2016 US Presidential Elections


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
If Putin wanted Donald to win, he would have simply made a donation to Clinton foundation and put that on wikileaks. :lol:
Well many Russian company were on that list but we'll the main stream media will not talk. Well what Clinton say about Russia is election rhetoric. The fact is US forces are stretched thin and they are pivoting to every place on earth and forcing many power together. Also there is the domestic factor now, the domestic situation in US has never been this weak, plus there is the social security bill to fill. US need presently to strength it's own base economical, industrial and social and Hillary is the worst candidate for it.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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It's clear that Hillary will win. So she and Obama are just now campaigning to make sure that Democrats take Congress and the down ballots.

Putin lost! :balleballe:

Did putin really lost ??? or he won ???

With DT one was not sure there would be cold war between powefull country like russia china europe USA

But with HC , there would be increase cold war that is sure shot

ONLY MIC deep rooted in USA/RUSSIA and in future in CHINA won


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Putin has already forced Hillary to take anti Russia stand.
Now if she becomes president she will have to follow through the rhetoric.
And that will consolidate support for Putin back in Russia :truestory:

Putin never looses :bounce:

Putin will no doubt continue to strengthen his domestic support by stoking Russian nationalism against America. But Hillary is an altogether different animal than Obama. America is still World's No. 1 power and it is poised to get the World's No. 1 ideologically centrist but militarily hawk politician. In fact, she will be 2 in 1 as she will bring with her Bill Clinton with his vast foreign policy experience.

Ultimately, Putin and Russia are on life support. Russia is on terminal decline.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Did putin really lost ??? or he won ???

With DT one was not sure there would be cold war between powefull country like russia china europe USA

But with HC , there would be increase cold war that is sure shot

ONLY MIC deep rooted in USA/RUSSIA and in future in CHINA won

I don't think Hillary will let Putin off the hook for trying to trash her. And he better wet his pants now for that lady means business.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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And after their third and final debate, the results are starting to come in:

Poll: Clinton leads by 12 points

Hillary Clinton has opened up a 12-point advantage over Donald Trump following their final debate last week and has reached the critical 50-percent mark, according to a new poll released Sunday.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/clinton-trump-poll-abc-news-230199#ixzz4NyqtPGZr
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook[/QUOTE


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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And the Indian-Americans are leading the way towards Hillary. Among Asian-Americans they are the least supportive of Trump at only 7%:

Only 7% Indian-Americans Want Trump For President, Never Mind The Hype
However, the National Asian American Survey, in its 5 October report, found only 7% Indian American voters are likely to vote for the Republican nominee. By contrast, 67% said they would vote for Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.


Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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And the Indian-Americans are leading the way towards Hillary. Among Asian-Americans they are the least supportive of Trump at only 7%:


I believe that he himself is an idiot loudmouth and could still see myself voting for him over the corrupt witch that is Hillary. But the kind of racist white supremacists that show up at his rallies scares me and it is clear to me that an America in which he wins has no place for any non-white ethnicity.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Huffington Post LOL, that shitty anti-india website writing on behalf of Indians.:rofl:

Pro- Establishment news paper.

Trump won the third debate

During a discussion about entitlement reform, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton a "nasty woman." (The Washington Post)

Donald Trump won tonight’s debate. He didn’t implode, he didn’t blither, he didn’t continually interrupt Hillary Clinton and he didn’t even sniff much. And, frankly, he had the best retorts and one-liners. Clinton was on her heels much of the night, and several times, she had to reset by resorting to tired, hollow platitudes — which only drove home the point that she lacks authenticity and appears to be a typical politician who is therefore dishonest. That said, Clinton was an able, informed politician, but Trump — for the first time — appeared to be a worthy opponent.

