The "Zionist Hindu Crusader" Alliance Marches On


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
The "Zionist Hindu Crusader" Alliance Marches On

Documents captured from radicals and terrorists in Pakistan warn darkly about a new axis of evil in the world: a 'Zionist Hindu Crusader' alliance bringing Israel, India, and the United States together in a war on Islam. They are wrong about the last part; all three countries want peaceful relations with Islamic countries based on mutual recognition and respect. The alliance isn't a closed club, and Islamic countries are welcome to join. Otherwise, however, the radicals have a point. The deepening relations between the United States, India, and Israel are changing the geopolitical geometry of the modern world in ways that will make the lives of fanatical terrorists even more dismal and depressing (not to mention shorter) than they already are. Israel and the United States are both in a better long term position than many Americans sometimes think; one of the main reasons is an Indian-Israeli connection that most Americans know nothing about.

Americans often underestimate Israel: we underestimate Israel's ability to conduct a foreign policy independent of US support and we underestimate Israel's long term prospects for success in its region. Indeed, Americans often talk about Israel as if we were the Jewish state's only real friend — and that Israel is completely dependent on American goodwill.

That's not true historically and it's not true today. The Soviet Union (through its Czechoslovakian satellite regime) provided Israel with the arms that gave it the decisive advantage in its War of Independence. The British and French armed and supported Israel in the 1956 Suez War. France provided Israel with the core of its nuclear technology and France supplied Israel with the Mirage jets which destroyed the Arab air forces at the outset of the Six-Day War. During all this time the United States government did not provide Israel with much help; no Israeli prime minister was even invited to Washington until 1964 when Levi Eshkol met with President Lyndon Johnson.

While the United States today is unquestionably Israel's most important ally and partner, we are not the only game in town. The United States isn't the country where Israel enjoys its highest favorable ratings; according to a survey carried out for the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 2009, India is the country where people like Israel the most. According to the survey, 58 percent of Indians supported Israel; 56 percent of Americans in the survey felt that way.

What makes that more surprising is that India is the country with the third-largest number of Muslims in the world. An estimated 160 million Muslims live in India, 13.4 percent of the total population. Even Muslims in India are (relatively) pro-Israel; in 2007 a delegation of Indian Muslims led by a group representing the 500,000 member All India Association of Imams met in Jerusalem with Israeli President Shimon Peres on a visit intended to advance the 'democratic understanding' of Israel among Indian Muslims.

The relationship isn't just about good wishes. India has the largest (reported) defense budget of any developing country; Israel is India's largest supplier of arms. As two of the leading IT countries in the world, India and Israel also collaborate on a variety of high tech projects, some with military implications.

Although both India and Israel were born at the same time — a collapsing British Empire was hastily liquidating its overseas commitments — for many years they had little to do with each other. Britain's inglorious scuttle from imperial responsibility left festering issues for both countries: Palestine and Kashmir. It was a strategic objective of Indian foreign policy to keep the Kashmir question away from the United Nations, and in particular to avoid a united Islamic bloc on the question. Siding with Israel seemed a good way to trigger exactly the hostility India wanted to avoid. Later in the Cold War period, India's close relationship with the Soviet Union encouraged a distance between India and America's close Middle Eastern ally. As a result, as a leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, India was one of Israel's toughest opponents, voting consistently with the Arabs to isolate Israel in international bodies (informally, ties were often closer, especially in business).

In one of the least-noted but perhaps more important shifts of the post Cold War world, that has all changed. Currently, Israel isn't just popular in India. It is India's largest supplier of high-tech weapons and the growing cooperation between the two countries is spreading into both economic and political fields. There is a strategic compatibility in their interests. Economically, the marriage of Indian and Israeli high-tech know how with India's enormous force of educated, English-speaking labor, its vast internal market, and Israel's marketing experience and connections with the advanced industrial economies make for a natural complementarity. Israel welcomes the rise of Indian economic and political influence in the Middle East and East Africa. Both countries view the activities of radicals in Pakistan and their use of Pakistan and Afghanistan for wider regional ambitions with deep concern.

