From freedom fighters to terrorists: US attitude shift


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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FSB must have given them a tip-off. The Americans must have thought: Chechens, well, that's Russia's problem.

The FBI also said that it requested but did not receive more specific or additional information from the foreign government.
It seems the FBI asked for more details and the Russians refused: tacitly trying to blame the Russians. Of course the Russians would be reluctant to give more info, they wouldn't want their sources to be shot dead.

And are politicians allowed to deliver hate speech? Apparently so. Why are the gullible American population buying all this crap?
Exactly because they are gullible.
I mean, how stupid would a population be if their govt. has close relations with 2 terrorist nations (Pakland and KSA) and these very two nations are the root of most terrorist attacks on the US and most of the world.
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average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
After all those kids were killled at the The Beslan school Chechen lost any support or sympathy it had in the USA.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Homegrown terror: 'FBI thought Chechens would only attack Russians'

The Tsarnaev brothers managed to slip through the US security net and commit the Boston attack because of oversights in American intelligence, experts told RT. This act of "homegrown" terror has raised serious questions about the role of the FBI.

The US press has traditionally portrayed Chechen terrorism as a specifically Russian issue, and as such assumed that they would not be hostile toward the US, journalist Neil Clark told RT in an interview.

"It could be because of their Chechen background, because I think the way that this conflict [the Chechen Wars of 1994-96 and 1999-2009] has been portrayed in the Western media, the American media, has been that the Russians have been the bad guys," noted Clark. He suggested that this stigma attached to Chechnya could be the reason why security checks were not carried out on the Tsarnaev brothers arrived in the US.

"Their thought was 'These people have a Chechen background if they're going to be attacking anybody it's going to be Russian targets, not American targets,'" said Clark. Dzhokhar had received US citizenship and lived in America for a number of years, while his older brother Tamerlan was a legal permanent resident.

Political commentator, Aleksandr Nekrasov noted there is a "certain state of shock that these two people are connected to Chechnya." "But I think that they are shocked because I think that basically the intelligence services were expecting some loner, maybe some Nazi, some white supremacist, who got his grievances with the federal Government," Nekrasov told RT. He went on to say that in spite of the existence of a YouTube account where the brothers broadcast the fact that they were from Chechnya and "didn't hide the fact that they were terrorists," the FBI did not flag the brothers as a potential terrorist threat.

Terror in US backyard
The fact that the two brothers were able to live in the US and were granted green cards while fostering extremist views has raised serious questions over the effectiveness of US law enforcement, geopolitical analyst from, Eric Draitser believes.

"We, of course, know that many other incidents of terrorism in, so-called, homegrown terrorism raise very serious questions about the role of so called law enforcement in all of this," commented Draitser. He then hinted that FBI was moving in to sweep details of the attack under the rug, "essentially relegating anyone, who asks those questions to the dust bin." "We've seen the FBI taking over the investigation, we've seen the FBI systematically removing from the narrative the pictures of private military contractors in Boston," Draitser concluded.

Nekrasov reiterated this point, emphasizing that the US War on Terror is being conducted in an often counterproductive way.

"I think the main problem here is that the war on terror across the world and the Middle East and elsewhere – I think it's not actually conducted in a way that can prevent more terrorist attacks in the West and the US itself."

Following the massive manhunt that led to the killing of Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the eventual capture of his younger brother Dzhokhar, former mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani remarked that the US had considered Chechen terror groups an intrinsically Russian problem.

"We don't have that kind of problem here in the US. If anything the US has expressed a little bit of sympathy for them [Chechens]," Giulani told Bloomberg.

The bombs that went off at the Boston Marathon on Monday killed three people and injured scores. The ensuing manhunt paralyzed the city and led to widespread panic. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is currently receiving medical treatment for injuries he sustained during his capture by police on Friday night.

Following the 9/11 attacks, Washington has taken wide-reaching measures and defense spending has hit unprecedented levels, with officials saying that was necessary to keep America safe.

As part of steps to boost security, US Department of Homeland Security was founded along with many other law-enforcement agencies, and the Patriot Act was passed. In addition, the US set up a very complex surveillance system, which included CCTV cameras in major cities, facial recognition technology and cyber surveillance. In addition to measures taken domestically within past 12 years, the US has waged to wars overseas that have cost the country more than $2 trillion.

However, after the Boston Marathon attack many critics believe that the money and resources were wasted and did not make Americans any safer.

Watch more in RT's Marina Portnaya's report.

