India-Israel relations

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
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Apr 17, 2017

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
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Apr 17, 2017
Path charted by natural allies India and Israel is a lesson in diplomacy

Event though there were no diplomatic relations, a vital military relationship had been built since 1962.
Why then did it take the long period between 1948, when Israel became independent, and 1992, when diplomatic relations were established between the two countries? The tortuous history of how the two “natural” allies groped for a way out, stopped short of moving ahead, and then advanced once again, should be an interesting lesson in the history of diplomacy.

Even more surprising is the fact that even though there was no diplomatic relationship, a very vital military relationship had been built up since 1962. Israeli archives recently revealed that India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, highly perturbed over the “Great Chinese Betrayal” in October 1962, sent a cable to his Israeli counterpart, Ben Gurion, on 27 October. The reply came on 2 November, reading, “All our efforts have been and are directed to the preservation of peace—in our area and throughout the world. Jerusalem, the name of our capital in Hebrew, means the city of peace. I am in total agreement with the views expressed by your Excellency that it is incumbent upon us to do all in our power.”

So far, so good. Then intervened India’s pro-Arab policy and Nehru was reduced to making a ridiculous rider, that arms must be shipped without the Israeli flag. Ben Gurion put his foot down, saying, “No flag. No weapons.” Nehru bowed down, and the military ties began. Today, the relations have reached huge proportions, with India entering into defence deals worth over $2 billion this year.

As a matter of fact, Nehru even “briefly” considered inviting Israel to the Bandung conference in 1955, but scotched the idea when the pro-Arab policy loomed large on his horizon. “The public visibility of the ties has been conditioned to what party holds power in New Delhi,” says Indian-American scholar Jayita Sarkar.

Each time since India had faced war, 1965, 1971 and 1999, Israel has stood by sending vitally needed weapons and intelligence systems, filling up dangerous gaps in the former’s defence capabilities. It even lobbied, along with India, with the United States during the Kargil war in order to meet India’s needs. It is fairly certain that without the timely Israeli support in providing weapons, intelligence systems and intelligence, the war would have been prolonged, perhaps forcing India to cross the border, which Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was determined not to.

It is in this backdrop that we recall the signal contribution made by Prof M.L. Sondhi towards bringing the two “natural but sequestrated” allies together over a long period—to be precise, between 1965 and 1992. Perhaps the best summation of Sondhi’s contribution in this regard was made by an Israeli diplomat, Dr Moshe Yegar, on 2 February 1992.

He said, “The long and, sometimes, the painful process of normalising diplomatic relations between India and Israel, which went on for some four decades, has finally reached its satisfying and, even in this new process, happy conclusion. No one was more devoted to it than you, with your never diminishing belief, optimism and tenacious efforts. You have secured your place of honour in this most exciting chapter of the history of modern diplomacy. I join all your friends in Israel in saluting you and in expressing our deep sense of appreciation and gratitude. A new chapter in the relations between our two countries and our two peoples begin now. We have to give sufficient meaning to these relations and fill them with contents. There is no doubt in my mind that you will be among those who will occupy a prominent place.”

Nehru was highly perturbed over the “Great Chinese Betrayal” in October 1962 and sought help from his Israeli counterpart Ben Gurion. But then intervened India’s pro-Arab policy and Nehru was reduced to making a ridiculous rider, that arms must be shipped without the Israeli flag.

Writing in Patriot (30 September 1988) Sondhi re-examined India-Israel relations in the following manner: “The lack of understanding between New Delhi and Tel Aviv and the Arab pressure on India not to establish full-scale diplomatic relations has been a recurrent theme in commentaries on India-Israel relations. A great paradox of Indian foreign policy is that, without ambassador-level diplomatic relations with Israel, we have little leverage to secure real and tangible benefits for our Arab friends and in particular for the Palestinians. The time may not be distant when the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation) may play its ‘Israel card’ and find a way out of the prolonged political crisis by evolving a broad strategic concept, which is appropriate to the new correlation of forces in West Asia.” He was effectively arguing that even if India wanted to help its Arab friends, the best course would be to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel and that it was doing the exact opposite by refusing to do so on the pretext of Arab opposition.

