How important is Hindi????

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New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Yes, it's the same people I'm talking about. For them to come down south, they'll need to speak a language that their companies understand, and that obviously is English, not Hindi. They will speak to their coworkers, both local and from the North, in English, eventually English becomes their de facto language, something even an Idli Center waiter will understand.

Currently, there are parts of the Hindi belt that have completely done away with English. English medium schooling is just a luxury of a few thousand kids in district headquarters. What the southbound-rush will do is ensure that English medium schooling will spread, because English will have become a necessity.

If there's a job-rush to say Manipur or Nagaland, English will be relevant, not Hindi. The people who will invest in the NE will conduct their business in English, the way they do in the South.

Besides, you know better, Far-North-East people are excellent English speakers, they are the most westernised Indians. Their English is far better than their Hindi.
You are correct. Let me elaborate it.

English is here to stay, nothing can replace it.

But, I was talking about say when you go for marketing, buy a smoke, autowallahs etc. Yes local language is needed, but even Hindi is finding it's way through. The last time I went to HAL market to buy fish was in 2003. It's far from the place I live. A friend insisted to drive, and last weekend I went to HAL market. The guys selling fish were Kannadas and they spoke with my friend in Bengali. All fish stall owners spoke Bengali. And Hindi too. And yes there were locals too with vegetables, they spoke Hindi too. Since I have picked up some Kannada, I would brush up my Kannada there, bargaining.

Also, many of my colleagues while we are smoking or are in a pub/bar talk in Hindi. And they mainly are South Indians. Some of them are very poor in Hindi, but they manage.

Yes, Hindi is spoken in a broken kinda language in NE, but it is Hindi. You can understand it, and they would understand the Hindi you speak. And Hindi is important when you go out for shopping, grocery, paying bills etc.

Also, I never knew most schools in North India have done away with teaching English. This is bad.
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Regular Member
Mar 6, 2010
And please speak for your own. There are Telegu/Malayalam/Kannada guys in here who can take care of theirs. South doesn't mean Tamilnadu. It comprises of 4 states.
Mother language matters to everyone in the NE, however Hindi takes precedence over own vernacular when it comes to communication between different tribes and communities. That's what keeps communal harmony. One language binding all. Hindi is not mandatory in schools in NE, however it is as popular as is English. Even state language is not compulsory in schools. And as about migration, this is seasonal, during campus placements. And Tamilnadu is the least preferred destination. Most preferred is Bangalore, then Hyderabad and then NCR. As about learning Tamil, Kannada, Telugu or Malayalam, why don't the preachers start learning Hindi? Would be nice.

May be you should listen to your own advice and not speak on behalf of the entire north east.

Here's what another person from NE feels

From Hindu:Link

"Do you know a litre of petrol is selling at Rs.180, a cooking gas cylinder for Rs.1,500, while a kilogram of rice is priced at Rs.60 to Rs.70? Indefinite economic blockades are not new to Manipur," says Augustine Gangmer, who works at a retail showroom in Adyar.

In Chennai for two years now, the 29-year-old, who hails from Tarunj, a village near Imphal, Manipur, does not like being called a 'north-easterner'. "We have 32 dialects in our State alone. We are all very different."

Chennai, for him, was no different from other cosmopolitan cities such as Bangalore or Delhi. "Why does every one presume we would speak Hindi. We don't. Here most people understand English. That works for us. There are no jobs back home. Most of us start getting out as soon as we are done with class X," he says.

Also you seem to have numbers mixed up about NE migrants, the largest numbers are in NCR and Kolkatta, followed by Bangalore and Chennai.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
May be you should listen to your own advice and not speak on behalf of the entire north east.
No, I am not speaking on behalf of the entire NE. I was stating things I have come to see and observe in the NE. Had I done so, I would have said Manipuris do this....., Nagas do that...

Here's what another person from NE feels
Yes, that's what another person from NE feels. People have opinions of their own.

Also you seem to have numbers mixed up about NE migrants, the largest numbers are in NCR and Kolkatta, followed by Bangalore and Chennai.
I was talking about working professionals. The numbers you gave are mostly students. Even Pune has a large base of students from the NE. Chennai is the destination of mainly Christians from the NE. And then there are people affected by terrorism, who try and come to metros to make a living.