Source: Homegrown terror: 'FBI thought Chechens would only attack Russians' — RT Op-Edge


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Islamic fundamentalism did not originate solely from Pakistan. Even if Pakistan may have been destroyed to rubble in the 80s I'm 100% sure that Islamic militancy will still be around by now. It's no coincidence that Islamic Jihad is becoming prominent now. This is because with the integration of the World through technology and with it the spread of modern ideas a lot of these puritanical Muslims are feeling under threat. They are lashing out in a destructive reactionary way the best way they know by killing and terrorising people around the World.
Fundamentalist Islamic terror in its present form is Pakistans only contribution to the world. Mid East turmoil was less Islamic fundamentalist to start with as it was about land being lost for a section of the populace there. But then use of Islam soon started to rally more support. Still the Mid East movement did not call for Jihad on the entire world and covert to Islam. It remained about Palestine.

LeT whose primary focus was India today "aspires" global Jihad for Islamic dominance. This is the "gift" of Pakistan to the world. Taliban/AQ kept receiving Pak state support for their own strategic objectives.


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2013
I personally think...Islam was probably given by God long ago to unify the Arabic peoples, otherwise they would still realistically be waging tribal wars in their peninsula...but somewhere along the road, it got sidetracked. I also have the impression that it was not meant to spread as it did - that it was only meant for Arabia.

It is good that China for the most part learned from India rather than the violent religions of hate from the Middle East. Our civilization has flourished with the aid of Buddhism.

Do you think that Islam has enriched Indian culture and society, though? I have read that Sikhism developed partly from Islam.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
This excellent compilation of reports, from the past, presents an interesting argument, and exposes the hypocrisy of the US Government's official line, and the mainstream, and supposedly more "reliable" sources in the West. Please read on, do click on the embedded links, to get a first hand proof of evidence of Western double-speak.


War of words: The new Chechen terror

National Guard soldiers guard a roadblock near the scene of a twin bombing at the Boston Marathon on April 16, 2013 in Boston (AFP Photo / Spencer Platt)

For years the US and its intelligence services have championed the Chechen cause – legitimizing terrorism as righteous resistance. But after news that the two alleged Boston bombers were of Chechen origin, the story took on a new political dimension.

How Boston has changed the language

In the last 48 hours, an astounding change has occurred in the lexicon of the mainstream media in the United States, as Chechen Islamists are no longer being referred to as "rebels" and "freedom fighters". In the wake of the news that Chechens were involved in the Boston bombing (an assertion that has not actually been proven despite the media having already convicted the Tsarnaev brothers), the language immediately shifted. The Associated Press, Reuters, and countless other media and news outlets have published articles discussing the "jihadist threat" from places like Chechnya where "suicide attacks, blood feuds, and hostage crises" are routine.

Though this description of the terrorist element in Chechnya is quite correct, it seems to be directly in conflict with the language used to describe that same group a matter of weeks ago. In late January 2013, the NY Times carried a story from Reuters entitled "Rebels Killed in Chechnya" in which terrorist leaders Khuseyn and Muslim Gakayev were referred to as"two of the most wanted Islamist rebels." The use of the word "rebels" is a clever propaganda ploy used to legitimize their cause in the minds of readers, portraying a terrorist war as simply a resistance struggle.

This is precisely the same strategy used in almost all Western media coverage of the conflict in Syria, where NATO-backed terrorists are consistently referred to as "rebels", "activists", and "revolutionaries." Going back further, Osama Bin Laden and the mujahideen, which came to be known as Al-Qaeda, were described as "freedom fighters" when fighting the Soviet Union, and then magically transformed into "terrorists" once they turned their ire toward the US. What becomes clear is that the language used by the mainstream media serves the political agenda of US and the Western imperial powers. However, language is only one facet of this issue, as the relationship between the United States and terrorism in Chechnya is much more than mere words.

US connections

Despite more than a decade of protestations from Moscow, the United States has long supported the cause of Chechen terrorism under the guise of "freedom fighting". In an interview with CNBC on Friday April 19th, former New York Mayor and prominent right wing politician Rudolph Giuliani stated, "We've been, I'm not going to say sympathetic with them, but we've certainly been critical of Putin and how far he's gone in dealing with Chechnya"¦I would imagine there are people in Russia who believe that [the US] has been somewhat unrealistic about the Chechens."

