008 by waving baseball bats, threatening and insulting whites whose only crime was their desire to cast a ballot, an incident that was caught on tape.

During the House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on March 1, 2011, the attorney general said: ‘Think about that. When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there, to what happened in Philadelphia—which was inappropriate, certainly, that… to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people.’ Apparently, a person in charge of the Department of Justice has two standards for prosecuting offenders: a harsh one for the ‘crackers’ and lenient for ‘his (African) people’.

But wait, isn’t that the same gentlemen who, on February 18, 2009, in his first major speech since being confirmed as attorney general, told an overflow crowd celebrating Black History Month at the Justice Department ‘… in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways a nation of cowards.’ and that ‘We, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race.’?

Well, Mr. AG, we have decided to take you up on your offer and expose your deplorable hypocrisy, shocking anti-white attitudes and astounding double standards that should alarm even your white liberal acolytes.

If we are treated with such contempt by aggrieved, polished black elite that is actually half-white, imagine what our grandchildren will have to endure at the hands of mostly primitive and often violent genuine blacks from the ghetto, once we become a racial minority!?

During 2008 presidential campaign, our first lady, an embodiment of an ‘angry black women’, relied on her ‘street credibility’ derived from being a descendent of slaves, to vouch for the ‘blackness’ of her mixed-race husband in front of the black audience. In the wake of her endorsement, the victorious Kenyan trounced his primary opponent Hillary Clinton by a 4 to 1 margin among black voters.

Bill Clinton was dubbed ‘the first black president’ for his love and support for Africans. Nevertheless, black voters turned their backs on Clintons the moment they had an opportunity to vote for one of their own, prompting the former president to complain ‘They played the race card on me!’ Yes they did and the same fate awaits all other ‘useful white idiots’. Once nonwhites become a majority, they will get rid of their white liberal allies just like they got rid of Bubba.

But why would otherwise intelligent and educated white liberals allow black uber-nationalists, with whom they share a tense and superficial relationship devoid of any substance, to use them as a tool to destroy their white kin?

Isn’t our desperate struggle to survive as free people their struggle as well? Won’t millions upon millions of unborn whites be all together in the same boat regardless of the political beliefs and misconceptions of their confused ancestors?

While naïve whites cast their vote based on candidate’s stances on various issues, non-whites always ‘vote their race’. What kind of political and economic future can we then expect for our children in tribal United States? Perhaps a similar dynamic that is observed in Kenya, where Kikuyu, Luhya, Kalenjin, Luo, Kamba, Kisii, Mijikenda, Meru, Turkana and Maasai tribesmen vie for power in order to subjugate each other and then distribute the spoils of corrupt government to their friends and family. But how can sinking to the level of tribalism prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa possibly benefit a civilized nation that put the man on the moon—some 40+ years ago?

Our unfortunate descendents will eventually be dispossessed, assimilated or annihilated by alien races we are relentlessly importing and coddling. What kind of people would plan the destruction of their own offspring?

The hatred for whites and Christianity is not limited to non-whites living in Anglo-American societies. In France, alienated Arabs have taken control of many suburbs, so-called banlieues (the equivalent of U.S. ‘projects’), where French police no longer dare enter in order to suppress the violence and rioting that occurs in these enclaves on a regular basis. Since Arabs harbor grievances against whites because of French harsh colonial rule in North Africa and atrocities committed in Algeria in 1950s and 60s, importing millions of young, violent and disaffected Arabs that neither can, nor want to assimilate in French society, is a recipe for trouble. This is evidenced by weeks of rioting that engulfed France in October and November 2005, featuring massive participation of blacks from Francophone Africa who don’t have fond memories of their former colonial master that continues to meddle in their nations’ affairs to this day. What happened to the peaceful, civilized French society of yesteryear?

Ethiopians, who were conquered by Mussolini in 1936, are today pouring in Italy, as do Italian ancient enemies Libyans and Tunisians (‘Saracens’). As these predominantly Muslim immigrants invade the cradle of Catholicism, forcing the removal of crosses throughout Italy, the Pope is extolling the virtues of Islamic faith and the need to incorporate Muslims into Italian society!

