Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Jun 14, 2012
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akimji ofcourse you are not religious but your financiers are , is the church catholic or orthodox or both.
I don't interfere with your religion and you don't try. The origin of Orthodoxy begins not in Russia, but in Constantinople (now Istanbul), so no one is obliged to live according to Russian church laws. In the USSR, until 1990, Christmas was prohibited and no one cared about the church calendar.

Anirbann Datta

Eternal Flame
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Apr 8, 2016
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Are Indian soldiers also defending their land on US orders?
Aren't Ukraine waiting desperately for the arms shipments from US? They could not even use the ATACM 300km which US shipped them secretly way earlier than official memo came out, as US had not permitted the 'order' to use it earlier.
Aren't their Prez asking US and its minions day and night for the arms donation!
Aren't their generals are giving retreat orders from forward post/villages citing critical arms shortage due to low incoming from the west/US!.
Basically ALMOST everything Ukrainians are fighting with has a US or NATO stamp stamped on it.

Stop thinking and drawing equivalent with the rest of world as like self.


Jun 14, 2012
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Aren't Ukraine waiting desperately for the arms shipments from US? They could not even use the ATACM 300km which US shipped them secretly way earlier than official memo came out, as US had not permitted the 'order' to use it earlier.
Aren't their Prez asking US and its minions day and night for the arms donation!
Aren't their generals are giving retreat orders from forward post/villages citing critical arms shortage due to low incoming from the west/US!.
Basically ALMOST everything Ukrainians are fighting with has a US or NATO stamp stamped on it.

Stop thinking and drawing equivalent with the rest of world as like self.
When India fought with Pakistan, I don’t remember a single national Indian tank, but I never thought of calling India a vassal of the USSR, because it had the T-55.


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Apr 18, 2009
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apologies for being off topic, can anyone share me a link to download the book "The Great Awakening Vs the Great Reset - Aleksandr Dugin" book?


Jun 14, 2012
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akimji ofcourse you are not religious but your financiers are , is the church catholic or orthodox or both.
So that you don't have conspiracy theories again.
Tsarist Russia lived behind the Julian calendar. In February 1918, Lenin signed a decree and all of secular Russia began to live by the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, this shift of religious holidays by 2 weeks. The Ukrainian Church switched to the Revised Julian calendar, which almost coincides with the Gregorian calendar. But this does not mean that we imitate Catholics. For example: Easter is celebrated on May 5th (this year), they celebrated it on March 31st.
In general, the issue of religion is very confusing. I do not care. I am Orthodox, but I don’t fall on my knees in front of every church building.
None of this matters. Yesterday in Odesa, shrapnel from Iskander flew into the ass of a businessman. Although he was once personally awarded by Putler. But the shrapnel doesn’t matter whether he has a medal or what religion he is.



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Nov 24, 2023
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"To date, nine of those countries have completed negotiations and signed such an agreement."

Akim the war has already been negotiated between Putin and zelensky.

One more year for the settlement, although I appreciate your efforts,better your team start looking for a new job.

Just imagine a flurry of national leaders visiting a war torn country, do you think it happened without Russian approval.


Jun 14, 2012
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"To date, nine of those countries have completed negotiations and signed such an agreement."

Akim the war has already been negotiated between Putin and zelensky.

One more year for the settlement, although I appreciate your efforts,better your team start looking for a new job.

Just imagine a flurry of national leaders visiting a war torn country, do you think it happened without Russian approval.
Why should they be afraid? We are living. Although they also go to the bomb shelter during an air raid.


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Apr 24, 2016
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When India fought with Pakistan, I don’t remember a single national Indian tank, but I never thought of calling India a vassal of the USSR, because it had the T-55.
True, but that's not really an analogous argument. India doesn't get "economic assistance" or "military aid" from Russia; we buy our stuff and we can choose to replace Russian stuff with defence products from other nations.

In fact, we can pit different fighter aircrafts of multiple nations in a multi billion dollar competition and decide to choose a French aircraft over a Russian one and France and Russian aren't necessarily friends.

While I understand the need to posit the argument as "my defence is for my nation and not coz Ukraine is heavily influenced by the US", it would be difficult to do otherwise when one's being attacked but third parties can't not see how involved the US has been in Ukrainian affairs(economic, geopolitical, military, etc) since the dissolution of USSR.


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Feb 28, 2016
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The Duchess of Edinburgh has become the first member of the Royal Family to visit Ukraine since the Russian invasion.
Video released by the Ukrainian president's office shows the duchess meeting President Volodymyr Zelensky and First Lady Olena Zelenska, as well as a visit to Kyiv's Saint Sophia Cathedral.

you are not religious but your financiers are , is the church catholic or orthodox or both.

