Know Your 'Rafale'


Air Warrior
New Member
Aug 18, 2010
Dassault remporte l'appel d'offre pour vendre 126 avions Rafale à l'Inde

LEMONDE.FR avec AFP, Reuters | 31.01.12 | 13h18 "¢ Mis à jour le 31.01.12 | 13h24
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L'avion de chasse français Rafale, de Dassault Aviation, n'avait jusqu'à présent été vendu qu'à la France.

L'avion de chasse français Rafale, de Dassault Aviation, n'avait jusqu'à présent été vendu qu'à la France.REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol

Le groupe Dassault a remporté le colossal appel d'offres lancé par l'Inde pour 126 avions de chasse a annoncé, mardi, l'agence de presse Press Trust of India. Outre le montant du contrat – le contrat s'élèverait à 10,4 milliards de dollars (7,9 milliards d'euros), d'après le Times of India –l'opération est remarquable car il s'agit là du premier succès à l'exportation de Dassault pour son avion.

Le Rafale et le Typhoon du consortium Eurofighter, composé d'EADS, BAE Systems et Finmeccanica, étaient les deux finalistes pour ce contrat. En début de journée, mardi, des sources gouvernementales indiennes avaient fait savoir que le Rafale était le candidat le moins cher de l'appel d'offre.

Dassault remporte l'appel d'offre pour vendre 126 avions Rafale � l'Inde -

TRANSLATED VERSION - Thanks Google Translate ;)

Dassault won the tender to sell 126 Rafale aircraft to India

The French Rafale fighter from Dassault Aviation, had so far been sold to France.

The French Rafale fighter from Dassault Aviation, had so far been sold at the France.REUTERS / Pascal Rossignol

The Dassault won the colossal tender launched by India for 126 fighter jets announced Tuesday, the news agency Press Trust of India. In addition to the amount of the contract - the contract amount to $ 10.4 billion (7.9 billion), according to the Times of India, the operation is remarkable because this is the first success export Dassault for its aircraft.

The Rafale and the Typhoon Eurofighter consortium, composed of EADS, BAE Systems and Finmeccanica were the two finalists for the contract. Earlier today, Tuesday, Indian government sources had indicated that the Rafale was the candidate of the cheapest tender.


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
Dassault to invest highly in China....:shocked:

French business jet maker looks to China for growth

Dassault Falcon aims to sell 20 business jets in China in Y 2012, accounting for 25% of the Company's annual Global sales.

"China will be the biggest market of our company," said Jean Michael-Jacob, vice president of Dassault Falcon, owned by the fighter jet Rafale's maker Dassault Aviation.

As the 2nd largest economy in the World, China's demand for business jets will explode in the coming years, he said, "China will have at least 500 business jets in 5 yrs, and we plan to take 35% of this market."

The French company sold 15 jets in China, each for between US$30 to 50-M, within a year after moving its Asia office from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in December 2010.

The current China market is comparatively small with only 150 business jets in use, when the United States has around 7,000.

Michael-Jacob said Falcon accounts for only 10% of the current China market. The biggest business jets seller in China is Gulfstream from the United States, which currently has over 60% market share.

"The China market will grow in the coming years," he said. By Y 2020, China will have 1,000 business jets and Falcon aims to have taken 35% of its market by then.

Since it first produced the Falcon in Y 1963, the Company has delivered over 2,000 Falcons in more than 67 countries, taking 40% of the global business jet market.

But since the Global financial crisis, its Global sales have stagnated. "The future is in China," Michael-Jacob said.

Dassault Falcon in China | Live Stock Trading News | Equities, Forex, Gold, Silver and Oil Trading


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
Dassault to invest highly in China....:shocked:

French business jet maker looks to China for growth

Dassault Falcon aims to sell 20 business jets in China in Y 2012, accounting for 25% of the Company's annual Global sales.

"China will be the biggest market of our company," said Jean Michael-Jacob, vice president of Dassault Falcon, owned by the fighter jet Rafale's maker Dassault Aviation.

As the 2nd largest economy in the World, China's demand for business jets will explode in the coming years, he said, "China will have at least 500 business jets in 5 yrs, and we plan to take 35% of this market."

The French company sold 15 jets in China, each for between US$30 to 50-M, within a year after moving its Asia office from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in December 2010.

The current China market is comparatively small with only 150 business jets in use, when the United States has around 7,000.

Michael-Jacob said Falcon accounts for only 10% of the current China market. The biggest business jets seller in China is Gulfstream from the United States, which currently has over 60% market share.

"The China market will grow in the coming years," he said. By Y 2020, China will have 1,000 business jets and Falcon aims to have taken 35% of its market by then.

Since it first produced the Falcon in Y 1963, the Company has delivered over 2,000 Falcons in more than 67 countries, taking 40% of the global business jet market.