The false starts to bilateral relations continued after 1955. The very next year the Israeli Foreign Minister (later Prime Minister) Moshe Sharett was visiting New Delhi, when the combined Anglo-French-Israeli attack on the Suez Canal began; his scheduled talk at the Indian Council of World Affairs was peremptorily stalled, and an angry Nehru cancelled his appointment with the visiting dignitary.

Prof Sondhi, whose interest in Israel grew in a slow process, first visited the country in 1964. His most memorable meeting during this brief stay was with David Ben Gurion. While Ben Gurion penned a lengthy entry in his diary about Sondhi, journalist Khushwant Singh, who visited the Ben Gurions a little later, recalled Paula Ben Gurion reminiscing about the Indian, “‘So handsome and so clever. I hope he is Prime Minister of India one day,’ she chortled in her Brooklyn Yiddish accent.”

Sondhi again met Ben Gurion by accident when the India-Pakistan war of 1965 was on and his plane was diverted to Tel Aviv. Ben Gurion advised him to meet Moshe Dayan. While the latter stunned Sondhi by suggesting that India should open a second front by attacking East Pakistan, he snorted at the Indian’s reference to the usual refrain of normalisation of bilateral relations, commenting that it was pointless to wait indefinitely for that to happen, and instead Israel would be ready to ship munitions and military hardware in “crate marked pharmaceuticals to be landed on the western coast of India”. The message was conveyed to Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s principal private secretary, Lalit Sen. The Israeli supplies, thereafter, began to come.

Sondhi also played a major role in a crisis that erupted six months after the two countries had begun to take swift steps to normalise relations—the kidnapping of five Israeli tourists vacationing in a houseboat on the Dal Lake, Srinagar, in June 1991. Sondhi helped the Israeli diplomat Yegar, then negotiating with the Indian government for the rescue of the hostages, to meet R.N. Kao, the former head of the Research and Analytical Wing. Thereafter, a meeting with Cabinet Secretary Naresh Chandra was set up, again through Sondhi’s efforts. Chandra eventually suggested that Israel help India secure billions of dollars from the World Bank and the Export-Import Bank to tide over a very serious foreign exchange crisis facing India at the time. He pointed out that the Jewish lobby in the United States was resisting the Indian approach because of its anti-Israel policy.

On 10 January 1992, Sondhi urged Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao to “immediately” establish full diplomatic relations with Israel. In the same month, this happened, the process having been set in motion for many months and now, propelled by the smooth passage of the aid from the World Bank and the Export-Import Bank.

Nearly three years later, Sondhi was honoured as a pioneer of India-Israel friendship with a special award at a public ceremony held at the Siri Fort auditorium in south Delhi in September 1995. Ambassador Epfraim Dowek said he believed that it was high time to pay back an “old debt of gratitude” to Sondhi and a few others for their role in laying the foundations of the thriving bilateral relationship.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
Regular Member
Apr 17, 2017
ISRO to take forward cooperation agreement with Israel in space tech, says chief AS Kiran Kumar
ISRO and the Israel Space Agency (ISA) had signed a cooperation agreement during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the Jewish state last month.

New Delhi: India is looking to take forward the cooperation agreement signed with Israel in the field of optical communication technique and electric propulsion system of space technology, says Indian Space Research Organisation chief AS Kiran Kumar.

ISRO and the Israel Space Agency (ISA) had signed a cooperation agreement during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the Jewish state last month.

"We are looking for cooperation in the field of optical communication technique and electric propulsion system of space technology," the ISRO chairman said.

The electric propulsion system is important for sending heavy-weight satellites in the orbit while the optical communication technology transmits data, using light, from satellite to the earth station.

Kiran Kumar, who is also the secretary of the Department of Space, said ISRO is also working with international agencies for a collaborative work and share resources.

He cited the example of cooperation of ISRO and NASA for the NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite that can help in providing crucial information on the biomass estimation and agriculture production estimation.