There's another connection. The United States increasingly favors the emergence of India as a world and regional power. In the context of the Middle East and Africa, Americans see India as a stabilizing, anti-extremist force. More broadly, while the United States isn't (and shouldn't be) operating a policy of containment against China, the growing prosperity and power of India in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East is an important positive factor in maintaining the kind of international order the United States wants to see. That means, among other things, that the United States is likely to look with more favor on transfers of technological know how and the sales of advanced weapons systems from Israel to India than from Israel to China. This preference reinforces the ties between the two most successful democracies to emerge from British colonialism in modern Asia.

The growing Israel-India connection is only beginning to make itself felt. Long term, the relationship provides Israel with another great power ally to supplement its relationship with the United States. From both a geopolitical and an economic point of view, the relationship with India helps assure Israel of a long-term future in the region. As India develops and its power grows, the Gulf Arabs, Iran (a natural long-term ally for both India and Israel once it moves beyond the delusional and dead-end geopolitical agenda of its current government), and countries like Sudan and Somalia will increasingly feel its influence. India and Israel, with the quiet blessing of the United States, can also do more to promote economic development and democracy in East Africa — a region that has historically had close links to India and which is of great strategic importance to Israel.

This "Zionist Hindu Crusader" alliance is a nightmare scenario for radicals and terrorists in the Islamic world. The emergence of closer relations between the American global superpower, the regional Israeli military, and technological superpower, and the rising superpower of India is a basic challenge to the worldview of the extremists. The radicals have imagined a world in which the west and especially America is in decline, Israel faces a deep crisis, and a resurgent Islamic world is emerging as a new world-historical power.

Suppose none of that is happening. Suppose instead that both the United States and Israel are going to prosper and grow, based in part on their economic relationship with India. Suppose that Israel's extraordinary culture of high-tech innovation will be energized by the relationship with India so that Israel's technological and scientific lead over its neighbors continues to grow over time. Suppose that Indian power will be returning to the Gulf and East Africa, and that not only Pakistan but the Arab world will be increasingly focused on accommodating the rise of a new regional, and ultimately global, superpower. Add to this that immense natural gas discoveries off Israel's coastline are revolutionizing the country's long term economic position and security strategy.

In that kind of world the arguments and the ideas of religious radicals won't make much sense to most people. On the other hand, the economic dynamism created by the explosive growth of the Indian economy (assuming of course that the trend toward double-digit GDP growth continues) will offer the Arab world (and Pakistan) new opportunities for rapid economic development of their own. At the same time, the growing diplomatic and political influence that a rising India will have in the region will add new weight to American efforts to help the region move toward peace and reconciliation. In this kind of world, Islamic radicalism can't deliver and its basic assumptions look shallow and unconvincing.

India has some unfinished business at home and in the neighborhood before it can fully emerge as the kind of power it hopes to become. The benefits of economic growth need to be felt more widely and long-festering social tensions and issues need to be addressed. More Indians need more access to more education and more personal and intellectual freedom. Relations with Pakistan need to improve; nothing would improve India's security at home or enhance its ability to play a major regional role as much as reconciliation with Pakistan (And nothing could be worse for India than the continued descent of Pakistan into the horrors of terrorism and civil strife). India must also keep up with China in the race to develop; one area in which it lags considerably behind is infrastructure, and unless India finds a way to accelerate the construction of roads, power plants, port facilities and to provide for the orderly and rapid development of land for industrial sites it will have a hard time matching China's awesome surge forward.

It will take time for India to overcome these obstacles, but in the last twenty years it has managed to double its economic rate of growth while changing the fundamental orientation of its foreign policy after the Cold War. These are the marks of a country led by serious people who understand their long-term interests, have a clear view of the world, and are prepared to move with great determination to secure their vital interests. They are, in other words, good people to have on your side.

Israel's strategic relationship with India–warmly embraced by both countries and cheered on by the United States,– may well turn out to be one of the most important international connections in the twenty-first century. That it receives so little attention in the US and abroad illustrates the difficulty of understanding the twenty-first century with ideas and assumptions forged in the twentieth. India is no longer a relatively minor power and it is no longer anti-American and anti-Israel. Those are big changes; attention must be paid.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
'A Crusader-Zionist-Hindu War Against Muslims'

Edited translation of an audiotape attributed to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, parts of which were aired by Aljazeera on April 23, 2006. (It is not known where or when the recording was made.)