RUSSIAN FEDERATION, GROZNY: A Chechen fighter carrying a machine gun heads for downtown Grosny 17 January, 1995, as fierce fighting continue (AFP Photo)

Though Giuliani uses the term"unrealistic"to describe the US establishment's attitude toward the Chechen terrorist networks, in fact the State Department, along with prominent individuals from both sides of the political establishment, has provided aid, assistance and propaganda for the Chechen cause. Prosecutors in Finland revealed last year that one of the most prominent Chechen extremist websites, Kavkaz Center, was funded directly by the US State Department. The site, universally recognized as the mouthpiece of terrorist leader Doku Umarov's "Emarat Kavkaz" (Caucasus Emirate), disseminates propaganda that portrays terrorists as"heroes"and Russian victims of terror as"puppets". It should also be noted that the United Nations has listed Emarat Kavkaz as an organization associated with Al-Qaeda. This should raise serious questions about the nature of the relationship between this organization and the political ruling class in the United States. However, this represents merely one of the ways in which Washington has been a primary force driving the Chechen terror movement – the connections run much deeper.

Despite the fact that organs such as Kavkaz Center operate in the service of terrorists who advocate the destruction of Russia, their activity alone is not altogether significant if seen in a vacuum. Rather, it is the association of these types of individuals and organizations with the US State Department and US intelligence community that makes them particularly insidious. One such entity that bears scrutiny is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), previously known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. As reported by Right Web at the Institute for Policy Studies,"The ACPC was founded in 1999 by Freedom House, a neoconservative organization that has worked closely with the US government, receiving funds from the National Endowment for Democracy and other U.S. democratization initiatives." This intimate relationship between the ACPC and the US State Department indicates not merely a confluence of interests, but rather a direct relationship wherein the former is an organ of the latter.

The ACPC has taken the lead in championing the cause of separatism and terrorism directed toward Russia, both tacitly and overtly. After having championed the cause of former Chechen Foreign Minister Ilyas Akhmadov in his quest for asylum in the United States – subsequently granted along with a generous taxpayer-funded stipend – ACPC member and notorious Russia-hater Zbigniew Brzezinski went so far as to write the foreword to Akhmadov's book The Chechen Struggle. The alliance between political figures such as Akhmadov and terrorist leaders in the region demonstrates conclusively the partnership between the various terror networks and the imperialist ruling class in the West.

As more information comes out regarding the alleged bombers and their ideological leanings, there will undoubtedly be a propaganda assault to shape this narrative in the interests of the United States and the West. Talking heads will be on television twenty four hours a day explaining to Americans why Chechnya is such a hotbed of terrorism, asking how something like this could happen, etc. The truth is however, Washington has perpetuated the conflict through its propaganda machine that will now be employed to once again turn friend to enemy. Perhaps, instead of being the world's greatest purveyor of terror, using it as a weapon to achieve geostrategic objectives, the United States should actually work with peaceful nations such as Russia to combat terrorism worldwide.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Source: War of words: The new Chechen terror — RT Op-Edge


Possible US Government culpability? You decide.
Excerpts from the article above.
  • The use of the word"rebels" is a clever propaganda ploy used to legitimize their cause in the minds of readers, portraying a terrorist war as simply a resistance struggle.
  • This is precisely the same strategy used in almost all Western media coverage of the conflict in Syria, where NATO-backed terrorists are consistently referred to as "rebels", "activists", and "revolutionaries." Going back further, Osama Bin Laden and the mujahideen, which came to be known as Al-Qaeda, were described as "freedom fighters" when fighting the Soviet Union, and then magically transformed into "terrorists" once they turned their ire toward the US. What becomes clear is that the language used by the mainstream media serves the political agenda of US and the Western imperial powers.
  • In an interview with CNBC on Friday April 19th, former New York Mayor and prominent right wing politician Rudolph Giuliani stated, "We've been, I'm not going to say sympathetic with them, but we've certainly been critical of Putin and how far he's gone in dealing with Chechnya"¦I would imagine there are people in Russia who believe that [the US] has been somewhat unrealistic about the Chechens."
  • Prosecutors in Finland revealed last year that one of the most prominent Chechen extremist websites, Kavkaz Center, was funded directly by the US State Department. (WOW)
  • One such entity that bears scrutiny is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), previously known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya.

My personal opinion: The United States Government, and the CIA, have been in the business of using nasty people to do all their dirty work, and poor Americans, who have nothing to do with all this, end up as the unfortunate victims.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
I personally think...Islam was probably given by God long ago to unify the Arabic peoples, otherwise they would still realistically be waging tribal wars in their peninsula...but somewhere along the road, it got sidetracked. I also have the impression that it was not meant to spread as it did - that it was only meant for Arabia.

I don't think so. The people in the Arab World are still killing each other until now, Muslim against non-Muslims and Muslims against Muslims. I think God gave the M-E Islam so that the previous tribal wars will be more interesting. He gave it sub-plots...


