2016 US Presidential Elections

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
listen... He gave a one good suggestion go after Islamic terrorist families, this is what i'm saying repeatedly KILL Islamic TERRORISTS (and rioters) FAMILIES problem would be solved!. :D

This guy is not as dumb as he is portrayed.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2013
It was clear from the 2012 election that Republican base had shrunk and the noise Trump is making is not going to attract more voters. It's most likely that Hillary would be president in 2016. Either way it doesn't make much of a difference, the US president is just a mask, a cover. The real machinery keeps working behind the scene whatever mask one puts on it.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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It was clear from the 2012 election that Republican base had shrunk and the noise Trump is making is not going to attract more voters. It's most likely that Hillary would be president in 2016. Either way it doesn't make much of a difference, the US president is just a mask, a cover. The real machinery keeps working behind the scene whatever mask one puts on it.
It doesn't make for much change for anyone outside the U$ofA.
However, the result may have profound impact on the domestic politics and policies of the United States.
What Trumps's win may mean:
- White Man still in a dominant role in US society
- America says no to blatant homos like Hillary(ous)
- America still wishes to really impose Pax Americana

What Clinton's win may mean:
- Minorities are running and the show and overrunning the descendants of the founders of America
- America says yes to homos and other anti-civilization forces
- America just wants a pussy Pax Americana

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
It doesn't make for much change for anyone outside the U$ofA.
However, the result may have profound impact on the domestic politics and policies of the United States.
What Trumps's win may mean:
- White Man still in a dominant role in US society
- America says no to blatant homos like Hillary(ous)
- America still wishes to really impose Pax Americana

What Clinton's win may mean:
- Minorities are running and the show and overrunning the descendants of the founders of America
- America says yes to homos and other anti-civilization forces
- America just wants a pussy Pax Americana
Seriously dude, why are you so scared of homos? are you one yourself!!


New Member
Apr 10, 2015
It's more than a little ironic that a guy as hardline on immigration as Donald Trumphas been surrounded by immigrants his entire life, starting from the very beginning.

"My mother was born in Scotland, in the Hebrides, in Stornoway, so that's serious Scotland. And she was a great woman," Trump said in a 2010 documentary. "Whenever anything was on about, ceremonial about the Queen she could sit at the television and just watch it. She had great respect for the Queen and for everything (she) represents"

In 1930, an 18-year-old Mary MacLeod sailed for America from Glasgow on the S.S. Transylvania, according to a copy of the ship's passenger list on Ancestry.com. MacLeod arrived in New York and married Fred Trump, the son of German immigrants himself.

"My grandfather Frederick Trump came to the United States in 1885. He joined the great gold rush and instead of gold he decided to open up some hotels in Alaska. He did fantastically well. He loved this country, likewise my father and now me," Trump said in a taped message for a German-American pride parade a few years ago.

But on the campaign trail, Trump sounds more like a nativist than the son and grandson of immigrants.

Trump told a meeting of conservative activists last year that the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants would never vote Republican.

"You'd better be smart and you'd better be tough," Trump said. "They're taking your jobs, and you'd better be careful."

It's tough rhetoric that comes with a twist. Trump's current wife is an immigrant herself.

Melania Trump moved to New York about 20 years ago. The Slovenian born model now has her own jewelry and caviar-cream skincare lines. She married Trump in 2005 in a fairytale wedding that included a wedding gown reported to cost $100,000. And the next year, she became a citizen -- a decade after arriving in America.

"She went through a long process to become a citizen. It was very tough," Trump told CNN recently, adding that Melania agrees with his immigration position. "When she got it, she was very proud of it. She came from Europe, and she was very, very proud of it. And she thinks it's a beautiful process when it works."

And of course, Trump's first wife, Ivana, was an immigrant too. Born in Czechoslovakia, she married an Austrian ski instructor in order to get a foreign passport to leave the communist country, her divorce lawyer has said.

She and Trump married in 1977, but she didn't become an American citizen for another 11 years.

Trump has said he supports legal immigration, but on the stump he seems to show little interest in the dreams of modern day immigrants. His immigration plan calls for foreign workers abroad to take a back seat to the domestically unemployed.

"You have a border, you have a country, and if you don't have a border what are we?" Trump asked before answering himself. "Just a -- just a nothing. A nothing."