The fact is this is a change election, and Clinton is not the change candidate. People don’t really want to vote for her, and tonight, she didn’t give them much of a reason to do so. And perhaps Trump put voters more at ease with Trump. Up until this debate, Trump has helped Clinton out by running a campaign that has been a complete misfire — taking the bait, chasing rabbits, insulting women, wallowing in conspiracies and almost consciously avoiding things voters care about. But during this debate, he held his tongue and held his temper. Trump isn’t particularly light on his feet, but he was confident and competent talking about the economy. It’s a wonder he hasn’t talked about the economy during more of the campaign. Anyway, he even showed a much better understanding of geopolitics than I would have thought. He sounded like a Republican on most issues. For Trump, it’s too bad there aren’t more debates.

Clinton, on the other hand, was overprepared and over-rehearsed. As a result, she missed the bull’s eye during much of the night. Clinton’s forced smiles during some of Trump’s most effective lines, while probably the best she could do, did not fit the moment.

Here are key moments from the third and final presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, Oct. 19, in Las Vegas. (Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post)

The totality of the campaign isn’t about this debate. There’s a lot of water under the bridge. Trump’s performance tonight can’t fully rehabilitate him, but it’s clear that the media — including me — expected a much worse performance. In fact, the post-debate analysts seem as rattled as Clinton. The press is going to panic over the fact that Trump helped himself, as shown by the immediate obsessing over Trump’s “non-commitment” to accepting the election results in November. But for voters watching the debate, that wasn’t really much of a focal point. The media wants to bore into it, but in doing so, reporters and commentators are ignoring many of the issues that were actually discussed in a rational fashion thanks to the steady hand of moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News.

In politics, good gets better and bad gets worse. Given Trump’s performance, I expect to see some stories about panic in the Clinton universe by the time the Sunday shows roll around. Before tonight’s debate, the conventional wisdom was that Trump was collapsing — and when conventional wisdom is set this far ahead of election day, the conventional wisdom is often wrong. So, was tonight a game changer? Probably not. But it might shift momentum and keep the race interesting.

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Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Donald Trump won tonight’s debate. He didn’t implode, he didn’t blither, he didn’t continually interrupt Hillary Clinton and he didn’t even sniff much
That is a pretty low standard o_O Yeah sure by that measure he won.

In politics, good gets better and bad gets worse. Given Trump’s performance, I expect to see some stories about panic in the Clinton universe by the time the Sunday shows roll around.
It's Monday, still waiting.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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Greenpeace sought Hillary aide’s help to deal with Modi: Wikileaks
Wikileaks has claimed that in 2015, Greenpeace sought the help of Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta (in the picture) to sort things out after the Modi regime imposed curbs on the funding of the environmental organization.

Go through the whole story. Interesting.
In 2015, it requested John Podesta to reach out to the PM, after the Centre imposed curbs on its funding.
Environmental organisation Greenpeace sought help from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign chief John Podesta in 2015 to reach out to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, when the Indian government imposed restrictions on its funding.

Mr. Podesta promised to put Kumi Naidoo, then International Executive Director of Greenpeace, in touch with his brother Tony Podesta, who heads the Podesta Group, which is one of the firms that lobby for India in the United States.

Wikileaks leaked it out

Wikileaks on Saturday released the email discussion on Greenpeace in India between Mr. Podesta and Karen Sack, MD of Ocean Unite, an NGO that works in ocean conservation, on Saturday. She had earlier worked with Greenpeace. The website has been releasing hacked emails of the Democratic strategist in batches. Ms. Sack sought help in “explaining to people close to the Prime Minister that their campaigns are about the issues of clean air and clean water.”

“Happy to put Kumi in touch with Tony, but the list of people similarly situated seems to be growing,” Mr. Podesta wrote to Ms. Sack on May 27, 2015. He was Counselor to President Barack Obama until February 2015 and had taken over as the chair of the Hillary Clinton campaign a month before this conversation.

Podesta parries comment

The set of five emails does not reveal what action followed, if any. Mr. Podesta has refused to comment on the contents of the Wikileaks. An email to Ms. Sack was not immediately answered.