The NISAR will also help in studying earth surface deformation, something that can provide valuable inputs for future earthquake precursors.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
Regular Member
Apr 17, 2017
Israel eyes 1 lakh tourists from India by 2018

Looking at the steady increase in tourist arrivals from India, Israel is eyeing one lakh Indian travellers to visit the country by the next year.

“We have been very focused in tourism promotions in India and easing the visa process. This year in the first seven months till July we have already hosted 34,000 Indian tourists. This is expected to go up to 55,000 by the end of this year,” Israel Ministry of Tourism India Director Hassan Madah told PTI here.

He added that there are currently 3-4 direct flights plying from Mumbai to Tel Aviv, and numerous connecting flights from the Middle East. There are talks of introducing direct Air India flights connecting New Delhi with Israel in a few months, he said adding if it commences then the tourist traffic is likely to surge from India and the the number this year may reach nearly 90,000.

There are few global airlines, who are waiting for the Air India flights to be launched, and then introduce their fleets in this direct route.

“When this happens, we will see a surge in tourists arrivals from India. We have also been engaging with the tourism industry in India since last few years and are focused in many promotional activities. Due to this we have set a target of reaching one lakh tourists from India by the end of 2018,” he said.

For tourism promotions in India, the Israel Ministry of Tourism (IMOT) is spending USD 5-6 million in India this year, he said adding going forward as the tourist traffic grows the Budget is likely to grow.

Israel, which has positioned its self as an affordable premium destination, is targeting travellers mainly for pilgrimage, leisure and meetings, incentives, conferences, events (MICE), including weddings, segments. We are mainly focusing on pilgrimage, leisure and MICE as they are huge segments in India. However, we also have scope for the young adventurer at heart, honeymoon and for medical purposes,” he said.

In India, IMOT is targeting young people from the metro cities who have a penchant for wanderlust. “Initially, we want to focus in the bigger cities. Gradually, we will expand our promotions to tier II and III cities,” he added.

Madah said initially in Asia, India was the number one source market for Israel, however, China has now taken over the position. “We believe that after the connectivity improves, India will again become the number one source market for us among Asian countries,” he said.

Globally, the US and Europe, including Russia are the top source markets of the Israeli tourism industry.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
Regular Member
Apr 17, 2017
India to bid for Israel oil-and-gas exploration blocks
SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 11:19

Indian state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corp plans to bid for Israeli offshore oil-and-gas exploration blocks, India’s oil minister told Reuters, the first major deal between the two countries since a groundbreaking trip by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in July.

India and Israel have deep defense ties but Modi and his right wing ruling group are pushing to expand the relationship into other sectors such as energy and technology with a country they see as a natural ally against terrorism.

A high-ranking delegation from India, the world’s third-biggest oil consumer, visited Israel last month to discuss taking part in the tender for blocks in the Mediterranean Sea and Israeli officials said they were pleased with the visit.

“We will definitely bid for Israel’s oil-and-gas blocks,” Indian Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan told Reuters.

There was no immediate comment from Israel’s energy ministry.

When Modi visited Israel in July, both sides showed interest to build a broader economic relationship, rather than one based on defense, which had drawn them together because of similar concerns about militant threats they face. They are starting from a relatively low economic base as bilateral trade was just $2 billion in 2016.

Many oil majors have been hesitant to enter the Israeli market, fearing a backlash from oil-rich Arab states hostile to the country.

Israel put 24 exploration blocks up for auction in November 2016 and the country’s energy minister, Yuval Steinitz, has said he would be happy to choose two or three foreign explorations groups. The auction closes on Nov 15.

India is conducting a technical and commercial analysis to participate in the Israel’s bidding process, said Sanjay Sudhir, a joint secretary in the federal oil ministry, who led the delegation.

“We dove into all the relevant details of the tender - geological, technical - and familiarized them with Israel’s oil and gas ecosystem,” an official at Israel’s Energy Ministry said on the Indian team’s visit, declining to be identified in the absence of permission to speak to the media.

