Chinese Navy Destroyers

Corvus Splendens

Senior Member
Dec 8, 2021
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This isn't the thread to discuss this... but, recognise that many of the international border disputes around the world eminaye from the Imperial actions of countries oceans and thousands of miles away.

The Macmohan line was drawn up by a British general in the 1910's on behalf of "British India" in the age of colonialism signed by the British and Tibetan authorities. The Republic of China govt of the time did not recognise it, nor does its descendents in RoC (ie Taiwan) today; look at RoC maps today.

Spratley islands disputes eminate from French colonial escapades in the 1900's. Chinese and French colonial claims were deliniated in 1887 yet were disputed in the 1930's when France claimed the Spratelys; where post colonial Vietnam claims originate.

Even then, China of today did not take the Sprately islands occupied by Vietnam or Malaysia but developed its own reefs and small islands occupied in the 70's as part of claims supported by the preceding RoC and Qing govts. Even Taiwanese maps today still mark all those islands as Chinese from claims dating back to the Qing govt.

The international territory disputes in Asia go back to Western colonial/ imperialist times. Yet geniuses here would rather go on Western media BS and blame China vs the Euro and US Colonialists who started this all.

Why do you contest Chinese claims yet are happy to parrot French claims to Pacific territories more than 5000 miles away or US claims more than 4000miles away from the US mainland.

France and the UK claim territory in the Pacific, caribean, Indian ocean and even Antarctic territory. Yet somehow China is the imperialist for territory it claimed and controlled in and before the 1800's in the South CHINA Sea.

Read a history book and realise what real Imperialism is.
wah wah why don't you tow our narratives :crying:
Listen mate you can spout all the copy-pasta nonsense you want here, but the PRC is an expansionist belligerent state that is currently in active territory disputes with every single one of it's neighbors. Chinese militia men had been hard at work at taking reefs and islands since the Vietnam war. You repeatedly poke Indian defenses in Himalayas for centimeters of land at a time, and are sitting on Indian land since 1962. Tibet belonged to china ? what china ? the hodgepodge collection of warring states ? by that retarded logic Sri Lanka, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia belongs to India too as they were part of Indian empires of the old ages. We know our history well enough, we don't need little chinamen coming to lecture us about towing evil western conspiracies.

Now go back to discussing about your magical super warships.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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There were two wars for opium... But that's what they were.... China also expanded its territory by war during that time.

Later when Japan went with their sphere strategy and attacked china. If it wasn't for Americans having decisive victory against Japanese there would have been no china left .

They want apology from Japan but never show the same courtesy to what they still do in Tibet xinxiang and other nation. Infact Japan did nothing compared to what china did.
The British had nothing of substance to trade with the Qing Govt of China BUT opium , an addictive drug they extracted from Afghanistan that ruined both territories; which was rejected out of hand by the govt, so they organised the Boxer war with other Euro imperialists and the US, looting China... so they organised a war that devasted the country. It took decades to get off the addiction and the dens Britain profited from in China.

When did China expand during that time of imperialist exploitation?

The Japanese Imperialist armies raped and killed throughout Asia in Korea, China and Southeast Asia. Are you defending that?

The Brits and US defeated the Japanese empire in China through Chinese, Indian and Southeast Asian manpower on mainland Asia. the USSR was about to defeat Japan in the Asian territorial mainland when the US dropped the nuclear bombs in Horoshima and Nagasaki as a warning to the USSR.



Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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There were two wars for opium... But that's what they were.... China also expanded its territory by war during that time.

Later when Japan went with their sphere strategy and attacked china. If it wasn't for Americans having decisive victory against Japanese there would have been no china left .

They want apology from Japan but never show the same courtesy to what they still do in Tibet xinxiang and other nation. Infact Japan did nothing compared to what china did.
When did Qing govt or RoC China govts claim more territory?

The Japanese Empire raped and pillaged its way through East and South Asia. What are you talking about? Korea, China, Phillipines, Malaysia, all were impacted by Imperail Japan. Which history are you reading? Japan had sex slaves in KOREA AND CHINA. They performed Genocide in Chinese towns and cities and biological experiments with toxic agents on Chinese and American prisoners. What are you talking about? Are you trying to portray them as heroes? It's literally the equivalent of Nazi glorification.

Tibet has been a Qing Chinese territory for centuries, even RoC on taiwan still claims Tibet.

Adm Kenobi

Regular Member
Nov 25, 2021
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How many territorial disputes does India have with its neighbors? Does that mean India "is about to INVADE"?