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the world, prayer and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad, his kin and all his companions.

Peace, Allah's mercy and blessing be upon you, as I am directing this speech to all the Islamic Umma, to continue talking and urging them to support our prophet Muhammad, and to punish the perpetrators of the horrible crime committed by some Crusader-journalists and apostates against the master of the predecessors and successors, our prophet Muhammad.

The holy verses of the Quran and the holy prophetic teachings have all clarified the need for according love, respect and obedience to our prophet. Allah, the Almighty, has made it a taboo to offend him, saying in the Quran those who harm Allah and his messenger would be damned and severely punished.

It was also confirmed by an authentic source that prophet Muhammad said no one could be faithful until he loves me more than he loves his parents, his sons and all other people. Therefore, the Umma has reached a consensus that he who offends or degrades the messenger would be killed. Such offence is regarded as kufr (infidelity).

We ask Allah to give his blessings to whoever decried the behaviour of the infidels who have offended the prophet in every part of the world, and blessings to those who have died in the process, while we vow to Allah to avenge for those whose blood have been spilled.

The West is incapable of recognising the rights of others. It will not be able to respect others' beliefs or feelings. The West still believes in ethnic supremacy and looks down on other nations. They categorise human beings into white masters and coloured slaves.

This is why they established institutions and enacted laws to maintain their supremacy by creating the United Nations and the veto power ... . They regard jihad for the sake of God or defending one's self or his country as an act of terror. US and Europe consider jihad groups in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq and Afghanistan as terrorist groups, so how could we talk or have understanding with them without using weapons?

On their part, the rulers of our region consider the US and Europe as their friends and allies while looking at the jihad groups that fight against the Crusaders in Iraq and Afghanistan as terrorist groups as well. So how can we reach understanding with those rulers who deny us the right to defend ourselves and our religion without carrying arms?

The net result of their thinking is for us to abandon jihad and acquiesce to remaining as their slaves. This is impossible, God willing.

The Palestine question is a manifestation of such injustices when the allied forces of the Crusaders and the Zionists decided to hand over Palestine to the Zionists to establish a state after committing massacres, displaced the indigenous Palestinians and brought Jews from all over the world to settle in Palestine.

The ongoing injustice and aggression did not stop in the last nine decades, while all attempts to reclaim our rights and exact justice on the Israeli oppressors, were blocked by the leadership of the Crusaders and Zionists' alliance by using the so-called veto power.

Such attitudes were also reflected by their rejection of the Hamas movement and its victory in the elections ... . Their rejection to Hamas has reaffirmed that they were waging a crusade against Islam.

The US sought to reach southern Sudan, recruited an army of southerners, supported them with weapons and funding and directed them to seek separation from Sudan. Then it exercised pressure against Khartoum government to sign an unjust agreement which permits south Sudan to gain independence from the north within six years.

[Sudanese President Omar] al-Bashir and [US President George] Bush should have been aware that this agreement is not worth the ink by which it was written, and we do not accord the least concern to it. Nobody, whoever he was, has the right to accede an inch of the land of Islam and the south will remain an inseparable part of the land of Isalm, God willing, even if the war continued for decades.

The US was not satisfied by all the sedition and crimes, but went on to incite sedition, the largest of which was the west Sudan sedition by exploiting some disputes between the tribes and sparking a savage war between them that will spare nothing, prior to sending in Crusader troops to occupy the region and steal its oil wealth under the pretext of peacekeeping.

This is a continuous Crusader-Zionist war against Muslims. In this respect I am inviting the mujahidin and their supporters in the Sudan and other countries around, including the Arabian peninsula in particular, to prepare all that is needed for a long-term war against the Crusaders and thieves in western Sudan.

Our objective is obvious, that is defending Islam, the people and the land but not Khartoum government since our differences with them are so enormous, mostly when it backtracked in implementing the Sharia law and abandoned south Sudan.

I urge the mujahidin to get acquainted with Darfur state tribes and land and its surroundings, keeping in mind that the region is about to face the rainy season that hampers means of transport.

