The Syrian Crisis


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Mar 21, 2009
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The Syrian security forces seized a large number of weapons and ammunition destined for Nusra terrorists in the west of Kalamun.

In Damascus, security forces detained a large batch of weapons destined for the Jebhat An-Nusra terrorists in the mountainous areas of Calamun Al Gharbi.

A source in the security forces told the correspondent of the SANA agency that the employees of the Office for Combating Terrorism had detained a lorry with weapons and ammunition produced by the United States and France. This truck was heading for the Jebhat An-Nusra bandit formations in Calamun Al Gharbi, against which the SAA and the forces of the Lebanese National Resistance are engaged in a fierce struggle.

According to the source, the car had a large number of ATGMs and hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers (RPGs) of American and French production, machine guns and sniper rifles of Western production.

According to the source, such a number of weapons indicate that the countries supporting terrorist groups continue to supply them, violating the norms of international law and in defiance of UN resolutions.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Syrian army is advancing in the province of Rakka moving to the Deir ez Zor

Syrian army is advancing in the province of Rakka moving to the Deir ez Zor of the

Syrian army, the unit "Tiger" and its allied tribal militia managed to advance towards the very capital of the militants of the banned in Russia organization "Islamic State" - the city of Rakka, Stopping the advance of the Kurdish formations to the southeast of the city. It is reported that extensive territories were taken, including several villages with the nearest oil and gas field, and progress continues even now. Now the Syrian army and allied formations are located several kilometers from the border with the province of Deir ez Zor. The aviation of the Russian Air Force and the Air Force of the SAA is providing massive support to the Syrian army in the province of Rakka, striking at positions, objects of vehicles of Islamic state militants.

There is also evidence that a meeting was held between the command of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the Syrian army and the tribal militia, and a treaty was signed, following which the units of the Syrian Democratic Forces commit themselves to transfer the territories of the southern and eastern part of the province of Rakka to the control of the Syrian government. According to the Syrian military commissars, detachments of Kurdish formations were handed over yesterday to the village of Ukayrish under the control of the Syrian army. In addition, there is evidence that more and more fighters join the tribal militia, both local residents and fighters of the Arab detachments of the "Syrian Democratic Forces."

As can be seen from such a rapid advance, the defense of the IG seems to be in a deplorable state, most likely after serious losses in battles with both the Kurdish formations and the Syrian army, the "caliphate" detachments could not recover until now and organize a serious line of defense . Also, the IG is very limited in maneuvering as many of their reserves now reside near the town of Akerbat, in the province of Khama, thus preventing the threat of encirclement of the entire IG faction at the junction of the province of Khama and Homs. Adding problems and the constant pressure of the SAA near the city of As-Sukhn and near the T2 airfield, where the line of defense of militants is also held with great strain, and small counterattacks and raids on the supporters of the government army do not yield significant results. It is worth noting and very significant activity of the Air Force of Syria and VCS of Russia, not allowing the black infantry to regroup and create a serious line of defense in the places of the breakthrough of the Syrian troops. All these very encouraging news from the front give hope for the speedy deblocade of the city of Dair al-Zor and the subsequent dismemberment and destruction of the strongest detachments of the IG. And small counterattacks and raids on the supporters of the government army do not yield significant results. It is worth noting and very significant activity of the Air Force of Syria and VCS of Russia, not allowing the black infantry to regroup and create a serious line of defense in the places of the breakthrough of the Syrian troops. All these very encouraging news from the front give hope for the speediest deblocade of the city of Dair al-Zor and the subsequent dismemberment and destruction of the strongest detachments of the IG. And small counterattacks and raids on the supporters of the government army do not yield significant results. It is worth noting and very significant activity of the Air Force of Syria and VCS of Russia, not allowing the black infantry to regroup and create a serious line of defense in the places of the breakthrough of the Syrian troops. All these very encouraging news from the front give hope for the speediest deblocade of the city of Dair al-Zor and the subsequent dismemberment and destruction of the strongest detachments of the IG.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Today it was hot in other public places, in the morning the SAA stormed Sukhnu, already entered the city, the ISIS either retreated or leaving the mined areas, or they were beaten out in heavy fighting. Then there was a counterattack, heaps of corpses, repulsed, not beaten, heaps of idyllic reposts, emotions ... and we have silence ... Well, we've made our way to Sukhni for a week, well, that's all. Boring in our public some ..



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Another hole in Nusra in Western Kalamun, in which they managed to organize the production of ammunition



Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
Their are no Major attack at Deir-ezzor for more than a month...after Siege of Raqqa begins there are reports of heavy offensive by ISIS on Deir-ezzor with 10000 men...seems ISIS leave Deir-ezzor mission...and now strengthen defense on Al-Bukamal, Quim, Mayaden etc... last remaining cities in Euphrates region....Syrian leader might get a breathing space.....


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Heroes Deir-Ez-Zor.
Today, the SAA fighters were able to cut one of the two supply channels for the IG fighters (banned in the Russian Federation) based on the city's cemetery. Recall, this is one and the zones that the wedge divides the besieged enclave into two parts.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Maps of the database on the border of prov. Racca, DeZ and east of Syria.



Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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the garden has been cleared up ... what will be grown.

i dont know yet if that is good is that bad but i am learning everyday.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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# SAA # IG # Rakka # Tiger forces

During the evening of July 30 and the night of July 31, the tribal militia, led by the Directorate of Military Intelligence of the UAR, together with the contingent of the Tigris division, managed to fully regain the initiative in the battles with the terrorists of the "Islamic State" On the southern bank of the Euphrates in the province of Er-Raqqa.

As of 15:00 on July 31, the advancing group of government troops took control of settlements Subeybat, Mukla Kabir, Kubbat Abu Ahmad, Mukla Sagir, Salim Hammad and the Harrar Valley. Some of these settlements were mentioned yesterday as IG fired off by the militants, therefore, it is logical to assume that yesterday there were fierce clashes in these areas, which eventually resulted in the displacement of the militants to the east and west.

In addition, another militant group of government forces also took control of the Khirbet Abu Mattar area a few southeast, near the provincial border of Deir ez Zor.

Thus, in addition to strengthening the bridgehead for the invasion of the province of Deir ez Zor,


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