The Physical Fitness Thread

What do you prefer?

  • Good body shape only, strength doesn't matter to me.

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  • I hate excercise.

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Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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@OneGrimPilgrim be like ...

View attachment 16752

Well to be honest, the majority of humanity is on the same damn boat. Myself included. the gears in my head hate and grind every single day. One mistake of choosing your field of work and you are messed up for life. Time machines can't come soon enough. Seriously, what advancement in technology? We can't even reverse time! . Leaving Europe for Singapore was the single dumbest mistake of my life. Anyway, I have decided to give change a chance again. Change in environment atleast is a temporary fix. Let's see how it goes..
haha! no man. to represent me, the lazy bunny should've been doing tricep dips, push-ups, sitting crunches and calf raises in there. :p

just about anything, from tweaking the diet-amount to letting blood gush in the veins through intermittent work-outs, anything, to escape tucked in a soft chair staring like a ghost at the PC & punching away at the keyboard, & trying tooth 'n nail to fight off dreary sleep & lethargy. it just aint in my nature to get along & adapt to such a work for a long period of time! but......

BTW why miffed with Singapore? due to the sultry weather? i dont think so. you must be adapted to Chennai anyway. i could be visiting Singapore again a couple of times in the coming months, so have thought of meeting you and another friend if time allows (BTW am same age as yours).
europe is bland, atleast amsterdam, per @Hiranyaksha. even though in my tours to some european cities, i found the places very quaint, cool, peaceful, but also realised that at the same time, they can be dreary & creepy if were to stay in some of them for extended periods.
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Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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You too ACL?? lolz
If you had an ACLR you shouldn't be sittin around, coz that will weaken your muscles; so not sure why you're still in desk job.
I thought you were a martial arts instructor or something, from previous interactions.
Also you should exercise wearing loose fitting clothes not office clothes, plus you must sweat.
whoa! you forgot. while you were in the hospital or probably just out of it, i had told you. mine was long back. done 'n dusted. since then had some more activity-related injuries. have recently come out of a couple of fresh batch of 2017 of those (shoulder & lower back). :p

P.S. - am a sweat tank BTW. except sometimes in winter (which is very mild anyway here), i go to & come out of the office in loose track pants & t-shirt only. office-fellows have by now inundated me with questions, taking guesses like i come from the gym, i've come running, i've come cycling & all that. realising its no use, now i usually dont deny all those queries anymore. i just nod my head with a smile and say, "yes". :)
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Regular Member
Nov 15, 2016

one of the most powerful but unexplored form of yog , yog nidra

5 Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra, or yogic sleep as it is commonly known, is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. While the practitioner rests comfortably in shavasana (corpse pose), this systematic meditation takes you through the pancha maya kosha (five layers of self), leaving you with a sense of wholeness. No longer do you have to dread spending hours sitting on the floor waiting for liberation. Here are five benefits of developing a yoga nidra practice.

1. Anyone Can Do Yoga Nidra
Intense vinyasa flows and long asana holds are not for everyone. Yoga nidra, however, is a practice that everyone, from children to seniors, can do. It's easy to follow at any age. All that is needed is for your body to lie down on the floor. And even if you can't lie down on the floor, you can still do this practice seated.

Yoga nidra ... is a practice that everyone, from children to seniors, can do.

2. You Cannot Practice Yoga Nidra Incorrectly
As you lie down, supported in shavasana, all you have to do is follow the voice that is guiding you. It's likely that you will remember certain parts of the meditation and not others. Every time you come to the practice you encounter a new experience—none of which is wrong. Falling asleep is okay too, as you will still receive benefits while the unconscious mind is absorbing the practice.