This is one of the reasons why the occupation was adjourned for six months. So it is imperative to speed up action and benefit from the time factor by stocking a large amount of landmines and anti-armour grenades such as RPGs [rocket propelled grenades].

What was the aim behind barring arms from the unarmed people in Bosnia and letting the Serb army to massacre Muslims and spill their blood for years under UN cover? It was a Crusader war against Muslims.

What was the aim of the pressure against Indonesia by the Crusaders countries until East Timor, 24 hours after a warning by the UN? A Crusader-Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims.

Meanwhile, a UN resolution passed more than half a century ago gave Muslim Kashmir the liberty of choosing independence from India and Kashmir. George Bush, the leader of the Crusaders' campaign, announced a few days ago that he will order his converted agent [Pakistan President Pervez] Musharraf to shut down the Kashmir mujahidin camps, thus affirming that it is a Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims.

With respect to Pakistan, some Muslims have done a good job by assisting their fellow Muslims, God bless them, but the Pashtun tribes must be aided after the Pakistan army devastated their homes in Waziristan in order to satisfy the US.

What does the silence over Russian atrocities inside Chechnya mean, along with mutilating their bodies by tying them to tanks while the so-called free world gives its blessings and even secretly supports the aggression ? This is a Zionist crusade.

What does the humiliation of Muslims in Somalia and killing 13,000 Muslims mean, along with torching Muslims' bodies? This is a Zionist-Crusaders war.

I will remind Muslims to fear God and to save their brothers in the African Horn from the famine that hit them.

What does the destruction of the infrastructure in Iraq mean and the tragedy that befell them mean? And the use of depleted uranium, besieging Iraq for years, causing the death of more than one million children which amazed all who had visited Iraq, including the Westerners themselves? It is a malicious crusade against Muslims.

What does the reoccupation of Iraq mean by using lies and deception along with murder, destruction, detention, torture and creation of huge military bases to dominate the whole region? It is a Zionist crusade against Muslims.

What about the continuous cultural domination through the setting up of radio stations and TV channels along with the Voice of America, London and others to continue the cultural domination of Muslims, combat our beliefs, change our values, encourage vice and even interfere with school curricula?

How can we explain France's stance on the headscarf and the banning on wearing it at schools, its relentless dealing with the Muslim community and its plan to establish a TV channel in Morocco to combat Islamic awareness there? This is a Zionist-Crusader war.

In conclusion, a war is under way to offend the messenger of Allah, his religion and his Umma (nation). The Muslim preparedness and their jihad should be on a par with these events. The duty of our Muslim nation over this Crusaders' campaign with its different aspects is to focus on supporting the prophet, his religion and the Umma to the best of our ability in all fields.

Despite the numerous Crusader attacks against our Muslim nation in military, economic, cultural and moral aspects, but the gravest of them all is the attack against our religion, our prophet and the our Sharia tenets. The epicentre of these wars is Baghdad, the seat of the khalifate rule. They keep reiterating that success in Baghdad will be success for the US, failure in Iraq the failure of the US.

Their defeat in Iraq will mean defeat in all their wars and a beginning to the receding of their Zionist-Crusader tide against us. Your mujahidin sons and brothers in Iraq have taught the US a hard lesson while in the fourth year of the Crusaders' invasion, they are steadfast and patient and keep killing and wounding enemy soldiers every day.

It is a duty for the Umma with all its categories, men, women and youths, to give away themselves, their money, experiences and all types of material support, enough to establish jihad in the fields of jihad particularly in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kashmir and Chechnya. Jihad today is an imperative for every Muslim. The Umma will commit sin if it did not provide adequate material support for jihad.

O fellow Muslims, pay no heed for the number of the enemy and their arsenal of arms because victory is a gift of God while the enemy, praise be to God, is experiencing a critical situation.

(Courtesy, Al Jazeera)


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
And Now, Osama Targets India

In the latest audio message attributed to bin Laden, he has for the first time made direct references to India and the Kashmir issue and spoken of an alleged Crusader-Zionist-Hindu conspiracy against the Muslims.

I had mentioned in my past articles that while Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's No. 2, had criticised India and the Hindus, bin Laden himself had refrained from any direct criticism of India and the Hindus.