Trump is not the only Presidential candidate with a foreign bride, Jeb Bush met his wife while in Leon, Mexico helping to build homes. León is a city in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. They married a few years later in Austin, Texas, and now live in Coral Gables, Florida.

It is Ironic while many candidates talk tough on immigrants coming to America, they seek, travel and marry women from other countries, Then bring them in on a K-1 Visas or what otherwise is called a fiancee visa. Kenneth Agee, Marketing Director of A Foreign Affair, a company that specializes in foreign bride match-making says, "We get politicians, celebrates and CEO's for all over the USA, many have strong anti immigration attitudes yet they do not look at bringing a foreign bride to the USA in the same way as other foreigners entering the US, Look at Fox News with it's strong anti Immigrant position yet FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch is married to Wendi Deng Murdoch from Jinan, China, with a 38 year age difference. Its is natural for men to seek beautiful young women no matter where they are from, Just remember love trumps hate, no pun intended. " Kenneth would not give us names of the celebrates they have help find a foreign brides for citing company policy, but A Foreign Affair web sites states that each year the help thousands of men find love abroad.

Trump hasn't been shy about celebrating his immigrant roots. He served as the grand marshal of the annual German-American Steuben Parade in New York City. And he's reminisced about that day and how far his family had come from its European heritage.

Remembering the 1999 parade, Trump said, "We passed Trump Towers, 69 stories. I looked up and I said, 'This is a long way from Kallstadt,'" referring to the town in Germany where his grandfather was from.

But on the campaign trail, Trump is singing a very different immigrant song.

"We're building a wall. It's going to be a wall that is not -- nobody's going through my wall," Trump has said. "Trump builds walls. I build walls."


Nov 28, 2010
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The most serious answer I could think of....
Seriously, you need to work on your logical skills, french dude.
Actually, it's in Freud's work, and has also been validated multiple times subsequently by psychiatrists. Homophobes are often closet homosexuals. Yes, you heard that right. Maybe you need to gift your posterior to a homo one night, you're most probably going to enjoy yourself.


Jul 31, 2015
I would expect 'rw hindus' well acquainted with how jews & other abrahamics use negative terms like racist, sexist, islamophobe to see the truth behind homosexual agenda.

Just as ideally speaking 'reservation' is wrong, as @asingh10 today, it's nessecary.

Sam with how ultimately the LGBTQ agenda is just one used to break family. When back on faster net will make thread but consider this:

Some countries like Canada, allowing 11 year Olds to change their 'gender identity' without notifying parents & can use bathroom they feel most comfortable with.

Same with these threads about India so sexually 'conservative' there's a balance & context.

Agreed, homosexuality exists & trying to ignore its existence does more harm. As @Bangalorean gave example of marriage not consummated for 2 years, agreed. However, with kejriwal in delhi think twice about what you wish for.

Same with sexually conservative, just because people slept with prostitutes or had orgies doesn't mean you should use that as excuse to attack marriage & ruin girls for it (take virginity)

As for Trump, he's not atypical of Anglo elite. Has daughter married to jew, think a Rothschild 1st red flag.

Son too I think but we

2nd his pandering to christian right about mid east christians

Let's think he doesn't want involvement in mid east. Easiest target for protector of christians label? Attack India, direct or indirect (economic, etc)

I see this Trump stuff more as internal squabble, as jews may want to directly control right wing instead of Republican charade which has to keep some Anglo memes alive.

Also Republican are now southern elite, this is way to attack them ie the last stronghold of 'americans'

Too many factions within America for me to say much more without pc.

Either side is bad for us, Hillary will just triple funding for kejriwal & ngos. Trump will do same, just covertly.

As for Freud, if you can't see he's a degenerate jew I don't know what to say. Look at what our's say about psychology vs their's.

I think he was just traumatized because a rabbi sucked his dick when he was 2 & it stems from that.

Certain behaviors like disdain for feminine or homosexual men (kusras) is natural as excess of it lowers fitness of tribe. That such things even exist in India :

Let alone people give 1000s of rupees to them for their well wishes shows you guys are just confused 'right wingers'

Remember with your support of 'homosexuals' you're importing a LGBTQ memetic package with all that it curtails ie

Elevation of homosexuals to special protected group : automatically means disenfranchisement of normal heterosexuals.

