Indian Army Armored Vehicles


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Aug 21, 2010
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DRDO`s Small IFV to counter terrorist ..

Each vehicle cost nearly 50 lakhs or more, That is coz the vehicle is basically imported and the rest of work is done in the workshop, Hence extreamly expensive, Such vehicles should be under 1 lakh ore lesser, For that everything need to done in India ..
Tata had showcased a similar vehicle at DefExpo ''Tata Micro Bulletproof Vehicle''. According to me the Army and Paramilitary should be useing them instead of imported platforms.
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
The problem is with tata ones its design for NSG, Runs on batt for silent approach and not design to go over rough terrain ..

The one DRDO made has tracks and runs on fuel, It gives an idea what Army is looking for ..

Tata had showcased a similar vehicle at DefExpo ''Tata Micro Bulletproof Vehicle''. According to me the Army and Paramilitary should be useing them instead of imported platforms.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Its indeed modified, Cannot say heavily as its been upgraded with ERA and mine plough ..

The tank is Ajaya MK1 in Indian term ..
first i wanted to post it as MK2, but didnt knew what internal upgrades were, so just simply posted Ajeya


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Mar 28, 2013
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India Rejects BMP-3 Offer, Will Maintain FICV Program
NEW DELHI — India will not shelve its homegrown $10 billion Futuristic Infantry Combat Vehicle (FICV) program in favor of advanced Russian BMP-3 combat vehicles.

The decision was conveyed to the Russian side at the Nov. 18 meeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation held in Moscow, officials said.

During Russian President Vladmir Putin's visit to India last December, the Russians offered to transfer technology for its BMP-3 infantry combat vehicles if India agreed to shelve its indigenous FICV program, which will see production of 2,600 vehicles to replace aging BMP-1 and BMP-2 combat vehicles.

The FICV program will now get rolling as debate over the Russian proposal had pushed the FICV project into the background, said an Indian Defence Ministry source.

An executive of Russia's Rosoboronexport in New Delhi said the company made the BMP-3 proposal because the Indian Army sought the vehicles, but the Defence Ministry would not agree with the condition that the FICV program be shelved.

The FICV project will be in the "Make India" category, which means only domestic companies will be able to compete. The selected company or consortium will develop an FICV prototype on its own although the government will fund nearly 80 percent of the development costs. Thereafter, production will be done in India by the winner.

The FICV project was approved nearly five years ago. Since then, India's Mahindra Defence Systems has tied up with BAE Systems, Larsen & Toubro is working on overseas tie ups, and Tata Motors is also working to connect with overseas companies after its tie up with Rheinmetall was stalled following the blacklisting of the German company. State-owned Ordnance Factories Board is also in the race.

MoD now will shortlist two competitors to develop their prototypes, which will be put to trial.

BMP-2 Upgrade

Meanwhile, the Indian Army plans to upgrade the existing 1,400 BMP-2 infantry combat vehicles with advanced weapons and night-fighting capabilities at a cost of $1.8 billion. However, the MoD canceled a tender floated last year to purchase 2,000 engines for the upgrade because none of the domestic vendors fulfilled the engine's requirements. Now a global tender is likely to be issued for the engines, the MoD source said.

When procured, the engines will be assembled at the Ordnance Factories Board.

The Army requires engines that can generate 350 to 380 horsepower and are easy to maintain and operate in extreme weather conditions. The BMP-2's existing engine has only 285 horsepower and is not suited for cross-country mobility.

The upgrade of the BMP-2 will include advanced observation and surveillance, night-fighting capability, an improved anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system and a 30mm automatic grenade launcher. The upgraded combat vehicles will have an advanced fire control system and have the capability of loading two missiles in ready-to-fire mode.

The BMP-2 infantry combat vehicles carry soldiers into battle zones and provide fire support, an Indian Army official said. â– 

Email: [email protected].
India Rejects BMP-3 Offer, Will Maintain FICV Program | Defense News |


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Mar 28, 2013
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MoD now will shortlist two competitors to develop their prototypes, which will be put to trial. -- When will this happen or planned for ??
The original schedule isn't followed now.So, the timings are anyone's guess.
I think we should wait for some press releases to know about the revised time frame.


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Oct 30, 2013
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Arjun MKII plzzz, time and again we get gung ho about displaying russian tech. Time to push indigenous content to the fore front and foreign tech at the rear!!!


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Mar 21, 2009
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Arjun MKII plzzz, time and again we get gung ho about displaying russian tech. Time to push indigenous content to the fore front and foreign tech at the rear!!!
what do you mean by Indigenous hear!!! even TATA is showcasing tech collaboration with some western company mostly BAE, notting Indigenous exists hear.. means noting from scrap... or newly invented..


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Oct 30, 2013
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what do you mean by Indigenous hear!!! even TATA is showcasing tech collaboration with some western company mostly BAE, notting Indigenous exists hear.. means noting from scrap... or newly invented..
Sir, what i meant by indigenous content is that the ones that were developed with the intent of indigenizing it should be given first priority, i dint say that every defense tech is indigenous to its origin, even Arjun MK2 isn't entirely indigenous as we all know. But the fact that it is of indian origin, it has been designed and developed in India ought to be given first priority.

Republic day parade is not only to depict the vibrant and historical culture of our country but also a grand stage to showcase our Military might, The emphasis should be to focus on the tech designed and developed in india, numbers play a role sir , if T90 Bhishma tanks are shown in large no's and Arjun Mk2 are shown few then, personally i feel it will give a wrong impression to the visiting dignitaries and general public. It just shows that our self reliance in defense tech is being marginalised with the intent to procure more foreign tech.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
What TATA is offering is Buy and Make not design and make in India ..

Its more or less like License manufacturing ..