But since the Global financial crisis, its Global sales have stagnated. "The future is in China," Michael-Jacob said.

Dassault Falcon in China | Live Stock Trading News | Equities, Forex, Gold, Silver and Oil Trading


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
old but a worthy news about Rafale selection.
Indian Politician Says Sonia Gandhi Has Rigged M-MRCA Deal for Rafale
Livefist: Indian Politician Says Sonia Gandhi Has Rigged M-MRCA Deal for Rafale


If the Indian M-MRCA fighter competition wasn't
quite surreal enough, in comes an Indian
politician-economist, notably re-energized by his
current association with India's "anti-corruption"
movement and India's monumental telecom
scam investigation, to stir the pot some more. A
known fire-bomber with an unabashed antipathy
to India's ruling Congress party, Subramanian
Swamy has now apparently trained his ire at the
IAF's $12-billion M-MRCA fighter deal.
Swamy, officially leader of the Janata Party, but
best known for years as a voluble and dogged
government baiter on all matters graft, says he
has written to Indian Prime Minister Dr
Manmohan Singh making some very dramatic
allegations. The letter (full text in image above)
was written on April 29, two days after the
dramatic M-MRCA elimination. Like all his letters,
this one says that it draws on "inside information"
from within the government. Let's get to the
Swamy writes: "My sources indicate that the pre-
determined decision to favour the French aircraft
[Dassault's Rafale] was the outcome of several
conversations between the wife of French
President Ms. Carla Bruni and the Chairperson of
the National Advisory Council Ms. Sonia Gandhi,
and surprisingly also with two foreign nationals
who are the sisters of Ms. Sonia Gandhi."
It is not clear what information Swamy has based
his allegations on.
At the very least, it should be said that
Subramanian Swamy was once quite aptly
described by a leading news weekly as "the
Professor Moriarty to Sonia's Sherlock Holmes",
so there shouldn't be any real surprise that the
target of his letter is specifically the Congress
Party president. That said, the allegations he
makes are indubitably explosive. Swamy's letter
refers to "credible information" in his possession,
but says nothing about what this credible
information is. It is not clear if he has shared any
further information with the Prime Minister apart
from this letter.
The operative part of his letter goes: "Based on
some credible information given to me on the
conversation between Ms. Carla Bruni and Ms
Sonia Gandhi's sisters, there has been an
agreement of the French to pay a hefty bribe for
favouring the purchase of French aircrafts."
Interestingly, a popular Indian military
commentator has made a slightly backhanded
allusion to pretty much the same thing today. In
this column published in today's Pioneer, Maj Gen
(Retd) Ashok Mehta writes, "The IAF favours the
Rafale not the least because the French are
promising the moon. There is also a high level
back channel Italian connection, they say." So
either the columnist has read Subramanian
Swamy's letter, or has his own "insiders", in
which case, as you've no doubt guessed, we
have two prominent Indian figures saying that
the Rafale has already been chosen to win the M-
MRCA competition, and that it took a high-level
government connection -- Swamy names Sonia
Gandhi, the Maj Gen her nationality -- to work it
It should be reiterated that neither of these
controversial assertions has been backed in
substance -- at least as far as I know -- in either
the letter or the column. We'll have to see where
this goes.
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 24, 2010
RAFALE!!!!! ---- yea!!!!
my prayers finally listened by god( no pun intended to agonist)


New Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Was there ever a doubt that Rafale would not win?
Yeah! Rafale wasn't the favorite among the jingos. In addition , it was difficult for HAL to deal with EF for it's fifth gen technology.


Phat Cat
New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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and rafale doesn't even have supercruise :troll:


Maulana Rockullah
New Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Lowest bidder? Something like ek ke saath ek free? :lol:


Phat Cat
New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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New Delhi: French company Dassault Aviation's Rafale has won the $10.4 billion deal to supply 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) to the Indian Air Force (IAF).
According to sources, Rafale won the multi-billion dollar deal as it was found to be similar to the French Mirage 2000 fighter jet, which is already being operated by the IAF.
The IAF will buy the first 18 aircraft off the shelf while the other 118 will be manufactured in partnership with an Indian company.

Rafale wins IAF's $ 10.4 billion deal to supply 126 jets - India News - IBNLive


New Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Lowest bidder? Something like ek ke saath ek free?

^^^^ nah its something like 5 ka 2 , 5 ka 2....

btw UP election just got cheaper and dirtier for cong....!!


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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i think we have to understand the security implications for this fighter, no longer we have to depend on more then one nation for our fighter, plus lots of things should also come with this (lets hope so).


Phat Cat
New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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Well all said and done, Rafale is indeed a very capable craft, and certainly adds to IAF's lethality. And lets admit it, the most beautiful craft around. :p

I am just worried about conformal drop tanks, its range isn't much.. and then integration and then...