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
@ pmaitra

Let's just say that Chechnya is one of the levers of the US Government on Russia. The US Government is using it rather discretely against Russia and not overtly. You see international affairs is not a simple bad and evil thing, there's a huge gray area in between countries that can be exploited by all participants. Russia is always doing it, but it has limited options compared to the US.

As to the American public, well I don't think they really care about the plight of Chechnyans and frankly I think a lot of Americans don't know who are they or where is Chechnya on the map.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
Fundamentalist Islamic terror in its present form is Pakistans only contribution to the world. Mid East turmoil was less Islamic fundamentalist to start with as it was about land being lost for a section of the populace there. But then use of Islam soon started to rally more support. Still the Mid East movement did not call for Jihad on the entire world and covert to Islam. It remained about Palestine.

LeT whose primary focus was India today "aspires" global Jihad for Islamic dominance. This is the "gift" of Pakistan to the world. Taliban/AQ kept receiving Pak state support for their own strategic objectives.

You're too fixated with Pakistan. Wahabbism and Islam as a political tool were not invented in Pakistan. You have to trace it back to the M-E, in particular to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran. Pakistan simply saw the strategic value of political Islam and Jihad and used recklessly used it to promote its strategic objectives. Unfortunately for Pakistan the snake that it has created has engulfed it already.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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As to the American public, well I don't think they really care about the plight of Chechnyans and frankly I think a lot of Americans don't know who are they or where is Chechnya on the map.
True story.

WASHINGTON, April 20 (RIA Novosti) – The Czech ambassador to the United States has expressed concern over angry remarks in US social networks mistakenly aimed at his country in connection with a recent terrorist attack on the American soil.
Dozens of messages accusing the Czechs of terrorism and even calling for US retaliation against the Czech Republic appeared in the US segments of Twitter and Facebook on Friday after reports that the two suspects in Boston Marathon bombing had Chechen origins.
Source: US Bloggers Fail Geography in Boston Bombing Mix-Up | World | RIA Novosti

Anyway, I think the US citizens are pretty gullible and too patriotic to actually realize what their govt. is doing. Also the 'honorable' US media does a good job keeping the people in darkness.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
Anyway, I think the US citizens are pretty gullible and too patriotic to actually realize what their govt. is doing. Also the 'honorable' US media does a good job keeping the people in darkness.

False. The US is the most powerful country in the World not only because of its Government but also because of its citizens. For a country to be successful both the State and the polity must perform exceptionally. It takes 2 to tango as they say. And I think Americans are among the most skeptical people towards their Government fully illustrating almost by default a natural dislike and suspicion towards it.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
You're too fixated with Pakistan. Wahabbism and Islam as a political tool were not invented in Pakistan. You have to trace it back to the M-E, in particular to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran. Pakistan simply saw the strategic value of political Islam and Jihad and used recklessly used it to promote its strategic objectives. Unfortunately for Pakistan the snake that it has created has engulfed it already.
Part of what you said is a very imaginative fiction. Iran has nothing to do with Wahhabism.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
Let's just say that they have their own priorities...
That's exactly my point. Self-serving and devoid of moral courage. All this rhetoric about WOT is just an eyewash. And these so-called "their priorities" need not exactly serve the safety of American people as it has been proven time and again. It is the priority of some mofos of CIA.

I wouldn't say the Americans were more stupid than the Soviets after all we know now who collapsed between them.
Soviet Union would have anyway collapsed because it was an artificial clutch of nationalities bunched together by a dying ideology of Leninist Marxism. The Afghan war might have just hastened it.

Again, they have their priorities. Unfortunately these priorities don't completely fit with the Indian priorities. But I think they do intersect most of the time which is a good thing to start with. Besides, I don't think it's in anybody's interest to see a collapsed Pakistan. That would be more dangerous to everybody.

BTW, I'm not an American.
What should be their priorities? Safety of their own people. And there were dozens of their people and from their allied countries in those killed in the Mumbai attacks directly traced back to elements in Pakistan establishment. That is where the danger is. So you nurture terrorists in one country for what you call serving your "priorities" and get your own people killed in another country!! How does that look, if not downright stupid?

Yes nobody wants Pakistan to collapse as a state. But that view does not stand the test of logic when the US is doing things that will hasten the fall of the state. By supporting the use of terror as an instrument of state, the CIA is fooling the American people and it can will keep coming home, however far they think they are living.

It is because for the Islamic terrorist, Delhi is only a half-way house. Their eyes are always on the Great Satan. That is why the myopic US policies are self-defeating.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
And while we are on the subject, I will not be surprised if the older Boston bomber was a CIA "asset" gone bad just like Headley who is in a US jail now after helping Pakistani terrorists kill many US and Israelis in Mumbai attacks.
Remember Russians had warned CIA against the elder sibling after his return from Chechnya six months back!!