In one email Mr. Podesta has been advised that this would be a serious “diplomatic challenge” given the alleged proximity between Mr. Modi and industrialist Gautam Adani who has interests in coal mining. “Adani is very close to Modi — so this will be a delicate diplomatic challenge,” Sergio Knaebel, Grant Director of Sandler Foundation, run by billionaire philanthropist Herbert Sandler wrote to Mr. Podesta. Mr. Podesta had forwarded his conversation with Ms. Sack to Mr. Sandler and Mr. Knaebel.

Sandler Foundation funded ProPublica and was among the funders of the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think-tank founded by Mr. Podesta. It also funded an environmental group in Australia that was opposing a mining project of the Adani Group.

Very serious situation for Greenpeace

Initiating the conversation on May 26, 2015, Ms. Sack wrote to Mr. Podesta, according to Wikileaks:

“I have had a request from some colleagues at Greenpeace as they are facing a very serious situation in India. In a nutshell: an Indian Intelligence Bureau report was “leaked” alleging Greenpeace India was responsible for a loss of 2-3% of the country’s GDP. Since then the Ministry of Home Affairs has kept up a relentless attack of allegations of irregularities in their registration and has now frozen all their bank accounts, both foreign and domestic, despite a Delhi High Court ruling there was no basis for doing so. The bottom line is that without some kind of intervention, they will have to close down by the end of June. This has never happened to a Greenpeace office in the entire history of the organization.

“Kumi Naidoo was hoping to speak with you or to get advice on who might be able to help behind the scenes explaining to people close to the Prime Minister that their campaigns are about the issues of clean air and clean water and not personal and their office should not be forced to close because they have a different vision of India’s future.

“Apparently The Podesta Group has the contract for the Republic of India in the US, but Kumi has no way to reach Tony or another prinicipal. Thanks in advance for any thoughts you might have.”

Mr. Podestan offered to put Mr. Naidoo in touch with his brother.

‘Interesting linkages in India’

Ms. Sack replied: “What’s going on in India is concerning. There are some interesting linkages between the coal industry there and in Australia. Adani — the coal billionaire from India is the person who plans to invest in building a coal port just near the Great Barrier Reef — which has people up in arms down under. The fascinating thing is that some of the big banks are refusing to invest in the port development project because of the potential risks to investors from the uncertainty.”

Mr. Podesta forwarded the conversation to Sandler Foundation officials. The Foundation was funding an eninvromental group in Australia that was opposing a mining project of the Adani Group.

Mr. Knaebel writes to Mr. Podesta in response: “The situation for NGOs in Australia is also getting pretty serious. The Abbot government has set its sights on organizations fighting the expansion of coal and for protecting the reef — and is looking to withdraw charitable status and out foreign donors in an effort to cast the NGO’s work as foreign intervention. Same playbook as India (and Canada).”


Ford Foundation


Honestly, this is the best thing done by Modi after coming to power. Kerry recently asked to lift curb from 'Compassion International'. yes, the name indicates what work it does. Dont know whats the current status of that NGO now, havent followed the news after this. Any info will be appreciated.

Government has no immediate plans to lift curbs on US-based NGO Compassion International

Also, since we are stuck in democracy, every non-vote for Trump is a vote for Killary. Keep that in mind.
Interesting to see paid posters coming out of their sleep just for this election.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Putin will no doubt continue to strengthen his domestic support by stoking Russian nationalism against America. But Hillary is an altogether different animal than Obama. America is still World's No. 1 power and it is poised to get the World's No. 1 ideologically centrist but militarily hawk politician. In fact, she will be 2 in 1 as she will bring with her Bill Clinton with his vast foreign policy experience.

Ultimately, Putin and Russia are on life support. Russia is on terminal decline.
I agree for the most part.
But that also shows her ineffectiveness.

Challenge to American supremacy comes from china not Russia. Yet she has Putin on agenda??

