ISI targeting Daily Tawar the only Baloch publication: Wants it shut


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Mar 24, 2009
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Occupied Balochistan:Daily Tawar publishes from Balochistan has been receiving several threats from Pakistani intelligence agencies from the day of its Publication said Khadam Lehri Baloch "editor of Daily Tawar".

Pakistani government some years back banned on Tawar publication and stopped giving governmental advertisement." Pakistan considers Tawar an anti Pakistani newspaper which aims to do propaganda against Pakistan and spread violence among the masses of Balochistan a senior official of Tawar said.

According to the sources Pakistani government didn't leave any gap to ban on Tawar but the people from Balochistan supported Tawar from their own. Pakistan military forces at many times surrounded daily tawar head office in Karachi and tried to abduct the chief editor of daily tawar. Lala hameed Baloch a senior journalist of Tawar was abducted by military forces last year and his mutilated body was found in outskirt city of Gwadar. Not only Hameed Baloch laid his life working for Tawar but Tawar born too many heroes in the shape of Ahmed Dad Baloch, Nawaz Ahmed marri and Shakir Jan.

Daily Tawar is the only newspaper in Pakistan for which reporters work free of cost. Tawar faces many difficulties like threats from agencies and burning its publication so many times. Some days back Mr. Naseer Rind Baloch a working journalist from Balochistan and ex sub editor of Daily Tawar was abducted in Balochistan by Pakistani intelligence agencies is still missing. Not only Tawar's reporters and correspondents feel themselves insecure in Balochistan but every journalist belonging to any channel or newspapers feel themselves insecure from Pakistani intelligence agencies. Balochistan is passing through a very rotten condition especially for journalist. Frontier corps including military forces has sensate the pure journalism.

According to the latest sources Tawar once again is surrounded by Pakistani intelligence agencies in Karachi and Governmental forces are not letting the journalist to work properly. A senior journalist from Daily Tawar on the bet of anonymity told us "unknown men wearing civil dress creating problems for us while coming in office, they threaten us to leave Tawar and cut the electricity supply in working times, ask for Khadam Lehri and miss behave with us" Daily tawar in its today's publication wrote that" Tawar once again is surrounded by Military forces, facing difficulties for its publication and the life of working journalist is in danger "

Balochistan is passing through a very critical and troublesome time for journalists. The Baloch journalist including Daily Tawar have already sought help from the international organization of human rights and international union of journalist to help securing Baloch journalist in Pakistan and to control the ongoing situation. If the international organizations including journalist union remain silent even now and didn't pressurize Pakistan to change its murderous policies, then soon journalism in Balochistan will go to the Stone Age period.

Click Here to see online edition of ''Daily Tawar''

Daily Tawar facing many difficulties for its publication - News - News : Baloch Johd

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