Protestant Church with Orthodox trappings, the (((Anglicunts))) setup a similar jhol entity in Kerala by splitting the Syro-Malabar church there.

If the war doesn't end with a total Russian capture of Ukraine, if a rump state remains, mark my words they will dump the Cyrillic script also in exchange for the Latin alphabet, like how Ataturk Pasha did for his Turkeys


Jun 14, 2012
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True, but that's not really an analogous argument. India doesn't get "economic assistance" or "military aid" from Russia; we buy our stuff and we can choose to replace Russian stuff with defence products from other nations.

In fact, we can pit different fighter aircrafts of multiple nations in a multi billion dollar competition and decide to choose a French aircraft over a Russian one and France and Russian aren't necessarily friends.

While I understand the need to posit the argument as "my defence is for my nation and not coz Ukraine is heavily influenced by the US", it would be difficult to do otherwise when one's being attacked but third parties can't not see how involved the US has been in Ukrainian affairs(economic, geopolitical, military, etc) since the dissolution of USSR.
In a moment of danger, a person raises his shield from the ground and does not look at some kind of coat of arms.
I won’t remember the 1971 war, but I remember here the enthusiasm in 2019, when Russia could urgently deliver several dozen MiG-29s.
Fortunately, then the conflict did not develop into a war, but if this happened, it is unlikely that India would rely only on its resources.
This is not a mirror situation, but identical.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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Ruski propaganda maybe counterproductive. Uncle Sam loves keeping the tech gap fear alive and might just start pouring more money into the defence contractors to create the next generation arty systems.
Next Generation Artillery is supposed to be the RAMJET Artillery Shells

And Many Countries are working on them including INDIA

Corvus Splendens

Senior Member
Dec 8, 2021
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I think USA and EU will decide when the war is over. Ukraine is out of the equation and
Russians are completely ignored,
Ukraine is cannon fodder. Used like game points to score cheap shots on Russia. It's the proxy war of dreams that has no chance of evolving into a nuclear confrontation. Continuous war keeps a steady burden of Russian economy and causes them losses on the battlefield. Meanwhile Russians can once again be propped up as a menace back home to score polls since the cold war and the domestic arms companies make a fortune replacing old stock sent to Ukraine. As soon as Ukraine faces a dire shortage of fighting age men, the Ukrainian refugees will be hauled back home by the trainloads to be thrown at Russian lines. NATO doesn't believe for a second Ukraine would win this war, the support and supplies they have spared till now are grossly inadequate for a victory but just enough to keep fighting for the meantime. This war is a great business opportunity for NATO cosignatories and hasn't even costed them the lives of their own citizens (excluding handful of mercs and larpers). What is terrifyingly evil in all this, is that NATO is perfectly content at keeping this war going until Ukrainian demographic of able bodied men are at a critically low threshold (or exhausted even). And with an economy that has no chance at recovery in a post COVID hyperinflation nightmare, that demographic decline has a very low chance to bounce back up. Foreign consortiums will devour Ukrainian public infra, land and remaining wealth at a high interest rate as loan repayment. Active border dispute means joining NATO is an impossibility and the EU won't shoulder this gargantuan financial burden either. This is incredibly sad to see how fast a country signed off their future.


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Jul 31, 2021
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The war also makes for a great testbed for weapons - this holds true both for US and China. Look at the Abrams M1A1, a tank with cold war genesis and constantly updated has proved to be vulnerable under certain conditions. That's a feedback that you cannot get on a test track but you can in a real war. Now General Dynamics will take that data and make further improvements or incorporate it in their next generation tank. The cost of this trial? Few thousand dead Russians and Ukrainians.

This war suits everyone - the Chinese because they get to keep the west engaged in Ukraine while they prepare for Taiwan invasion, the Iranians as they get $$ from Russia and get to test their homemade weapons, the US and entire NATO because the war continues to bleed Russia economically, politically and militarily, and Russia because it can even in its weaken state show that it still has some fight left in it. The only loser in all this is Ukraine.


Jun 14, 2012
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The war also makes for a great testbed for weapons - this holds true both for US and China. Look at the Abrams M1A1, a tank with cold war genesis and constantly updated has proved to be vulnerable under certain conditions. That's a feedback that you cannot get on a test track but you can in a real war. Now General Dynamics will take that data and make further improvements or incorporate it in their next generation tank. The cost of this trial? Few thousand dead Russians and Ukrainians.