What is she going to do about china ?? Suck up most probably.
She has already supported Iran deal.

So honestly what is left to be hawkish.
She might bombard a few more hapless nations.

But where there is a challenge, she neither has will nor inclination to get dirty.

Her leanings to Islam and Pakistan will also alienate India. Modi will play her like a fiddle and so will Putin.

She is only winning because she got to face the Trump and even then she almost lost it.

What makes you think she can take on likes of modi ,xi and putin:hmm:


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
Putin will no doubt continue to strengthen his domestic support by stoking Russian nationalism against America. But Hillary is an altogether different animal than Obama. America is still World's No. 1 power and it is poised to get the World's No. 1 ideologically centrist but militarily hawk politician. In fact, she will be 2 in 1 as she will bring with her Bill Clinton with his vast foreign policy experience.

Ultimately, Putin and Russia are on life support. Russia is on terminal decline.
Sir you understand what a good leader can do .As for her foreign policy experience , bombing country , misusing money for disaster relief and supporting radical element is not foreign policy. She does not have clue on how to use soft or hard power to achieve ones goal .She just messes up where she does ,be it long term or short term.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Sir you understand what a good leader can do .As for her foreign policy experience , bombing country , misusing money for disaster relief and supporting radical element is not foreign policy. She does not have clue on how to use soft or hard power to achieve ones goal .She just messes up where she does ,be it long term or short term.
Sample of Killaries Foreign policy



Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Clinton's love India. Vote for Hillary.....

1991: Arkansas Governor and presidential candidate Bill Clinton delivers foreign policy speech and describes plans to interfere in “separatist efforts” in India and Yugoslavia .

1992: Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton promises during his presidential campaign that he will use Super 301, a law designed to impose trade sanctions impacting India

1992: US Trade Representative Carla Hills who turns out to be a Hillary Clinton supporter imposes trade sanctions on India under Super 301

1992: Joe Biden Amendment blocks sale of Russian Cryogenic engines to India

1993: Bill Clinton blocks sale of Cray Supercomputers to India

1993: Bill Clinton administration to sell Cray Supercomputer to China

1993: Bill Clinton supports terrorists in Punjab leading to protests in India outside US embassy (protests happened in early 1994 but support was in late 1993)

1993: Bill Clinton writes to Pakistan lobbyist and offers to work together on Kashmir

1993-94: Bill Clinton does not bother to appoint ambassador to India for more than a year in order to insult India

1994: Clinton’s close friend and Assistant Secretary of State Robin Raphel says Kashmir should not be part of India

1994: Bill Clinton supports Pakistan on Kashmir and accuses India of human rights violations

1994: Bill Clinton administration official sets fire to Indian skirt on TV and declares them a fire hazard hurting Indian textile sector and destroying livelihoods of millions of families who depend on the sector

1994: Bill Clinton targets Indian pharmaceutical industry for destruction by foisting TRIPS provisions as part of WTO

1994: Bill Clinton administration offers F-16 planes to Pakistan and Robin Raphel announces offer from Delhi

1994: Bill Clinton administration pursues carrot and stick policy (carrots for Pakistan, sticks for India): announces F-16s for Pakistan and threatens India with trade sanctions under Super 301

1995: Bill Clinton Appointee declares Indian scarves flammable and orders recall hurting Indian textile industry

1995: Bill Clinton administration foists bad Enron deal on India and forces Indian government to provide guarantees

1996: Bill Clinton sets up ‘Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad’ with aim of forcing Hindus in India to convert to Christianity and this Committee eventually recommends the creation of the hate group USCIRF

1997: Bill Clinton’s friend and Assistant Secretary of State Robin Raphel announces Clinton administration’s policy of opposing Russian collaboration with India for electricity generation and weapons of defense

1997: Bill Clinton’s Vice President Al Gore refers to Punjab as Khalistan

1998: Bill Clinton imposes sanctions on India

1998: Bill Clinton preaches to India on nuclear tests and simultaneously announces MFN status for China

1998: Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright spews vitriol on India and calls India’s actions “felony against the future.”