It may be too late for another former colonial power, Holland, to survive the onslaught of alien races. Dutch are increasingly leaving their overpopulated homeland to make space for masses of Muslim radicals (including their former subjects, Indonesians) who are very unhappy with the way Dutch live their lives. Whites who offend Islam are typically butchered, while Dutch women are routinely raped by virtuous Muslims who disapprove of their liberal lifestyles, all in accordance with Islamic morality.

Rapes of Norwegian women are common as well. True, Norwegians have never had any colonies and have not harmed other races. Their misfortune is African males’ obsession with blond, blue-eyed women whom they have never seen in their native habitat. The same dynamic is present in neighboring Sweden where Arabs rape native women with impunity.

The vast majority of alien races invading our homelands are rabidly anti-white. As long as they are minorities, they will grudgingly abide by our laws. Once they outnumber us, our descendents will become their prey, as unfortunate white Zimbabwean and South African farmers who are currently hunted across the savannah like animals can attest.

In rare moment of honesty, Recep Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, once compared democracy to a tram ’You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off.’ Please note that his country has been negotiating entry into European Union for several years now.

To accelerate the destruction of white, Christian Europe, anti-white saboteurs need a massive influx of many Muslims over a relatively short period of time to overwhelm white resistance once and for all. Turkey, with its rapidly growing population of 75 million mostly young, primitive and aggressive Muslims, is a demographic weapon of mass destruction. An additional benefit of incorporating Turkey into European Union is potential massive illegal immigration from neighboring Syria, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan and many other distant countries via this friendly Muslim nation right into the heart of Europe. All of this is taking place even though the Turks, according to the collective memory of southeastern Europeans, who suffered terribly under their occupation for centuries, are remembered as bloodthirsty Asiatic savages who relished in impaling white Europeans on tree trunks, shish kebab style.

Despite their hatred of us, nonwhites would not leave us alone!

Since the dawn of mankind, no ethnic group has ever wanted to be oppressed by others. Those who were oppressed relentlessly fought for ethnic separation, autonomy and independence, sometimes over the course of many centuries. The entire human history is a never ending struggle between the conquerors that build and finance empires by subjugating other nations or ethnic groups and oppressed ethnicities that break up empires in search of separate homelands. This dynamic resulted in the creation of record 193 countries currently recognized by the United Nations, including 46 white European nations.

But look at the absurd dynamic of race relations in the United States, where aggrieved, allegedly oppressed minorities would not, under any circumstances, leave us whites alone?!

When whites fled from alien races to the suburbs, they followed us.

Are you working hard so that you can afford to send your children to a good, white school district? Before you know, the student body will turn brown again! If you advise your daughter to seek protection among whites in high school, since our children can only rely on their kin in these often violent and treacherous multiracial environments, black boys will inevitably come over to badger her, proudly exposing their underwear by wearing their pants down around their knees. If this is the enrichment provided by ‘diversity’, we are opting to stay poor!

Do you prefer to be surrounded by whites when you go to work, to a restaurant or a gym? Alien races won’t tolerate white facilities either!

Why are we allowing our nonwhite overlords to control how we live our lives? If they behave like this now, while they are still minorities, imagine the level of control they will impose on us and our lives once they become a majority?!

What is particularly absurd about this dynamic is that in their private lives, blacks and Mexicans almost exclusively associate with their own and have no interest in being around us (unless, of course, they are preying on vulnerable white females, trying to lure them into sexual relationships).

Churches are the most segregated institutions in America, because people decide by themselves which congregation to join. (Sorry, our estranged white liberal kin, you are not welcome in black churches either!)

But if they don’t want us to listen to rambunctious black ladies scream, cry, sing and dance, scaring the bejesus out of everybody in their Pentecostal churches, why do they use every opportunity to invade our communities?

Why wouldn’t nonwhites strive to separate from their alleged oppressors, as did every other aggrieved minority in the history of mankind, save for a peculiar tribe of people whose pathology we’ll expose in the next section? Because nonwhites have an overwhelming economic interest to feed off of us like parasites.