Stupid ass narratives.
Other than PRC & its minion state?
A few, but none have resulted in armed conflicts, Nepalese claim is very recent, led by a commie.
Several disputes with Bangladesh have been settled & the rest are being settled.
The only Indian territory not under our control is in the hand of the PRC & its minion.
Can it lead to war? Plausible.

China has only 1 overseas military base. Show me this base in Tanzania or Myanmar?...
Military installation in Cocos? Bagamoyo port?
South Korea is not threatened by China... China is their biggest trading partner.
"PRC is not threatened by the US... the US is their biggest trading partner"
Stupid ass narratives.
+South Korea's Ministry of National Defence disagrees with your statement.
Tibet is not a neighbour of China. Its been a Chinese territory for centuries, as recognised by even the Indian government and all UN member states.
Tibet has been independent for most of its history, and representative of Tibet choose not to join PRC. We know what happened next.
Tibet was a neighbour whose territory was claimed and then invaded by PRC.

If you have any knowledge of the Pacific, you will know that the US set up and kept most of its Pacific air, army and Naval bases around China to contain China. It supported a KMT stronghold in Taiwan after the Chinese civil war with the express intent to overthrow the PRC on the mainland. The PRC was only granted its UNSC seat over the RoC decades after the PRC won the war.
I'm well aware of what the US has done & is doing to maintain its hegemonic control in East Asia/Oceania, what the US has done to PRC doesn't justify what PRC is doing to its neighbours.

The US only considers its own interests.
This comes as a shock to me
You are just parroting imperialist lines, forgetting the actual human cost of US interventions, coups, wars and regime changes perpetuated to preserve US global dominance.
Am I? 🤔
Nothing has been forgotten.
Stop assuming things.

They literally bombed German infrastructure (Nordstream 1 and 2) to make Europe dependent on US LNG instead of cheap Russian gas just a year ago.

Natalie Bennet confirmed that the US sabotaged the Minsk agreements to ensure Russian and Ukraine conflict as a proxy war.

Tens of thousands dead IN EUROPE, (a continent that hadn't seen major conflict in decades) just to weaken Russia.
OK, some whites dying in Europe, and bombing of Euro infra is none of my concern.
The US won't tolerate a mutlipolar world.
If India ever rose to a level were the country was rich enough and militarily powerful enough to buck US interested in the Indian Ocean, bet that the US state department and its UK and Australian lackies would turn on y'all in a New York minute.
But idiots come here to talk about "Chinese Imperialism"🙄
Neocolonialism is real, I never claimed PRC was the only one.
Ask @bonwhat the French have been doing to its African colonies since their independence? Ask him about the French foreign legion and its "work" in Africa. Or the French history in the the Pacific. Why did Vietnam kick them out? Why did Britain steal TRILLIONS from India? Did China do that?🤦‍♂️

Read more history, watch western mainstream media less.
Neocolonialism is real, I never claimed PRC was the only one.
Colonialism (or Neo colonialism) is not justifiable, I'm aware that most of the debt of African countries is held by the EU & US.
That doesn't mean I will just ignore the things PRC has been doing in Asia, to its neighbours, including India.

Xi & his MFA has stated multiple time that they WILL use force for their One-China dream. Which makes it a threat to countries like India & several others in East Asia.

Again, stop assuming that people don't know about [xyz] just because it wasn't mentioned in their post.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Other than PRC & its minion state?
A few, but none have resulted in armed conflicts, Nepalese claim is very recent, led by a commie.
Several disputes with Bangladesh have been settled & the rest are being settled.
The only Indian territory not under our control is in the hand of the PRC & its minion.
Can it lead to war? Plausible.

Military installation in Cocos? Bagamoyo port?

"PRC is not threatened by the US... the US is their biggest trading partner"

+South Korea's Ministry of National Defence disagrees with your statement.

Tibet has been independent for most of its history, and representative of Tibet choose not to join PRC. We know what happened next.
Tibet was a neighbour whose territory was claimed and then invaded by PRC.

I'm well aware of what the US has done & is doing to maintain its hegemonic control in East Asia/Oceania, what the US has done to PRC doesn't justify what PRC is doing to its neighbours.

This comes as a shock to me

Am I? 🤔
Nothing has been forgotten.
Stop assuming things.

OK, some whites dying in Europe, and bombing of Euro infra is none of my concern.



Neocolonialism is real, I never claimed PRC was the only one.