3. Yoga Nidra Is Easy to Incorporate into Your Daily Life
Seated meditation can be frustrating—trying to clear the mind, bring awareness back to the breath, or find inspiration for focusing. Yoga nidra is always guided, so there is no intense thinking or wondering why you are staring at a blank wall. A yoga nidra practice can be as short as five minutes and as long as an hour. You choose the length. You may find that the easiest way to accommodate a yoga nidra practice is to make it part of your daily bedtime routine. Put the headphones on, practice right in your bed, and then drift off to sleep. Although this is not the most conventional way to practice yoga nidra, you have no excuse not to do it if you're going to be lying down anyway.

4. It's a Simple Way to Reduce Stress
Yoga nidra promotes deep rest and relaxation that isn’t found in your average meditation practice. The stages of body scan and breath awareness alone can be practiced to calm the nervous system, leading to less stress and better health.

5. Yoga Nidra Offers the Opportunity to Learn About Yourself Intimately
Some people crave the profound relaxation that this practice instills, while other practitioners use the non-judgmental and secure atmosphere that yoga nidra provides as a window into themselves. Facing our worst enemies and the things that scare us most is reason enough to run for the hills. Yoga nidra offers a space to explore what you need in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions. During yoga nidra you are able to experience an emotion and come “face to face” with what you want to overcome, without "diving into it" completely—meaning without feeling the emotion so completely that you become overwhelmed. Over time you continue to experience the emotion and associated feelings, moving deeper into the practice.

Yoga nidra offers a space to explore what you need in the moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-held emotions.

Yoga nidra can serve as a pathway to freedom without creating bodily stress. A samskara (mental groove) is formed by a repetitive thought or habit that is deepened in the mind and body, creating a mental impression (groove) over time. These impressions can cause negative reactions and emotions which prevent a unification of the five layers (koshas) of one's self. If these negative emotions continue to plague you, the mental/emotional layer of the self is unable to integrate with the other layers: physical, energetic, higher wisdom, and bliss body. This is where yoga nidra can be especially helpful.

A samskara can be used as an intention within the yoga nidra practice. You might come into the practice knowing what you would like to work on. The intention, often prompted by the teacher, is then set at the beginning of the practice. When a samskara then arises during the practice, you may touch upon the feelings that arise, and then allow yourself to experience these feelings more and more. By working with this method (and feeling secure throughout the journey), with each subsequent practice you move deeper into a samskara, are better able to understand your reaction, and then ultimately can allow the samskara to release into the ocean of consciousness. At that point, it is no longer a deep impression. You are liberated from that samskara!

Now you know! Yoga nidra is an accessible meditation practice that focuses on cultivating multiple levels of well-being. Practiced with consistency and awareness, you may likely discover that you can find a good amount of peace in a short period of time.
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Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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So all you fitness pro s just needed some advice i need to get myself into some serious running fitness which is the best way to start ..Like i need to run 4 kms under 15 minutes type ..Well so far all i can run is 100 metres not more than that ...Used to do better when i was in college days as i used to play football was almost comfortable running 1000 metres ...

@Razor @Krusty @OneGrimPilgrim

Can you gurus throw some light where should i start from ...

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Start jogging first, 2kms for first 4 days than make it to 4kms and keep that for a week and then try 6 ..

Keep that up till when you are confident about running ..


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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So all you fitness pro s just needed some advice i need to get myself into some serious running fitness which is the best way to start ..Like i need to run 4 kms under 15 minutes type ..Well so far all i can run is 100 metres not more than that ...Used to do better when i was in college days as i used to play football was almost comfortable running 1000 metres ...

@Razor @Krusty @OneGrimPilgrim

Can you gurus throw some light where should i start from ...
Bossu, I am no pro :)

Anyway since you have said you can't run more than 100mts now I assume you haven't run for quite a long time.
It will be stressful if you start running right away. And most probably you will stop again.