If blacks seceded from White America their standard of living would quickly descend to the levels observed in sub-Saharan Africa. Their souped-up Cadillacs, Nike shoes, the rule of law and semblance of civilization would quickly disappear, to be replaced with shanty towns, brutal violence and out-of-control AIDS epidemic.

Blacks and other nonwhites understand this very well and so do we, White Nationalists.

Terrifying outlook for our people

Ethno-nationalism has been by far the most powerful agent of change throughout history, destroying multiethnic societies with ruthless effectiveness. Will this enduring, ironclad dynamic that is rooted deeply in human nature magically disappear, as white liberal catechism, a hodgepodge of hypocrisy, wishful thinking and outright nonsense, would want us to believe?

Can a heterogeneous society consisting of peoples from all corners of the globe that belong to different races and have different languages, cultures and traditions miraculously become cohesive like traditional, ethnically homogenous countries?

If that optimistic assumption underlying massive importation of alien races is false, the United States will crumble from within, as squabbling ethnicities pull it apart. If all these peoples eventually race-mix with each other, creating another variation of the mestizo race, this ‘nation’ will stay together.

In other words, white Americans will be either permanently stuck in the multiracial quagmire developing today, or assimilated out of existence. What kind of a choice is that and why can’t we remain free to live as we please in our own, white homelands? How can we support that right for Tibetans, but not for our own people?

Let’s try to discern which of these two scenarios, a bad or a catastrophic one, will prevail.

Unfortunately for us, we will experience both! If these trends continue, ignorant whites and our self-hating, estranged liberal kin will eventually be race-mixed out of existence. Nationalistic Africans, mestizos and Asians, antagonistic and often hateful toward each other, will continue to fight amongst themselves just as Kenyan tribes do today.

The only people who can prevent this horrific vision from becoming a reality are White Nationalists.

Considering that we are the only obstacle standing in their way, is it really a surprise that our nonwhite adversaries want us and everything we stand for gone, once and for all?

Most importantly, will you assist them in their relentless efforts to put your, our and all white families out of existence?

@Razor @captscooby81 @pmaitra @aditya10r


Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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In terms of racism? Maybe. But in terms of actual real world destruction, we can't hold a candle.
True.Though i must say i praise white community for their hard work that brought various scientific and mathematical advancements and their classical western music,they're responsible for various problems that whole world is facing,racism towards non-white community being first,another is exploitation of planet earth.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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True.Though i must say i praise white community for their hard work that brought various scientific and mathematical advancements and their classical western music,they're responsible for various problems that whole world is facing,racism towards non-white community being first,another is exploitation of planet earth.
I honestly feel most days that we would have been better off uncivilized and living in bliss in the wilderness. Fuck modern life.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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True.Though i must say i praise white community for their hard work that brought various scientific and mathematical advancements and their classical western music,they're responsible for various problems that whole world is facing,racism towards non-white community being first,another is exploitation of planet earth.
If we would have been schemers or expansionist people controlling most of the world resources at time then even we would have developed world much more than whites.


Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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I honestly feel most days that we would have been better off uncivilized and living in bliss in the wilderness. Fuck modern life.

Though i am not advocate of such detachment.Sure,Technology has created a lot of destruction,it is responsible for a lot of good things,too.Problem with the whites is that they have created and spread 'winners take all' kind of society whole around the globe,and all the scientific advancements had given them power to do so in most ruthless way possible.



Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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I honestly feel most days that we would have been better off uncivilized and living in bliss in the wilderness. Fuck modern life.
What you are experiencing is feeling of helplessness. This happens when you are not in position of power and you can differentiate right from wrong and you know what is going on. Yet have no power to change course of actions.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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What you are experiencing is feeling of helplessness. This happens when you are not in position of power and you can differentiate right from wrong and you know what is going on. Yet have no power to change course of actions.
Pretty much. But having an existential crisis of some sorts as well. Immigrate to Western country, obediently buy house, do gadha mazdoori, grow old and die. What's the point? :laugh: Anyway.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Though i am not advocate of such detachment.Sure,Technology has created a lot of destruction,it is responsible for a lot of good things,too.Problem with the whites is that they have created and spread 'winners take all' kind of society whole around the globe,and all the scientific advancements had given them power to do so in most ruthless way possible.
Their society is empty to the core. Their religion is superficial, mind controlling and fake. Their family values are non existent and most marriages end up in divorce. Their women are sluts who are focussed on utilizing their gender for maximum gain and pleasure and men are either rabid after power or feminine libtards. Beyond their big buildings, flashy cars and technology they have nothing.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Their society is empty to the core. Their religion is superficial, mind controlling and fake. Their family values are non existent and most marriages end up in divorce. Their women are sluts who are focussed on utilizing their gender for maximum gain and pleasure and men are either rabid after power or feminine libtards. Beyond their big buildings, flashy cars and technology they have nothing.
Whatever we say , they are cunning. They are ruthless. They are schemers . We are not. That is the only reason we may fail.
Till Indians don't become cunning we will not succeed. And RWers in India are bunch of chutiyas . They think from their heart not brain.


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Apr 28, 2017
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Google has cancelled the domain registration for The Daily Stormer, the company confirmed to news outlet BusinessInsider. After GoDaddy kicked the neo-Nazi website off its service on Monday, a "whois" search for the domain had noted that the website had moved its domain registrar to Google. In a statement, Google said, "We are cancelling Daily Stormer's registration with Google Domains for violating our terms of service." Last week, The Daily Stormer posted an offensive article about Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old legal assistant, who was killed by a car that 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. drove into a group of protestors at the Unite the Right white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday. A message purportedly posted by hackers appeared on the Daily Stormer a few hours ago, The Guardian reported. Anonymous hacker group has taken credit for "hacking" the website, according to the message posted on the website, which adds that the editing rights of the website are now in the hands of anonymous. It remains unclear, however, whether the site has actually been hacked.


Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Written by a random Storm Fronter not anybody prominent but still a good insight into how the inbred, stunted, white trash brain thinks.

The Ten Eternal Truths of White Nationalism

By: Curt Dietrich

1. A White Nationalist places their race above all and makes any and all sacrifices necessary to further the cause of White Nationalism and the advancement of our people.

2. A White Nationalist does all they can to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

3. A White Nationalist takes pride in the history, cultures, values, morals, and accomplishments of their people and live by those standards set by our ancestors.

4. A White Nationalist strives to exemplify class, strong character, and a standard of excellence at all times so that they never let their people down.

5. A White Nationalist cultivates camaraderie and fosters unity amongst our people for we will triumph together as one or we shall perish alone.

6. A White Nationalist thinks before they act so that they do not bring shame, harm, or disgrace to their self or our people.

7. A White Nationalist strengthens their body through healthy living, sharpens and hones their mind through the pursuit of knowledge, and fortifies their spirit with steadfast determination in order to become the personification and vehicle of White Nationalism and victory.

8.A White Nationalist lies not to their comrades and people; for they are our family and honesty is our virtue.

9. A White Nationalist adds special significance to the concept of honor and will not accept any transgression against their cause, people, or their person.

10. A White Nationalist never surrenders, never retreats, and would rather die than accept any defeat.


Regular Member
May 30, 2017
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Not sure if relevant, but just as info, in the context of white supremacy, the number 1488 has a special meaning. It's actually a 2 part number where 14 is the number of words in the sentence "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" coined by the famous David Lane. And 88 is about the 8th letter of the alphabet which is H, hence 88 signifies HH or Heil Hitler.

This number in part or whole can be seen as a tattoo on the followers.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Not sure if relevant, but just as info, in the context of white supremacy, the number 1488 has a special meaning. It's actually a 2 part number where 14 is the number of words in the sentence "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" coined by the famous David Lane. And 88 is about the 8th letter of the alphabet which is H, hence 88 signifies HH or Heil Hitler.

This number in part or whole can be seen as a tattoo on the followers.
It is relevant, thanks for posting. Not only the number but lately even drinking milk from a jug in public is a white supremacist theme. Evidently blacks can't process milk that well so they show up for photo ups with a jug of milk.

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