The LGBTQ agenda also means a shift in values

Reproduction vs pleasure

Many other things

Example is here :

Can't find better link where western gora basically points out that now in West :

If you define a sexual value system that ignores reproduction or disdains it as homosexual ; then porn, as well as all mass media is homosexual.

Having family or kids looked down upon, being 'just a mother' or 'just a housrwife' is met with scorn the inverse being that:

The heterosexual male is just a dog & a potential rapist is a woman is by circumstance 'forced' to be in marriage with him (all heterosexual sex is rape, remember) then she should get the 'most' out of it : ie least amount of kids, most possible material pleasures (iPhone, vacation) & even cheat around with the 'alpha' male or even the gardener.

Since the 'feminist' class needs women as a vote bank, it must do everything possible to separate them from men meaning :

Make them vulnerable this can involve many things which are unique to each economy in West it meant

Outsourcing & destroying traditional forms of labor & expanding state while making women dependent on it. This expanded to private sector with many factors,

Grants, loans, 'shaming' through media cult of diversity.

You can ignore what I say, or think 'this won't happen here' but, remember this :

When you look at America & laugh know that

It had anarchist rebellions from the 1870s, after stalin purged the trotskyists in the 30s where do you think they went?

Especially with an America that had millions dying during the depression, an event now compared to holomdor (Ukrainian genocide even though it was in east)

It's known that communists infiltrated massively in the 50s. Article on unz detailed whole McCarthy era.

So since then,

Do you think America was rich back then? Media glamor aside, remember that many western homes even till 80s did not have indoor plumbing.

It was only late 70s that north american trains stopped desi toilet falls on track style.

The 60s car, home etc was just that era version of Kardashian. Looking at s Korea & its current diverse problems with blacks & muslims one can see that :

Cultural Marxism & ideological alignment with west can make you rich one generation & suicidally degenerate within the next 1.5.

India is already moving in this direction & adopting these values. It's as Sita Ram Goel said:

Many right wingers are secretly nehruvian at heart; knowingly or unknowingly.

If you're motivated primarily by how :

Progressive, forward something sounds
Rather than cost benefit analysis for your society

As well as root grounding in your dharam (values of your ancestors) then you know which direction you're headed.

As even melech Russians said: India will always have its villages.

& honestly that's all I count on.



Nov 28, 2010
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@punjab47 thanks for acknowledging my point w.r.t. homosexuals. I am glad that you read my posts.

I don't want even one more girl in my community (or in my country for that matter) to end up married to a homosexual, ruining her life. Let homosexuals declare it openly and find those who would have them.


Jul 31, 2015
@Bangalorean the difference I would say between that & lgbtq or any abrahamic agenda is forced change.

Whether values or other ie from what I know (UK basics of Sikhi so not 100%)

Lets say 'Sikh marriage' is for reproduction so no homosexuals.

Means what? Can a homosexual be a Sikh? Well yea, that's a personal thing but within Sikh society more than likely he would be a celibate who lives in a gurudawara.

Nihang, Sevapanthi etc
I don't like to talk on issues I'm not sure about ie the claim that 'sex is only for reproduction' avoid kaam even in marriage as in my experience lot of this is western phenomenon
Hindus uprooted turn inward & crazy without good sangat.
As manglacharan points out Singh's would take sukha, afeem, sharab, kabab & wear weapons, practice military drills & hunt.

Realism Vs Idealism even manusmriti touches on this.

Basically in re to North South. No problem with South, if Aryavarta Deccan division exists still higher functioning of Bharat Varsh.
Just don't like whole South is all heavenly North is stupid hell hole that 'embarrasses' India stuff.

Better to work together, agreed.
Prefer to work together, tbh.

Ancestor stuff, tbh let's drive 4500 t90s into lahore then talk about it.

Ancestor stuff matters this much:

Lahore & Kasur are ancestral cities of Gurus & their ancestral property.

Non negotiable & must be taken any cost. We're 90km from border, know it's inevitable we'll be nuked.

Might as well make some use of it.



Nov 28, 2010
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@punjab47 you think the "south" actually says "south heavenly north hellhole"?! Yes, on this forum several have said it including me. Does that mean i believe it? Hell, no. Rest assured, each time we have made a statement of that sort it has been a reaction to another such statement made by someone from "north".

