Indian Army Armored Vehicles


New Member
Jan 22, 2016
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When the factor call ' License production ' comes in, Their is always some imported content ..

But again in necessary situation these sub parts can be made illegally in India ..
Can't we just make a medium wt MBT by modifying T72. I mean it is a good tank design which can be used with few minor modifications as a new Tank. China is doing, Iran is doing it. Why can't we.
By doing this we will have a proper MBT as Arjuna and this new tank as Medium to light weight _T-x(or whatever).
It would give us right to modify it as per our need

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
If we Indians learn anything from past with respect to modification to imported design is Tank-ex fate & T-90s saga, No one will allow any competition when they are themselves in business & their will be always a fuss about intellectual property rights ( Give a read to the post no #1812 on this very page ) ..

What we can do is to modify existing design which we created and minor structural changes to imported designs given if we get permission on first place which also takes time ..

Can't we just make a medium wt MBT by modifying T72. I mean it is a good tank design which can be used with few minor modifications as a new Tank. China is doing, Iran is doing it. Why can't we.
By doing this we will have a proper MBT as Arjuna and this new tank as Medium to light weight _T-x(or whatever).
It would give us right to modify it as per our need


New Member
Jan 22, 2016
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If we Indians learn anything from past with respect to modification to imported design is Tank-ex fate & T-90s saga, No one will allow any competition when they are themselves in business & their will be always a fuss about intellectual property rights ( Give a read to the post no #1812 on this very page ) ..

What we can do is to modify existing design which we created and minor structural changes to imported designs given if we get permission on first place which also takes time ..
So we are cursed to use same ancient antique equipments , or pay heavy price for minor changes at own costs and again import new Tank (like T90) based on same design.
BTW Chinese are copying literally everything the bought from USSR/Russia , yet Russians have better relations with than than India. Or they made better deals than us??
Even latest Iranian tank is direct copy of T72 with T90 like turret possibility captured in Middle East.
Looks like Russia tried its best to keep us paralyzed and thus totally dependent on them for arms.

PS: Even British gave us more freedom with their Jaguars than our all time tested old friend USSR/Russia.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Overhaul facility at Army disposal, T-72M1 are being overhauled at Army workshops ..

The facilities such as these which Arjun MBT lacks, Which is the real problem of inducting them in large numbers ..

The amount spend on these facilities surpass any other weapon program budget, If Arjun or any other has to be inducted in large quantity the infrastructure has to be inducted to support them ..

The regiments operating Arjun have their own such workshops for overhauling them since 2008 ..

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Contrary to the popular belief that Arjun can fire only 6-8rnds per minute, Its no less than +16rnds under a mins under optimum conditions, Unlike a auto-loader ..

Their is so much less we know abt our own, Its a achievement that crew of this tank unit can fire 30rnds in a min, With 80% accuracy ..

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Their is no ladder but seat on which one climb out or jump in, The hatches are only big enough for a person and that is due to save space for other instrument ..

Its a War machine and meant to fight only, Though crew comfort is very important and their have been improvements ..

@Kunal Biswas Why getting in and out of tank is so hard?