In the latest audio message attributed to bin Laden, which was broadcast by the Al Jazeera TV channel on April 23, 2006 (please see the link below) he has for the first time made direct references to India and the Kashmir issue and spoken of an alleged Crusader-Zionist-Hindu conspiracy against the Muslims. He makes the first reference to "a Crusader-Zionist-Hindu war against the Muslims" while talking of the alleged Western conspiracy to deprive Indonesia of East Timor.

It is not clear why he refers to India in connection with the separation of East Timor from Indonesia. He then says: "Meanwhile, a UN resolution passed more than half a century ago gave Muslim Kashmir the liberty of choosing independence from India. George Bush, the leader of the Crusaders' campaign, announced a few days ago that he will order his converted agent [Pakistan President Pervez] Musharraf to shut down the Kashmir mujahidin camps, thus affirming that it is a Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims."

His reference is apparently to the remarks made by President Bush during his visit to Afghanistan, India and Pakistan from March 1 to 4, 2006. Mr. Bush had stated at Delhi that he would be taking up with President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan India's complaints that the jihadist terrorist infrastructure in Pakistani territory directed against India remains intact.

bin Laden further adds: "It is the duty for the Umma with all its categories, men, women and youths, to give away themselves, their money, experiences and all types of material support, enough to establish jihad particularly in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kashmir and Chechnya. Jihad today is an imperative for every Muslim. The Umma will commit a sin if it did not provide adequate material support for jihad."

He also refers to the current fighting in the Waziristan area of Pakistan between the Pakistani Army and the local inhabitants in the following words: " With respect to Pakistan, some Muslims have done a good job by assisting their fellow Muslims, God bless them, but the Pashtun tribes must be aided after the Pakistan army devastated their homes in Waziristan in order to satisfy the US."

This is the second audio message by bin Laden since he broke his 13-month-long silence on January 19, 2006,with a message which was essentially directed to the American people in the context of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. That message was triggered off by reports of growing opposition to the war in Iraq from large sections of the American public. It sought to take advantage of this opposition by offering a truce to the American people if the American forces were withdrawn from the two countries. It carried an implied warning that if his offer was rejected, another terrorist strike in the US homeland would follow for which, he claimed, preparations were already under way.

The latest message, which is addressed to the Islamic world and not to the US and other Western countries, does not repeat his earlier warning of plans for another terrorist strike in the US. The message of April 23 seems to have been triggered off by a concern over the lack of any significant anger in the Islamic world over the suspension of Western assistance to the Hamas-led Government in the area under the control of the Palestinian Authority and over the developments in the Darfur region of the Sudan and the plans to send an international peace-keeping force there. He projects these developments as evidence of the continuing conspiracy by the Crusaders and the Zionists against the Muslims.

His reference to the American opposition to the Hamas is casual rhetoric, without any indication of any action to be taken by the Muslims in this connection. However, his references to the alleged American designs in the Sudan and to the need to counter the Crusaders' in southern and Western Sudan are more detailed and call for specific action such as storage of weapons for waging a jihad before the rains start hindering transport in the interior.

He says:

"I am inviting the mujahidin and their supporters in the Sudan and other countries around, including the Arabian peninsula in particular, to prepare all that is needed for a long-term war against the Crusaders and thieves in western Sudan. Our objective is obvious, that is defending Islam, the people and the land but not Khartoum government since our differences with them are so enormous, mostly when it backtracked in implementing the Sharia law and abandoned south Sudan. I urge the mujahidin to get acquainted with Darfur state tribes and land and its surroundings, keeping in mind that the region is about to face the rainy season that hampers means of transport. This is one of the reasons why the occupation was adjourned for six months. So it is imperative to speed up action and benefit from the time factor by stocking a large amount of landmines and anti-armour grenades such as RPGs [rocket propelled grenades]."

The message, which lacks focus, refers to the so-called conspiracies against the Muslims all over the world, but interestingly does not refer to the opposition of the West to Iran's nuclear programme as another indicator of the Crusaders' conspiracy against Islam. It is silent on this subject.


New Member
Mar 6, 2010
I like Israel, it's a small country that punches way above its weight
but I don't like the idea of clubbing Israel and India together, I can't see how this serves India's purpose in the international community. Israel is widely disliked among Muslim countries, India not so much. Also I'm pretty sure Indian Muslims aren't very happy about Israel either.