Colonialism (or Neo colonialism) is not justifiable, I'm aware that most of the debt of African countries is held by the EU & US.
That doesn't mean I will just ignore the things PRC has been doing in Asia, to its neighbours, including India.

Xi & his MFA has stated multiple time that they WILL use force for their One-China dream. Which makes it a threat to countries like India & several others in East Asia.

Again, stop assuming that people don't know about [xyz] just because it wasn't mentioned in their post.
The PRC resolved its border disputes with Russia THROUGH DIPLOMACY. The very same diplomacy the US state department is intent on scuppering in the SCS disputes, just as it blew up the diplomatic efforts around Ukraine and Russia to start proxy wars in Asia; as it has in Europe. Whether you care about conflict in Europe or not.

It doesn't seem like you're aware. Why would anyone equate border disputes with INVASIONS by the Europeans and Americans you seem to fanboy over?

I seem to remember when many here were claiming Hambantota port in Sri Lanka was somehow part of a "string of pearls" to strangle India😄. Where is this "scary, massive military base?" Where is the base in Gwadar? Pure fiction, yet Indian media lost their collective minds over these fictional bases FOR YEARS, crying about the CHINA THREAT.

Bagamoyo port is a proposed civilian port to handle millions of TEUs per year with deep water berthing; a lifeline for Tanzanian exports and imports financed by Chinese banks and Oman.

How does that compare to the MASSIVE US Marine, airforce, Navy and army bases in Yokosuka, Sasebo, and Okinawa in Japan where even aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are FORWARD DEPLOYED? Thousands of troops literally training to choke off Chinese trade and assault the population centers on Mainland China's coast. That's a real threat. Which is why the PRC has grown its defenses and Naval strength to counter it. All this talk of China growing to "menace the Phillipines" is baloney.

If China had the equivalent of US military basing in Korea, Japan, the Philipines, Singapore and Australia around India, you would all be crying bloody murder, but because its aimed at China you celebrate the white man's Imperialism. Pray China prevails, because if the PRC falls and India somehow succeeds to become the next challenger to US unipolarity, you're next.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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They industrialised you too. China was industrialised through foriegn investments and trade with the west just like Japan
being in agreement with the Chinese on various points doesn't make me Chinese or even allied to the Chinese.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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The British had nothing of substance to trade with the Qing Govt of China BUT opium , an addictive drug they extracted from Afghanistan that ruined both territories; which was rejected out of hand by the govt, so they organised the Boxer war with other Euro imperialists and the US, looting China... so they organised a war that devasted the country. It took decades to get off the addiction and the dens Britain profited from in China.

When did China expand during that time of imperialist exploitation?

The Japanese Imperialist armies raped and killed throughout Asia in Korea, China and Southeast Asia. Are you defending that?

The Brits and US defeated the Japanese empire in China through Chinese, Indian and Southeast Asian manpower on mainland Asia. the USSR was about to defeat Japan in the Asian territorial mainland when the US dropped the nuclear bombs in Horoshima and Nagasaki as a warning to the USSR.

You shouldn't talk about history when all you read is imperialist manufactured stories.

The PRC resolved its border disputes with Russia THROUGH DIPLOMACY. The very same diplomacy the US state department is intent on scuppering in the SCS disputes, just as it blew up the diplomatic efforts around Ukraine and Russia to start proxy wars in Asia; as it has in Europe. Whether you care about conflict in Europe or not.

It doesn't seem like you're aware. Why would anyone equate border disputes with INVASIONS by the Europeans and Americans you seem to fanboy over?

I seem to remember when many here were claiming Hambantota port in Sri Lanka was somehow part of a "string of pearls" to strangle India😄. Where is this "scary, massive military base?" Where is the base in Gwadar? Pure fiction, yet Indian media lost their collective minds over these fictional bases FOR YEARS, crying about the CHINA THREAT.

Bagamoyo port is a proposed civilian port to handle millions of TEUs per year with deep water berthing; a lifeline for Tanzanian exports and imports financed by Chinese banks and Oman.

How does that compare to the MASSIVE US Marine, airforce, Navy and army bases in Yokosuka, Sasebo, and Okinawa in Japan where even aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are FORWARD DEPLOYED? Thousands of troops literally training to choke off Chinese trade and assault the population centers on Mainland China's coast. That's a real threat. Which is why the PRC has grown its defenses and Naval strength to counter it. All this talk of China growing to "menace the Phillipines" is baloney.