But I detest people claiming automatic superiority and hierarchy based on probable ancestral achievements. Even if you've achieved something in this life, no one likes a braggart. And without any spectacular achievements if one brags just on the basis of probable ancestral achievements, and asks for hierarchy and stuff, that I will not tolerate.

Just put it down to my innate hate of braggarts and snooty people.


Jul 31, 2015
Editing broken meant to add brackets from I don't like to talk to manusmriti part

After Nihang part adding: however in ideal secular state meaning all religion is same (evil) so state must interfere as its all fairytale anyway.

You would have gay transsexual as akal takht jathedar. Meaning of secular is ultimately in all matters state divine, its just radical abrahamic marxism that seeks to destroy all other 'religions' ie frameworks to influence individual lives on a group level.

That's where I see it heading, some evidence you may ask?

Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not allow women or children in Panj Pyare.

In 3ho white yogi 'sikhi' they started women in Panj Pyare from 80s. Past 3years started in Canada, how long till same call made in India?

How long until SC says 'no written evidence in Sikh holy book banning this'

& that too considering only Adi Granth Sahib as Guru ignoring 'Hindu' Dasam & Sarbloh Guru Granths as well as works of contemporary Sikhs at time, explaining cultural context.

84 & many other events taught them that classic liberal approach of small steps over generations is best.

Current state of Sikhi is small steps since 1809 or even before + repetitive lies of

Sikhs fight oppression everywhere
Sikhs see no differences among people

Both contradictory statements if you think about it.


Jul 31, 2015
But I detest people claiming automatic superiority and hierarchy based on probable ancestral achievements. Even if you've achieved something in this life, no one likes a braggart. And without any spectacular achievements if one brags just on the basis of probable ancestral achievements, and asks for hierarchy and stuff, that I will not tolerate.
What you mean is don't think this life is set because of past karam, that's true.

Ultimately, ask these men what they want to do : they want to fight.

What's one thing state doesn't let you do? Fight.

It'll be solved on its own, a 5 4 chamar & a 6 2 Jatt joke among themselves:

What's the point of me being so big, if I'm going to drive a tractor.
You make the weapons, I kill the muslims.
How is your contribution any less?

This discussion can go into much detail but, ultimately what use in trying to civilize (pacify) these men.

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ himself will not allow it.

Sahibzada Fateh Singh took the form of a Nihang Singh, when Guru Sahib asked him to show the sangat true form of Akal Purakh.
Akal Purus made Talwar before Brahmand
We don't stop other Jaatis from joining us.

Remember that a Shudra gave amrit to Guru Gobind Singh Ji, avatar of Akal Purakh himself.

Nawab Jassa Singh Ahluwalia Bandi Chor was an untouchable alcohol maker.

We're asking to be the first allowed in battle,

Ultimately whether you love us or hate us shouldn't be stopping


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Actually, it's in Freud's work, and has also been validated multiple times subsequently by psychiatrists. Homophobes are often closet homosexuals. Yes, you heard that right. Maybe you need to gift your posterior to a homo one night, you're most probably going to enjoy yourself.
Hello again, filthy subhuman, worshipper of the jews and gays. You need not have suggested that activity which you and your father did every night as a child and probably even now. I follow a less deviant path, i am afraid you'd not find my straight and natural path much joyful. Good day to you, filth.


Nov 28, 2010
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Hello again, filthy subhuman, worshipper of the jews and gays. You need not have suggested that activity which you and your father did every night as a child and probably even now. I follow a less deviant path, i am afraid you'd not find my straight and natural path much joyful. Good day to you, filth.
If someone can shed light on the reason that maniacs like this have a Jew-hate, please enlighten me. If @pmaitra and @Sakal Gharelu Ustad can help on this, I would love to be enlightened.

These guys are actually the biggest Western asslickers. The anti-Jewish sentiment in the West is lapped up by Indians like this, just because they want to ape the Westerners. These are the biggest apes in the history of mankind with a huge inferiority complex.

Think about it - most Indians won't know (or care) about Jews or Judaism. Most haven't even met a Jew in their lives. But pathetic apes like this @spikey360 read some crap on the internet and start badmouthing Jews and speak the language of the Western far right.

These specimens would be good subjects for a psychiatric study. Closet homosexuals and Western asslickers with massive inferiority complex.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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I see you guys talking about AAP getting foreign funding. Is this part of the Western Liberal elite effort to Abhramize India? If so how is giving Kejiriwal money going to affect that?

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