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
False. The US is the most powerful country in the World not only because of its Government but also because of its citizens. For a country to be successful both the State and the polity must perform exceptionally. It takes 2 to tango as they say. And I think Americans are among the most skeptical people towards their Government fully illustrating almost by default a natural dislike and suspicion towards it.
Despite the fact that you hardly spare a day picking a fight with @W.G.Ewald, you are a downright Americo-phile. You would go to any extent to justify what the US government is doing. You are more patriotic towards the US, than even most Americans. Let's call a spade a spade. These people in CIA are a bunch of self serving myopes. As a matter of fact, a spade would be a positive overstatement, because I see a spade as more useful than these people in CIA. Least talked about FBI - heck, even after been tipped off by the Russians a year ago, this bombing happened. I do, however, agree in most part, with what you have said, except that I do not find any sense of "justice" in your justification.
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
Part of what you said is a very imaginative fiction. Iran has nothing to do with Wahhabism.

I said "Wahabbism" and "political Islam." You cannot deny that Komenei first used Islam to galvanize a political cause against the Shah.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
Who could possibly know? It seems Islam as it exists anywhere is antithetical to the American Way of Life. We will be the the Great Satan forever; some days even I think so. :-(
You have hit the nail on its head. But the point is CIA is thick enough not to see things in the right light. So they should realize that collusion with Islamists whatever the perceived strategic advantage is going to have a bite-back guarantee attached to it.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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False. The US is the most powerful country in the World not only because of its Government but also because of its citizens. For a country to be successful both the State and the polity must perform exceptionally. It takes 2 to tango as they say. And I think Americans are among the most skeptical people towards their Government fully illustrating almost by default a natural dislike and suspicion towards it.
"among the most skeptical people....": As far as their foreign policy is concerned, I'll disagree with that.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
Maybe, but their brothers in arms would still have grown into what they are now. More so I think since their Mujahideen brothers might have failed in defeating the Soviets and got slaughtered in the process. They will see it as a complicity of the West with the Soviets against Muslims. They will end up ahving more reason to hate the West and America in particular and would even be more fearocious in their Islamic Jihad... You see it's a damn if you do and damn if you don't situation for America.
Terror could turn any way it wants. Even if you accept there was a geopolitical need to dislodge Soviets from Kabul, the continued support to a country that was using it as state tool should have stopped. Or the US should have used its influence to wean the country away from that course.
If you have looked into history of international Islamist terror you will see at least one of the actors had had some kind of link with the terrorist camps run in the mountains of Pakistan with state patronage.

And everybody thought Americans will learns after 9/11 where Pakistani connection was so very clear.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
That's exactly my point. Self-serving and devoid of moral courage. All this rhetoric about WOT is just an eyewash. And these so-called "their priorities" need not exactly serve the safety of American people as it has been proven time and again. It is the priority of some mofos of CIA.
Would you agree that your government spend Billions upon Billions of your taxes on causes that do not concern you or has no direct benefit to you?

Soviet Union would have anyway collapsed because it was an artificial clutch of nationalities bunched together by a dying ideology of Leninist Marxism. The Afghan war might have just hastened it.
It's more complicated than that. But a large cause of the collapse of the USSR can be attributed to America and its NATO partners. Note that even NoKOr has not yet collapsed.

What should be their priorities? Safety of their own people. And there were dozens of their people and from their allied countries in those killed in the Mumbai attacks directly traced back to elements in Pakistan establishment. That is where the danger is. So you nurture terrorists in one country for what you call serving your "priorities" and get your own people killed in another country!! How does that look, if not downright stupid?
I think I'll defer my judgment to the think tanks of the Americans that drive their foreign policy.

As long as the US is not antagonizing or plotting against Malaysia their policies are fine with me.

Yes nobody wants Pakistan to collapse as a state. But that view does not stand the test of logic when the US is doing things that will hasten the fall of the state. By supporting the use of terror as an instrument of state, the CIA is fooling the American people and it can will keep coming home, however far they think they are living.
I don't think the US is really intending to cause the collapse of Pakistan just like it has no intention of seeing NoKor collapse. I think what it is doing is containing Pakistan.

It is because for the Islamic terrorist, Delhi is only a half-way house. Their eyes are always on the Great Satan. That is why the myopic US policies are self-defeating.
Let's just say that India should develop a potent lever on the US. The US will consider Indian strategic interests only if it sees direct benefit from it (and not get bitten every now and then)...

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