Added later: As I said it's mostly Christians who go to Chennai, I said this because I know this. :) Not because I read it somewhere. There is a vast difference in reading up things and actually experiencing it.

I also did not check the link while replying because I know you gave a credible link.

Now the link from The Hindu as I checked it now: Students from the North Eastern States at the Madras Christian College, Tambaram, on Monday. Photo: A. Muralitharan

Added after reading the whole article:

Most people from NE do not like to be called north-easterner because of racism. I too get comments sometimes, but then I laugh at it. People don't know much and they assume things, there is nothing to be angry about. There are certain parts in Manipur and Nagaland, which are very very remote (no roads even) and Hindi is unknown to that population. Those are typical bastis (very small villages) which consists of say 10 families and 40-50 people.
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The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Unless Microsoft, Cisco and IBM use Hindi in their worldwide communications, even Hindi will take the backseat along with local languages.

Globalization doesn't facilitate spread of Hindi to the South, it facilitates the spread of English to the Hindi belt. A kid growing up in Patna or Gorakhpur will know that if his English is not up to the mark, his MNC prospects are screwed.
English wont stay dominant forever. Many languages have been the language of choice for the elites...when power balance gets back to its rightful place in the east then importance of english will be nothing.

But you or me wont be alive to witness it. Nothing stays constant forever.


Bye bye DFI
Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010
English wont stay dominant forever. Many languages have been the language of choice for the elites...when power balance gets back to its rightful place in the east then importance of english will be nothing.

But you or me wont be alive to witness it. Nothing stays constant forever.
Whatever happens to English, down south, the allure of the local languages will not fade away to the rise of Hindi.

Hindi will always be what it is - an alien language here that some people might learn.


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2011
क्या वाकई अंग्रेजी विश्व भाषा है ?

पूरी दुनिया में लगभग 200 देश हैं और उसमे सिर्फ 11 देशों में अंग्रेजी है यानि दुनिया का लगभग 5 % | अब बताइए कि ये विश्व भाषा कैसे है? अगर आबादी के हिसाब से देखा जाये तो सिर्फ 4 % लोग पुरे विश्व में अंग्रेजी जानते और बोलते हैं | विश्व में सबसे ज्यादा भाषा जो बोली जाती है वो है मंदारिन (Chinese) और दुसरे स्थान पर है हिंदी और तीसरे स्थान पर है रुसी (Russian) और फिर स्पनिश इत्यादि लेकिन अंग्रेजी टॉप 10 में नहीं है | अरे UNO जो कि अमेरिका में है वहां भी काम काज की भाषा अंग्रेजी नहीं है बल्कि फ्रेंच में काम होता है वहां |
क्या वाकई अंग्रेजी समृद्ध भाषा है ? किसी भी भाषा की समृद्धि उसमे मौजूद शब्दों से मानी जाती है | अंग्रेजी में मूल शब्दों की संख्या मात्र 65,000 है | वो शब्दकोष (dictionary) में जो आप शब्द देखते हैं वो दूसरी भाषाओँ से उधार लिए गए शब्द हैं | हमारे बिहार में भोजपुरी, मैथिली और मगही के शब्दों को ही मिला दे तो अकेले इनके शब्दों की संख्या 60 लाख है| शब्दों के मामले में भी अंग्रेजी समृद्ध नहीं दरिद्र भाषा है | इन अंग्रेजों की जो बाइबिल है वो भी अंग्रेजी में नहीं थी और ईशा मसीह अंग्रेजी नहीं बोलते थे | ईशा मसीह की भाषा और बाइबिल की भाषा अरमेक थी | अरमेक भाषा की लिपि जो थी वो हमारे बंगला भाषा से मिलती जुलती थी, समय के कालचक्र में वो भाषा विलुप्त हो गयी |
क्या वाकई अंग्रेजी विज्ञान और तकनीकी की भाषा है ?