Israel wants to open up its hydrocarbon sector, which is currently dominated by a partnership of Noble Energy and Delek Group. They control the Tamar and the much larger Leviathan fields.

India also wants to participate in the upcoming auction to explore and develop gas fields off the coast of Lebanon, Pradhan said in July. Three of those blocks border waters with Israel, with which Lebanon has a long-standing maritime border dispute.

ONGC is India’s biggest energy exploration firm and a source at its overseas investment arm ONGC Videsh said the firm would not bid for any block in areas disputed by Israel and Lebanon.

“Israel has said that none of the blocks it has offered are in disputed waters,” said the source.

Another state-run explorer, Oil India Ltd, has not yet decided to bid in Israel’s licensing round, the Indian company’s chairman, Utpal Bora, told Reuters.

India’s decision to bid for blocks off Israel and Lebanon comes after a setback in getting development rights for a giant gas field in Iran.

Indian companies discovered the Farzad B gas field in Iran in 2008 and have bid several times for the development rights, but media reports suggest that Tehran has decided to award the field to Russia’s Gazprom.


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2017
03-January, 2018 02:43IST

Cabinet approves MoU between India and Israel on Cooperation in the Oil and Gas Sector

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Israel on cooperation in the Oil and Gas Sector.

The MoU is expected to provide impetus to India - Israel ties in the energy sector. The cooperation envisaged under the agreement will facilitate promotion of investments in each other's countries, technology transfer, R&D, conducting joint studies, capacity building of human resources and collaboration in the area of Start-ups.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Israel's gift: water jeep
Jan 05, 2018 00:00 IST

Jerusalem: When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits India later this month, he will have a special gift for his "friend" Narendra Modi - the water desalination and purification jeep the two leaders rode during the their sea sojourn on Olga beach last year.

Netanyahu and Modi had waded into the Mediterranean Sea and ridden the "buggy" jeep on the coast during the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Israel last July.

As Netanyahu prepares for his four-day visit to India beginning on January 14, sources in Jerusalem confirmed that the jeep had "indeed" left for India and "would be arriving on time" to be presented by the Israeli Prime Minister to Modi.

The Gal-Mobile jeep is said to cost around 390,000 shekels (Rs 70.3 lakh).

Modi and Netanyahu had together witnessed a demonstration of the sea water purification technology pioneered by Israel at a water desalination unit on the Olga beach during the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Israel.

"I am thankful to Bibi (Netanyahu) because the vehicle which I saw today, particularly during a natural calamity when people are suffering (shortage of) drinking water... can provide drinking water," Modi had said after the demonstration.

Gal-Mobile is an independent, integrated water purification vehicle designed to produce high-quality drinking water. It can be useful during natural disasters like floods and earthquakes and on difficult terrain and in rural areas to provide drinking water.

It can purify up to 20,000 litres of sea water per day and 80,000 litres per day of brackish/muddy or contaminated river water and bring it to WHO standards.

The camaraderie between Modi and Netanyahu the two leaders was on full display as they spent some time on the beach and had a long chat standing ankle-deep in the sea water with waves rippling across their feet.

"There's nothing like going to the beach with friends!" Netanyahu had later tweeted.

The two leaders later drove together in the mobile water desalination unit, which looked like a dune buggy, and sipped desalinated water from wine glasses, raising a toast. PTI


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Israel's gift: water jeep
Jan 05, 2018 00:00 IST

Jerusalem: When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits India later this month, he will have a special gift for his "friend" Narendra Modi - the water desalination and purification jeep the two leaders rode during the their sea sojourn on Olga beach last year.

Netanyahu and Modi had waded into the Mediterranean Sea and ridden the "buggy" jeep on the coast during the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Israel last July.

As Netanyahu prepares for his four-day visit to India beginning on January 14, sources in Jerusalem confirmed that the jeep had "indeed" left for India and "would be arriving on time" to be presented by the Israeli Prime Minister to Modi.

The Gal-Mobile jeep is said to cost around 390,000 shekels (Rs 70.3 lakh).