I suggest you start walking first for a few days, let your muscles get comfortable with morning walks and then on start jogging for a couple of hours Everyday. In intervals that you feel comfortable. First day you will only be able to run five or ten minutes at a stretch (when you start after a Long time). That's ok. Five or ten minutes, then walk for a couple of minutes, and run again as much as you can. The rest in between should be walks. Do not stop for your rest. Jog for a couple of hours like this till you are comfortable. Once your muscles have got used to 5 minuets, stretch it for 10 minutes before taking (walking) breaks. Then on 15 and so on. It's important that once you start jogging, you continue Everyday. Gradually you will see you will be able to comfortably jog 20-30 minutes before(walking) breaks.never let the muscles get comfortable for too Long. If you are comfortable with 10mins after a few days(doesn't matter how long you take) immediately step it up to 15 and so on.

Soon you will finish 3 km easy. Depending on the individual it may take a few to many weeks. Once there, add the one more challenge, once you reach a point where your muscles are comfortable with 2-3 km runs, immediately after you finish your run, (your muscles will be screaming to stop, you will be sweating and your heart rate will be high) do a 100m sprint as fast as you can. Once you get comfy with jogging, this will build your endurance and stamina.

Start to even think of timed runs only after this.

I used to run 5 km Everyday and at the end do a 200meter sprint giving It absolutely everything I got left. It's easy to type, but it's hard as hell when you are actually doing it. At the end of which my legs will be wobbly, I will be sweating like a pig, I won't be able to walk properly for a few minutes, but I'll have a massive grin on my face.

Thanks to that, 3-4 kms jog became as easy as eating a juicy piece of thirunalveli halwa :) When I was at the peak, I didn't even have to considerably prepare for half marathons. Yes I love endurance trainings :bounce:
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Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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i did participated in an obstacle run Devil s circuit 5kms with 15 obstacles two years ago ..i did complete the race 5 kms and completing 14 obstacles in 48 minutes ..but after that last two year life has become upside down growing old nearing 40s is catching up ..Thinking to participate again this year in the same Race so need to start some fitness ..So will start doing what you and kunal sir said lets see where it goes


WhatsApp Image 2017-06-14 at 17.15.39 (1).jpeg

These two girls made most of the guys running behind them look like kids ..They finished the race in under 30 minutes ..The guy running behind them blackened is my friend a Gorkha son of Retd Lt.Col from IA ..He and me were able to finish 40+ minutes ..All thanks to lethargy in life ...
WhatsApp Image 2017-06-14 at 17.15.39 (2).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2017-06-14 at 17.15.39 (3).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2017-06-14 at 17.15.39.jpeg

I couldn't clear this one obstacle had so many falls and later just walked pass it ..My legs were doing disco dancing the minute i climbed on those woods ...
WhatsApp Image 2017-06-14 at 17.27.27.jpeg

Bossu, I am no pro :)

Anyway since you have said you can't run more than 100mts now I assume you haven't run for quite a long time.
It will be stressful if you start running right away. And most probably you will stop again.

Thanks to that, 3-4 kms jog became as easy as eating a juicy piece of thirunalveli halwa :) When I was at the peak, I didn't even have to considerably prepare for half marathons. Yes I love endurance trainings :bounce:


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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i did participated in an obstacle run Devil s circuit 5kms with 15 obstacles two years ago ..i did complete the race 5 kms and completing 14 obstacles in 48 minutes ..but after that last two year life has become upside down growing old nearing 40s is catching up ..Thinking to participate again this year in the same Race so need to start some fitness ..So will start doing what you and kunal sir said lets see where it goes

View attachment 16770

View attachment 16771

These two girls made most of the guys running behind them look like kids ..They finished the race in under 30 minutes ..The guy running behind them blackened is my friend a Gorkha son of Retd Lt.Col from IA ..He and me were able to finish 40+ minutes ..All thanks to lethargy in life ...
View attachment 16772 View attachment 16773 View attachment 16774

I couldn't clear this one obstacle had so many falls and later just walked pass it ..My legs were doing disco dancing the minute i climbed on those woods ...
View attachment 16775
All the best thala. Rock on :rock:

The most important thing is not build or age. It's the eagerness to run. You shouldn't look at it as a part of laundry list you do Everyday. No. you should want to run. You should yearn to run. When I run, I forget about how miserable my everyday life is. And that itself makes me run farther. I feel happy when I keep running. You should find that happiness. Prime your thoughts in such a way. You should love to sweat it out. Love to physically push yourself. You should have that exact feeling when @aditya10r gets when he zips up his racing overalls. You will then be unstoppable. Learn to love it. 5 kilometres enna, 50ey odalam. It's not easy. But if you love it, you will ignore the pain and enjoy the experience.