आप दुनिया में देखेंगे कि सबसे ज्यादा विज्ञानं और तकनिकी की किताबे (Russian ) रुसी भाषा में प्रकाशित हुई हैं और सबसे ज्यादा विज्ञान और तकनीकी में research paper भी Russian में प्रकाशित हुई हैं | मतलब ये हुआ कि विज्ञान और तकनीकी की भाषा Russian है न कि अंग्रेजी | दर्शन शास्त्र में सबसे ज्यादा किताबें छपी हैं वो German में हैं | मार्क्स और कांट एक दो उदहारण हैं | चित्रकारी , भवन निर्माण, कला और संगीत कि सबसे ज्यादा किताबें हैं वो French में हैं | अंग्रेजी में विज्ञान और तकनीकी पर सबसे कम शोध हुए हैं | जितने अविष्कार अंग्रेजों के नाम से दुनिया जानती है उसमे आधे से ज्यादा दुसरे देशों के लोगों का अविष्कार है जिसे अंग्रेजों ने अपने नाम से प्रकाशित कर दिया था | अब इन्टरनेट के ज़माने में सब बातों की सच्चाई सामने आ रही है धीरे धीरे |
अंग्रेजी का महत्त्व हम हिंदी वालो की वजह से ही बना हुआ है| हम हिंदी वाले ही हिन्दी की ह्त्या कर रहे है| हमारे देश के सभी अंग्रेजी जानने वाले या सरकार कोई ऐसी व्यवस्था या प्रणाली नही बनाते है जिससे अंग्रेजी सहित सभी भाषाओं के वैश्विक ज्ञान-विज्ञान व तकनीकी की पुस्तकों का सरल हिंदी एवं अंग्रेजी मिश्रत हिंदी में अनुवाद होवे | जिससे दुसरे दर्जे के वे छात्र-छात्राए जो पढ़-लिख कर बड़े शहरों व विदेशो में नही नही जाना चाहते इस ज्ञान-विज्ञान व तकनीकी के आधार पर अपने गाँव कस्बे व छोटे मोटे शहर का विकास करना चाहते है| उनके लिए ये अंग्रेजी मिश्रित हिंदी की पुस्तके भारतवर्ष को विक्सित देशो की अग्रम कतार में खडी कर सकती है| इस मंच पर काम करने वाले भी कम्प्यूटर साइंस की तकनीकी की अनेक भाषाए जिसे c +, c ++,जावा htmlजावा स्ट्रिप, एमीनेशन तकनीक आदि सहित अनेक सोफ्टवेयर संचालन व निर्माण आदि को अपनी साइटों पर लिख कर या लिखित नोट्स की सकें प्रतिया दाल कर हिन्दी की सेवा व प्रचार प्रसार कर सकते है


Bye bye DFI
Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010
साउथ इंडियन मेम्बेर्स रेपली करने के लिए अंग्रेजी या तमिल/तेलुगु/कनाडा में लिखिए .....फोरम का बाशा अंग्रेजी है ना....

I hope this is correct.


New Member
May 10, 2010
I would have expected seniors to delete unnecessary post in language that they don't understand instead of replying in their own language. There must be a difference between seniors and new members.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Whatever happens to English, down south, the allure of the local languages will not fade away to the rise of Hindi.

Hindi will always be what it is - an alien language here that some people might learn.
When you learn a language it does not remain alien.

Many Tamilians know Hindi and speak it now, and they do not consider it as an alien language.

A friend of mine from Chennai speaks Hindi fluently. His father was in the IA. His mom speaks Hindi too. Heck! They speak Hindi at home in Chennai.


Bye bye DFI
Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010
^^^what's the big deal in a family speaking Hindi ? How many villages in rural TN have you visited...heck how many cities outside Chennai you have visited to conclude "many" Tamilians speak Hindi ...?

And yes even if we all speak hindi in the distant future, Tamil will always be the no 1 language in our state and hindi can never claim that position...just consider ourselves too proud to replace our millenia old language with someting less than half its age.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
^^^what's the big deal in a family speaking Hindi ? How many villages in rural TN have you visited...heck how many cities outside Chennai you have visited to conclude "many" Tamilians speak Hindi ...?

And yes even if we all speak hindi in the distant future, Tamil will always be the no 1 language in our state and hindi can never claim that position...just consider ourselves too proud to replace our millenia old language with someting less than half its age.
As I said, I can only speak for myself or things observed. There is no big deal in a family speaking Hindi. But they do speak Hindi. :)

What did I say about slowly and eventually earlier in the thread?