Modi and Netanyahu had together witnessed a demonstration of the sea water purification technology pioneered by Israel at a water desalination unit on the Olga beach during the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Israel.

"I am thankful to Bibi (Netanyahu) because the vehicle which I saw today, particularly during a natural calamity when people are suffering (shortage of) drinking water... can provide drinking water," Modi had said after the demonstration.

Gal-Mobile is an independent, integrated water purification vehicle designed to produce high-quality drinking water. It can be useful during natural disasters like floods and earthquakes and on difficult terrain and in rural areas to provide drinking water.

It can purify up to 20,000 litres of sea water per day and 80,000 litres per day of brackish/muddy or contaminated river water and bring it to WHO standards.

The camaraderie between Modi and Netanyahu the two leaders was on full display as they spent some time on the beach and had a long chat standing ankle-deep in the sea water with waves rippling across their feet.

"There's nothing like going to the beach with friends!" Netanyahu had later tweeted.

The two leaders later drove together in the mobile water desalination unit, which looked like a dune buggy, and sipped desalinated water from wine glasses, raising a toast. PTI
Does anyone else see the irony in a desert nation providing water to a nation surrounded by water on all sides.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Does anyone else see the irony in a desert nation providing water to a nation surrounded by water on all sides.
Nope. No irony. They made this tech for the very reason that they live in a dessert and need continuous supply of water through seas and they are surrounded by hostile nations.

Secondly, India is a big country. There are floods, & droughts going on at the same time in different parts of India.

What drives you to make this tech is not the availability of end product but the need for one.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Israel's gift: water jeep
Jan 05, 2018 00:00 IST

Jerusalem: When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits India later this month, he will have a special gift for his "friend" Narendra Modi - the water desalination and purification jeep the two leaders rode during the their sea sojourn on Olga beach last year.

Netanyahu and Modi had waded into the Mediterranean Sea and ridden the "buggy" jeep on the coast during the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Israel last July.

As Netanyahu prepares for his four-day visit to India beginning on January 14, sources in Jerusalem confirmed that the jeep had "indeed" left for India and "would be arriving on time" to be presented by the Israeli Prime Minister to Modi.

The Gal-Mobile jeep is said to cost around 390,000 shekels (Rs 70.3 lakh).

Modi and Netanyahu had together witnessed a demonstration of the sea water purification technology pioneered by Israel at a water desalination unit on the Olga beach during the Indian Prime Minister's visit to Israel.

"I am thankful to Bibi (Netanyahu) because the vehicle which I saw today, particularly during a natural calamity when people are suffering (shortage of) drinking water... can provide drinking water," Modi had said after the demonstration.

Gal-Mobile is an independent, integrated water purification vehicle designed to produce high-quality drinking water. It can be useful during natural disasters like floods and earthquakes and on difficult terrain and in rural areas to provide drinking water.

It can purify up to 20,000 litres of sea water per day and 80,000 litres per day of brackish/muddy or contaminated river water and bring it to WHO standards.

The camaraderie between Modi and Netanyahu the two leaders was on full display as they spent some time on the beach and had a long chat standing ankle-deep in the sea water with waves rippling across their feet.

"There's nothing like going to the beach with friends!" Netanyahu had later tweeted.

The two leaders later drove together in the mobile water desalination unit, which looked like a dune buggy, and sipped desalinated water from wine glasses, raising a toast. PTI
Remember this is the country that we voted against in UN


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Remember this is the country that we voted against in UN
Yes and that was a mistake. We should have openly supported them. If you argue about our relations with Middle eastern muzzie countries then fine. We should have stayed neutral like 36 other countries did.

What was the need to vote?


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Nope. No irony. They made this tech for the very reason that they live in a dessert and need continuous supply of water through seas and they are surrounded by hostile nations.

Secondly, India is a big country. There are floods, & droughts going on at the same time in different parts of India.

What drives you to make this tech is not the availability of end product but the need for one.
You're right. This could potentially solve our water issues. Coupled with the river interlinking project and the Indus dam, we could potentially see a very positive water scenario in a few years.