1999: Bill Clinton tries to impose stringent labor standards on India that would destroy Indian businesses and eliminate competition for Clinton’s cronies

2000: Bill Clinton administration interferes in India and organizes hearing on “human rights violations” based on fabrications about violations of religious freedom

2000: Bill Clinton visits Pakistan on India trip and thus equates India with Pakistan and confers legitimacy on Musharaff who took power in a coup

2001: Hillary Clinton does not oppose Senate vote to remove sanctions on Pakistan

2001: USCIRF, a hate group and creation of Bill Clinton administration, spews vitriol and stereotypes Hindus as “serious violators of religious freedom” and demands that US government ensure that [forced] conversions be permitted in India

2002: USCIRF, a hate group and a creation of Bill Clinton administration, attacks India and Hindus and uses terms like “communal violence” while blaming Hindus; it simultaneously praises Musharaff for curbing “violence in the name of religion” in Pakistan. Note the careful usage of words to describe religious violence in Pakistan.

2003: Democrat Tom Daschle appoints anti-Hindu zealot Preeta Bansal to USCIRF, the hate group created by the Clinton administration, and is cheered by anti-Hindu Christian activists including the violent terrorist Jayachand Pallekonda

2003: Hillary Clinton supporter and India baiter Madeleine Albright, who was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State, calls for a plebiscite in Kashmir

2004: Hillary Clinton exhibits bigotry and claims Mahatma Gandhi ran a gas station in St. Louis

2005: Hillary Clinton causes outrage by calling for India to give up nuclear program and reconcile itself to non-proliferation treaty

2005: Bill Clinton calls for giving aid money to terror group LTTE

2006: Hillary Clinton who is part of the Senate India Caucus stabs India in the back and votes YEA on ‘killer amendment’ to bill in US Senate that deals with Indo-US Nuclear deal; the amendment is intended to kill the deal and set back Indo-US relations by 30 years

2007: Hillary Clinton booed when she defends Musharaff and attacks Senator Obama for saying he would attack Pakistan and take out Osama bin Laden

2007: Hillary Clinton’s fundraiser is organizer of LTTE Heroes Day which celebrates terrorists

2008: Hillary Clinton once again attacks Senator Obama for promising to act against Pakistan for supporting terrorists

2009: Hillary Clinton says she is proud to release report of anti-Hindu hate group USCIRF which was formed on the advice of a Committee consisting of Christians, Muslims and others but not Hindus (Click here to read about Hindus alone being excluded by Bill Clinton when the Office of Religious Freedom was created)

2009: Hillary Clinton backs talks with Taliban

2009-2012: Hillary Clinton carries on a get-Modi campaign against Narendra Modi

2012: Hillary Clinton declares ‘religious freedom,’ a euphemism for Christian proselytism (primarily in the Indian subcontinent), a foreign policy imperative

2013: Clinton Global Initiative partners with anti-Hindu evangelical Christian group World Vision

2014: Bill Clinton friend and former Assistant Secretary of State Robin Raphel investigated by FBI for spying for Pakistan

2015: Huma Abedin, a key member of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is the daughter of a Pakistani mother and her father worked for an Islamist in Saudi Arabia with ties to Al Qaeda

2015: Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Christian missionary and India-baiter Tim Kaine admits Pakistan has connections to terror group LeT but praises Pakistan for fighting terrorists and advises India to have a better relationship with Pakistan

2016: Clinton Foundation donor linked to Pakistani arrested for corruption and harboring terrorists

2016: Hillary Clinton picks Hindu-baiter and India hater Tim Kaine as VP running mate.


Sorry for the baited title.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
This Anti-Hillary Video is Going Massively Viral, Hillary Wants It Hidden!

Ab Ki Baar, Trump Sarkaar - Must Watch

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