Well, I see from a certain no to a maybe. This is a refreshing change.
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Senior Member
Mar 28, 2009
The use of language or languages in a cosmopolitan city like Bangalore,usually depends on the social milieu you frequent the most or have the regular interaction with.As somebody who was born and brought up,studied and working in Bangalore,I have never had been in a situation where Hindi was required to see me through.Anybody brought up in Bangalore you will usually pickup all the four south Indian languages(one being your MT) plus Hindi and English.

The linguistic skills quintessential(atleast conversational)to survive in Bangalore longer than a year,and if your field of activity involves most section of the city,are Kannada and English in uptown areas.Kannada and Tamil in other areas(esp if you are not using hostel,your accommodation will usually be in suburban areas,where Kannada and Tamil will be essential)English will come handy everywhere,but it is unwise to assume it will get you through most of the time.If you happen to stay or frequent areas in Bangalore east,like K.R puram,Ramamurhthy nagar,ITI,Whitefiled and those close to Hoskote,Kannada and Telugu will be required(These areas have strong presence of Telugu speaking communities because it lies close to Andhra border)


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2009
^^ No Wonder, many Bangloreans I met are happy to show their skills in telgu,tamil and hindi apart from their mother tongue kannada(tulu,marathi,konkani?). within a flip of second they change from tamil to hindi!
this kind of accommodating, apologetic attitude you won't be seeing in many cities.

offtopica tapioca:
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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2009
^^ No Wonder, many Bangloreans I met are happy to show their skills in telgu,tamil and hindi apart from their mother tongue kannada(tulu,marathi,konkani?). within a flip of second they change from tamil to hindi!
this kind of accommodating, apologetic attitude you won't be seeing in many cities.

offtopica tapioca:
Please don't make it an issue of pride, its just a language.


Nov 28, 2010
Country flag
^^ Languages might be "just languages" for you, but most people in India have a lot of pride in their languages, their culture, customs and traditions. Simply making statements about "just a language" is typical unawareness/denial of realities in the country. In fact, most people in the world have a pride in their own culture. language, etc. Look at the French, the Germans, the Americans. All this nonsense talk about "its just a language yaar" is so artificial!! The reality is that people have pride in their language and their unique identity, the world over. And what is wrong with having pride in one's own language/culture?
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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
^^ Languages might be "just languages" for you, but most people in India have a lot of pride in their languages, their culture, customs and traditions. Simply making statements about "just a language" is typical unawareness/denial of realities in the country.
So correct.Language is culture and those who impose their language on others do not realise this.

Infact language was one of the reasons for the problem in SL.


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
Country flag
^^ Languages might be "just languages" for you, but most people in India have a lot of pride in their languages, their culture, customs and traditions. Simply making statements about "just a language" is typical unawareness/denial of realities in the country. In fact, most people in the world have a pride in their own culture. language, etc. Look at the French, the Germans, the Americans. All this nonsense talk about "its just a language yaar" is so artificial!! The reality is that people have pride in their language and their unique identity, the world over. And what is wrong with having pride in one's own language/culture?
End result->

All Indian languages will die out by the onslaught of English

Yankee wannabeness would be the only "culture" that is left

Question: How did the Vijaynagara emprie function ? What was the common language ?
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Nov 28, 2010
Country flag
End result->

All Indian languages will die out by the onslaught of English

Yankee wannabeness would be the only "culture" that is left

Question: How did the Vijaynagara emprie function ? What was the common language ?
Not sure that's going to happen. English will become more and more popular, but the other languages will not 'die'. At least not in our lifetimes. And within our lifetimes, "Yankee wannabeness" will become less and less attractive, reflecting geopilitical and economic shifts. :namaste:

I don't even remember the borders of the Vijayanagara empire at the moment. AFAIK there were multiple languages in the empire, just like there are multiple languages in India today?


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2009
^^ Languages might be "just languages" for you, but most people in India have a lot of pride in their languages, their culture, customs and traditions. Simply making statements about "just a language" is typical unawareness/denial of realities in the country. In fact, most people in the world have a pride in their own culture. language, etc. Look at the French, the Germans, the Americans. All this nonsense talk about "its just a language yaar" is so artificial!! The reality is that people have pride in their language and their unique identity, the world over. And what is wrong with having pride in one's own language/culture?
There is a thin boundary between being proud and hating others, some people love to cross it and that's the problem.
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