PS : I heard that our Navy ships have a similar desalination tech already? They showed in some documentary about the aircraft carrier that it could supply desalinated water for the daily needs of a city as big as Mumbai.

Unrelated : There was also some proposal to pump sea water and circulate them to our nuclear reactors to cool them down and in exchange evaporate the water and distill it and then pump the water to cities. I don't know what happened of that plan.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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You're right. This could potentially solve our water issues. Coupled with the river interlinking project and the Indus dam, we could potentially see a very positive water scenario in a few years.

PS : I heard that our Navy ships have a similar desalination tech already? They showed in some documentary about the aircraft carrier that it could supply desalinated water for the daily needs of a city as big as Mumbai.

Unrelated : There was also some proposal to pump sea water and circulate them to our nuclear reactors to cool them down and in exchange evaporate the water and distill it and then pump the water to cities. I don't know what happened of that plan.
No idea about sea water for nuke plant.

True about naval vessels water makers. Last year or so, Maldives water plant shut down and they were running out of water. India first sent bottled water through IAF aircraft and then sent 2 naval vessels to desaline and supply water to the country till their plant was restored.

Also, river linking is most important right now. Some other projects need to be taken up such as building of canals from bihar and other places where floods are common every year. The canals will be normally dry but will help during rains to easily discharge water from areas that flood without flooding them.

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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No idea about sea water for nuke plant.

True about naval vessels water makers. Last year or so, Maldives water plant shut down and they were running out of water. India first sent bottled water through IAF aircraft and then sent 2 naval vessels to desaline and supply water to the country till their plant was restored.

Also, river linking is most important right now. Some other projects need to be taken up such as building of canals from bihar and other places where floods are common every year. The canals will be normally dry but will help during rains to easily discharge water from areas that flood without flooding them.

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk

As states across India grapple with the severe water shortage crisis, scientists at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) have come up with a solution that might keep the crisis from worsening: desalination of seawater.

Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu is home to the pilot desalination plant, built by scientists of BARC. Using waste steam from the nuclear reactor, the plant is able to desalinate and purify seawater, making it fit for consumption.

Babloo Singh

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Oct 8, 2015
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Today when Israeli PM is visiting India, I would like to welcome Mr Netanyahu, ShalomNamaste to you!
Just before this visit we had news on cancellation of Spike AGTM order, in my opinion our relationship has moved forward from these small deals...
I hope to see following large ticket deals & co-operation which will define our future & our future relation together.

1. It will be great Idea to co- develop / work on a multi layer Air Defense system Integrating Davids Sling, Barak 8 & Akash for now and add a QRSAM and also a extended range David Sling to it.

2. It will be great if we can join hand to develop Arrow-4 BMD, again adding elements of AAD & PAD with arrow to have missile defense for our cities.

3. Co-Operation on AMCA will be another mutually beneficial project

4. We should offer berthing and support to Israeli Navy at Karwar, Giving them strategic depth and maneuverability in Red Sea may be we may look at offering them some vessels (Project 17A & 15B)


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2018
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Today when Israeli PM is visiting India, I would like to welcome Mr Netanyahu, ShalomNamaste to you!
Just before this visit we had news on cancellation of Spike AGTM order, in my opinion our relationship has moved forward from these small deals...
I hope to see following large ticket deals & co-operation which will define our future & our future relation together.

1. It will be great Idea to co- develop / work on a multi layer Air Defense system Integrating Davids Sling, Barak 8 & Akash for now and add a QRSAM and also a extended range David Sling to it.

2. It will be great if we can join hand to develop Arrow-4 BMD, again adding elements of AAD & PAD with arrow to have missile defense for our cities.

3. Co-Operation on AMCA will be another mutually beneficial project

4. We should offer berthing and support to Israeli Navy at Karwar, Giving them strategic depth and maneuverability in Red Sea may be we may look at offering them some vessels (Project 17A & 15B)
I am happy if they collaborate to eliminate globally designated terrorists hiding in the safe haven :shoot:

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