Overall, India has to have a balanced view of its relationship with Israel, there are a lot of things India can get from Israel but there is a lot to lose as well (Iran for example).


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
Well nice articles. The people have this land have their dharma(this is law of land) in the blood. Thats why we people are still showing the mercy to the pak. soldier crossing the border and Kasab is still alive.

Israel purely throws it heavy weight behind the extremists who pestering their country. IMO India is not as strong as Israel in throwing its weight over the extremists/terrorist


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
The United States increasingly favors the emergence of India as a world and regional power. In the context of the Middle East and Africa, Americans see India as a stabilizing, anti-extremist force. More broadly, while the United States isn't (and shouldn't be) operating a policy of containment against China, the growing prosperity and power of India in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East is an important positive factor in maintaining the kind of international order the United States wants to see. That means, among other things, that the United States is likely to look with more favor on transfers of technological know how and the sales of advanced weapons systems from Israel to India than from Israel to China. This preference reinforces the ties between the two most successful democracies to emerge from British colonialism in modern Asia.

The growing Israel-India connection is only beginning to make itself felt. Long term, the relationship provides Israel with another great power ally to supplement its relationship with the United States. From both a geopolitical and an economic point of view, the relationship with India helps assure Israel of a long-term future in the region. As India develops and its power grows, the Gulf Arabs, Iran (a natural long-term ally for both India and Israel once it moves beyond the delusional and dead-end geopolitical agenda of its current government), and countries like Sudan and Somalia will increasingly feel its influence. India and Israel, with the quiet blessing of the United States, can also do more to promote economic development and democracy in East Africa — a region that has historically had close links to India and which is of great strategic importance to Israel.


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
How can India's Muslims be angry with Israel? I think this is a propaganda by Socialists of pre-independence era who have no purpose for existing any more. Muslims of India are Indian first and then they practise their religion within their country. How should they not like Israel since Israel is helping their country so much? Infact, if at all this is true it shows the mindset of those people in question who have such narrow-minded Arab oriented mentality.

India is a neutral country and a non-Muslim country. We cannot and are not interested to peddle the lines of Arabia's policies just because of a certain segment of our population chooses (if at all real) to change their allegiance. Socialist mentality in India should cease to exist if there has to be any real-time social progress in the country's democratic structure as a whole.

Regarding the paranoia of Islamist militant organizations, I cannot help but laugh at their stupidity. World knows that while we are friends with everybody, we don't align ourselves with anyone in specific. However, with regard to Jihadi terrorism covering Northern provinces of our country, we must say that we need to have more stern and aggressive policies at the top level.

And this is not going to happen unless people elect a sensible government and devise a mechanism to keep the elected government in check through cross-demands.
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New Member
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
No one muslim bothers about whats happening to iran or iraq. its a figment of vested interests imagination of selfish indian politicians trying to get some mileage.


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
Thank you for clearing out this stupid pseudo-secular propaganda often raised by government for electoral gains. Obviously, these protesters are paid to hold such rallies and clearly shows the presence of foreign powers behind the curtains at work to weaken the strong Indian social fabric.


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
I dont even think its foreign powers. And most of the time its the small parties esp in UP who come up with absurd statements. I have heard Mulayam Singh oppose Indian actions against Iran saying it will hurt Indian muslims sentiments. Ask 90% muslims esp the audience he is trying to gain if they can point on the map where Iran is. Bloody *************


Top Gun
New Member
Feb 21, 2009
What would any human being feel when they see the people of Gaza, starving and being bombed? What Would any Human Being feel when they see Small Israeli Children being huddled into Bomb Shelters, and fearing explosions? No religion teaches us to differentiate between Pain and Suffering.

There is no way that Indian Muslims Hate Israel. If they Hate Israel, They hate the Palestenians too equally, for being so useless in shaping their destiny, for killing each other! If Tomorrow Israel gives Palestine the right to a State, I am sure the next day they will end up fighting within themselves for the control of the same!

Pity that Politicians use this to try and divide people. But there is hope. Indians are not dumb, they can differentiate most of the time the people trying to divide them. I hope it gets better.