If China had the equivalent of US military basing in Korea, Japan, the Philipines, Singapore and Australia around India, you would all be crying bloody murder, but because its aimed at China you celebrate the white man's Imperialism. Pray China prevails, because if the PRC falls and India somehow succeeds to become the next challenger to US unipolarity, you're next.
Bat munchers literally got Porks and supplied them nuke missiles , fighter jet, tanks and what not ... aimed at India.

Captured Tibet and have military bases all over there.

What Shit you are talking about... Still not over your opium addiction ? 😂😂

As i said Indian boundaries include Kailash mansarovar region and much more than what British workout with Tibet . The only reason we don't fight it over is because Tibet and Nepal both were Dharmic identity then and Kailash is considered and accepted as the holy shrine among all.

You are not Tibet, you have simply captured their land and have no right to talk about what British worked out with them.

First leave Tibet and let it become a full fledged Tibetan democracy and they will discuss this with us not you.

And again China is same as British and other colonial imperial power ... And our first priority is to see you down as you have failed everyone whenever an offer of peace have been handed to you. Rest we will deal and we know Western powers will Target India next that's why we are preparing ourselves.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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You shouldn't talk about history when all you read is imperialist manufactured stories.

Bat munchers literally got Porks and supplied them nuke missiles , fighter jet, tanks and what not ... aimed at India.

Captured Tibet and have military bases all over there.

What Shit you are talking about... Still not over your opium addiction ? 😂😂

As i said Indian boundaries include Kailash mansarovar region and much more than what British workout with Tibet . The only reason we don't fight it over is because Tibet and Nepal both were Dharmic identity then and Kailash is considered and accepted as the holy shrine among all.

You are not Tibet, you have simply captured their land and have no right to talk about what British worked out with them.

First leave Tibet and let it become a full fledged Tibetan democracy and they will discuss this with us not you.

And again China is same as British and other colonial imperial power ... And our first priority is to see you down as you have failed everyone whenever an offer of peace have been handed to you. Rest we will deal and we know Western powers will Target India next that's why we are preparing ourselves.
Tibet has never been a democracy.

Ignorance really is bliss.

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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Tibet has never been a democracy.

Ignorance really is bliss.
And ? I am aware Shri Dalai Lama The true leader of Tibet lives in India as the bat munchers have forcefully occupied the territory of Tibet.

Bottomline : You are not TIBET

That is why we must praise Japan and other powers to do what china deserved for its centuries of colonialism that is still going on.

And that is why USA's bases are justified to stop chinese from doing this again.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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And ? I am aware Shri Dalai Lama The true leader of Tibet lives in India as the bat munchers have forcefully occupied the territory of Tibet.

Bottomline : You are not TIBET

That is why we must praise Japan and other powers to do what china deserved for its centuries of colonialism that is still going on.

And that is why USA's bases are justified to stop chinese from doing this again.
But you just called Tibet a "democracy"... You know the difference between feudalism and democracy?

It's a waste of time debating someone who supports sex slavery, mass murder of women and children and biological experiments on human beings. And mind you, that happened to Koreans, SouthEast Asians and Philipinos. But I guess the

But go off Fascist sympathiser/praiser/supporter.👊

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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But you just called Tibet a "democracy"... You know the difference between feudalism and democracy?

It's a waste of time debating someone who supports sex slavery, mass murder of women and children and biological experiments on human beings. And mind you, that happened to Koreans, SouthEast Asians and Philipinos. But I guess the

But go off Fascist sympathiser/praiser/supporter.👊
When did I said Tibet is a democracy right now ?

I clearly said the land of Tibet is occupied by bat munchers, while His Holy Highness Shri Dalai Lama is exiled and live in India.

And we all know what Mao did and his followers do in China. You literally burnt Tibetans alive there and concentration camps in Xinxiang. You must be in some bubble if you think we don't know what you are and what you have done.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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A full list of destroyers in PLAN (as of 13 Feb 2023)

Total: 70
Commissioned destroyers: 49
Commissioning rate: 70%

1.DDG 113 Qingdao Type 052 (in service)

2.DDG 112 Harbin Type 052 (in service)
3.DDG 136 Hangzhou 956E (in service)
4.DDG 137 Fuzhou 956E (in service)
5.DDG 138 Taizhou 956EM (in service)
6.DDG 139 Ningbo 956EM (in service)
7.DDG 167 Shenzhen Type 051B (in service)
8.DDG 168 Guangzhou Type 052B (in service)
9.DDG 169 Wuhan Type 052B (in service)
10.DDG 115 Shenyang Type 051C (in service)