What 5km? We can run even 50

----end translation-----

I know guy pushing 50 and still jogs 3+ km a day without fail. As I said, find passion in sweating it out and it's absolutely easy.
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Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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All the best thala. Rock on :rock:

The most important thing is not build or age. It's the eagerness to run. You shouldn't look at it as a part of laundry list you do Everyday. No. you should want to run. You should yearn to run. When I run, I forget about how miserable my everyday life is. And that itself makes me run farther. I feel happy when I keep running. You should find that happiness. Prime your thoughts in such a way. You should love to sweat it out. Love to physically push yourself. You should have that exact feeling when @aditya10r gets when he zips up his racing overalls. You will then be unstoppable. Learn to love it. 5 kilometres enna, 50ey odalam. It's not easy. But if you love it, you will ignore the pain and enjoy the experience.


What 5km? We can run even 50

----end translation-----

I know guy pushing 50 and still jogs 3+ km a day without fail. As I said, find passion in sweating it out and it's absolutely easy.
Bhai sahab,racing is very very physically intensive task.

At the start of racr I weighed 70kgs and 178cm tall.
At the end of it,I was 68kgs and 178cm.

My new race suit is looking for a good dry wash now,it stinks.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Bhai sahab,racing is very very physically intensive task.

At the start of racr I weighed 70kgs and 178cm tall.
At the end of it,I was 68kgs and 178cm.

My new race suit is looking for a good dry wash now,it stinks.
I know sirji .. it as supposed to be a fu.... nvm :facepalm:


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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Old photo of my home gym ..
that macho dog! boss of the floor! waiting for training-buddy to act as a spotter for him. :lol:

generally the ab-rocker device is found gathering dust in some corner. good to see it in the 'mainstream' here. :p

were you into wushu/kuoshu or some NE martial arts practice? i see wooden prototypes too there which're generally used for practice. or just a hobbyist's collection? i too have some blades, a couple or so. :rollseyes:

@captscooby81 - you've run the devil's circuit & you're here asking for advice?! tch..tch..tch :tsk:
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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So all you fitness pro s just needed some advice i need to get myself into some serious running fitness which is the best way to start ..Like i need to run 4 kms under 15 minutes type ..Well so far all i can run is 100 metres not more than that ...Used to do better when i was in college days as i used to play football was almost comfortable running 1000 metres ...

@Razor @Krusty @OneGrimPilgrim

Can you gurus throw some light where should i start from ...
I would go with @Kunal Biswas 's advice.

Start with jogging and start with smaller numbers and progress upwards. Taking it slow will also give you a better oppotunity to listen to your body, and figure out which areas need more improvement/medical attention etc.
Good things in life, take time.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010

Its hard for me to count the exact price, But i will give a rough Idea ..

I have 22 plates of various size and weights, Total weight of all plates is 145kgs, 1 kg cost 150rs here ..

10 rods, The plate and rod carrier is of my own design and cost me 2k ..

The mirrors cost me 10k ..

I have been attending Gym since i was 16, Since then i am collecting equipment so the price compare to today will be different ..

How much did it cost saaar??????

My pc is much expensive than. That
Whoa! Is it a home gym? Looks so professional, and wall mirror is turning it into a big gym. Nice one sir !:drool: cost please !


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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I have been attending Gym since i was 16
And i have been attending this place called CSS(california superbike school) since i was 16(4 years ago)..

This is also very physically intensive task..Draws out a lot of your body strength,stretches your mental and physical level

Can you do this???

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