This war suits everyone - the Chinese because they get to keep the west engaged in Ukraine while they prepare for Taiwan invasion, the Iranians as they get $$ from Russia and get to test their homemade weapons, the US and entire NATO because the war continues to bleed Russia economically, politically and militarily, and Russia because it can even in its weaken state show that it still has some fight left in it. The only loser in all this is Ukraine.
That is why, after the victory, we will present a big bill to the remnants of Russia. Abrams didn't perform very well, although this is debatable. During the time when three Abrams were lost, the Russians lost more than a dozen (11 un.) T-90M.
In general, tanks do not have a major role in this war. It’s not for nothing that the Russians make a barn-tank. FPVs are almost useless against him; ATGMs had to return.
Strikers are not suitable for us. There is no such word in English, but I’ll try: too many technical frills.
But Bradley performed well.
I’m talking about American weapons now, although the Swedish IFV showed itself to be the best armored vehicle here.
But Europeans have little surplus. Therefore, there will be more emphasis on American weapons stockpiles.
That year, 12 new brigades were created (less than 50 thousand) and two of them did not have enough armored vehicles, so they do not take part in the war. Only six months later they began to receive it.
We haven’t heard about Excalibur for a long time, as well as about other correctable shells. This year of war was the year of drones.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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In a moment of danger, a person raises his shield from the ground and does not look at some kind of coat of arms.
I won’t remember the 1971 war, but I remember here the enthusiasm in 2019, when Russia could urgently deliver several dozen MiG-29s.
Fortunately, then the conflict did not develop into a war, but if this happened, it is unlikely that India would rely only on its resources.
This is not a mirror situation, but identical.
That's fine and all but the opinions of A 'person with a shield' is irrelevant to the argument that they have been used by powers way beyond their means, in a geopolitical-game they have very little hope of influencing.

If I remember correctly, it was Mig-29Ks for the navy not the air force which was involved in the skirmish, and we Indians get enthused very easily with any military purchase. Regardless and again, military is just one factor, India doesn't get military and economic aid from Russia like Ukraine does from the US, and neither is India's geopolitics so influenced by Russia like Ukraine's is by the US. Our options aren't tied down by our military-equipment providers, and we have suffered because of it, but we have retained our nukes and we are relatively independent.

Also, the 2019 conflict didn't devolve into an all out war because none of us were playing hardball or using economic warfare(not that we needed to; I mean, look at Pakistan); cooler heads prevailed because both sides knew when to stop pushing and also coz both sides have nukes, something Ukraine doesn't coz Russia and more so US, finegalled Ukraine out of them.


Jun 14, 2012
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That's fine and all but the opinions of A 'person with a shield' is irrelevant to the argument that they have been used by powers way beyond their means, in a geopolitical-game they have very little hope of influencing.

If I remember correctly, it was Mig-29Ks for the navy not the air force which was involved in the skirmish, and we Indians get enthused very easily with any military purchase. Regardless and again, military is just one factor, India doesn't get military and economic aid from Russia like Ukraine does from the US, and neither is India's geopolitics so influenced by Russia like Ukraine's is by the US. Our options aren't tied down by our military-equipment providers, and we have suffered because of it, but we have retained our nukes and we are relatively independent.

Also, the 2019 conflict didn't devolve into an all out war because none of us were playing hardball or using economic warfare(not that we needed to; I mean, look at Pakistan); cooler heads prevailed because both sides knew when to stop pushing and also coz both sides have nukes, something Ukraine doesn't coz Russia and more so US, finegalled Ukraine out of them.
I talked about that conflict when they exchanged downed jets and China could quickly deliver a lot of them to Pakistan and the Indians were looking for external support.
Nuclear weapons are a safety net that they will not be used in response. Do you think Russia didn’t want to use tactical charges rather than have hundreds of thousands killed and maimed?
Do you think Hitler didn't want to use chemical weapons? But the war, then and now, is fought with conventional weapons. This is not humanism, but fear of the answer. So if there is a new war between India and Pakistan, the missiles will have conventional warheads.
As for financial relations, India now has money, but once upon a time it did not. But weapons were needed. No one showed me a document of how many tanks Delhi bought from Moscow (USSR) at full price, and not at the price of GAZ-51. After all, the USSR was then solving its geopolitical task, which then coincided with the state tasks of India. And the scale of the war was different. We had enough weapons and their reserves within the average statistics of European countries, but it turned out that we needed much more. Therefore, if the United States, in parallel with our state task, solves one of its geopolitical tasks, we will not object.:)

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