11.DDG 116 Shijiazhuang Type 051C (in service)
12.DDG 170 Lanzhou Type 052C (in service)

13.DDG 171 Haikou Type 052C (in service)
14.DDG 150 Changchun Type 052C (in service)
15.DDG 151 Zhengzhou Type 052C (in service)
16.DDG 152 Jinan Type 052C (in service)

17.DDG 153 Xi'an Type 052C (in service)
18.DDG 172 Kunming Type 052D (in service)

19.DDG 173 Changsha Type 052D (in service)
20.DDG 174 Hefei Type 052D (in service)
21.DDG 175 Yinchuan Type 052D (in service)
22.DDG 117 Xining Type 052D (in service)
23.DDG 154 Xiamen Type 052D (in service)
24.DDG 118 Urumqi Type 052D (in service)
25.DDG 119 Guiyang Type 052D (in service)
26.DDG 155 Nanjing Type 052D (in service)
27.DDG 131 Taiyuan Type 052D (in service)
28.DDG 161 Huhot Type 052D (in service)
29.DDG 120 Chengdu Type 052D (in service)
30.DDG 121 Qiqihar Type 052D (in service)
31.DDG 156 Zibo Type 052D (in service)
32.DDG 122 Tangshan Type 052D (in service)
33.DDG 132 Suzhou Type 052D (in service)
34.DDG 123 Huainan Type 052D (in service)
35.DDG 162 Nanning Type 052D (in service)
36.DDG 124 Kaifeng Type 052D (in service)

37.DDG 164 Guilin Type 052D (in service)
38.DDG 165 Zhanjiang Type 052D (in service)

39.DDG 133 Baotou Type 052D (in service)
40.DDG 163 Jiaozuo Type 052D (in service)
41.DDG 134 Shaoxing Type 052D (in service)
42.DDG 157 Lishui Type 052D (in service)
43.DDG ? ? Type 052D (fitting out)
44.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
45.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
46.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
47.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
48.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
49.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
50.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
51.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under constructiont)
52.DDG ? ? Type 052D (under construction)
53.DDG ? ? Type 052D (planned)

54.DDG ? ? Type 052D (planned)
55.DDG 101 Nanchang Type 055 (in service)

56.DDG 102 Lhasa Type 055 (in service)
57.DDG 105 Dalian Type 055 (in service)
58.DDG 103 Anshan Type 055 (in service)
59.DDG 106 Yan'an Type 055 (in service)
60.DDG 104 Wuxi Type 055 (in service)
61.DDG 107 Zunyi Type 055 (in service)
62.DDG 108 Xianyang Type 055 (sea trial)
63.DDG ? ? Type 055 (under construction)
64.DDG ? ? Type 055 (planned)
65.DDG ? ? Type 055 (planned)
66.DDG ? ? Type 055 (planned)
67.DDG ? ? Type 055 (planned)
68.DDG ? ? Type 055 (planned)
69.DDG ? ? Type 055 (planned)

70.DDG ? ? Type 055 (planned)

Evidently, the 7500 ton Type 052D class is the mainstay of PLAN surface force.
The list will be updated once a year as before.
All the current eight Type 055 destroyers









Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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When did I said Tibet is a democracy right now ?

I clearly said the land of Tibet is occupied by bat munchers, while His Holy Highness Shri Dalai Lama is exiled and live in India.

And we all know what Mao did and his followers do in China. You literally burnt Tibetans alive there and concentration camps in Xinxiang. You must be in some bubble if you think we don't know what you are and what you have done.
The conquest of Tibet practically established PRC's geopolitical superiority over entire South Asia.

Dalai Lama's fleeing to India is another serious strategic miscalculation for him. India doesn't have the resources & capability to maximize the exploitation of Dalai Lama's influence and instigate an armed rebellion in Tibet. Dalai Lama should've fled to UK or US for asylum. And that would cause real headache for CCP.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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The conquest of Tibet practically established PRC's geopolitical superiority over entire South Asia.View attachment 233207
Dalai Lama's fleeing to India is another serious strategic miscalculation for him. India doesn't have the resources & capability to maximize the exploitation of Dalai Lama's influence and instigate an armed rebellion in Tibet. Dalai Lama should've fled to UK or US for asylum. And that would cause real headache for CCP.View attachment 233209
Maybe Dalai Lama had no choice. Maybe it's due to geographical proximity. Anyway, the west deserted him. Anyway, I speak highly of his courage. He should have been the mascot


Mao Tse-Tung and Dalai Lama(right) in Beijing, China in 1955.

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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