CCP quotations


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Apr 25, 2020
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This thread is for quotations of CCP former politicians and related people & stuff.



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Apr 25, 2020
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1966 Lin Biao:
There have been a lot of ghost things and ghost phenomena recently that require attention. Counter-revolutionary coups may occur, murders may occur, political power may be usurped, bourgeois restoration may be carried out, and socialism may be abolished. After you fought against Luo Ruiqing, against Peng Zhen, against Lu Dingyi and his wife, and against Yang Shangkun, you can smell something, the smell of gunpowder. Luo Ruiqing held military power, while Peng Zhen held a lot of power in the Secretariat of the Central Committee. The commander of the cultural front and ideological front was Lu Dingyi. It is Yang Shangkun who is engaged in confidential intelligence work. To carry out a coup, there are two things that must be done. One is the propaganda machine, newspapers, radio, literature, movies, and publishing. These are the ones that do ideological work. When the bourgeoisie engages in subversion, it also takes the lead in thinking. It first messes up people's minds. ; The other is to build an army and seize the barrel of a gun. By combining civil and military forces to capture public opinion and the barrel of a gun, they can carry out a counterrevolutionary coup. We must dig out the representatives of the bourgeoisie, the time bombs, and the landmines. To start killing.


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Apr 25, 2020
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1989 Jiang Zemin:

On May 18, 1989, Jiang Zemin, then Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, had a cordial meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, the visiting Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, at the Xijiao Hotel in Shanghai. They discussed the weather. Jiang Zemin said to Gorbachev: "Because of your arrival, the weather in Shanghai has improved." Gorbachev went on to say: "The relations between the Soviet Union and China have improved."


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Apr 25, 2020
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2008 Hu Jintao

"I want to tell you that I did not want to be the chairman. The people of the country elected me to be the chairman. I should not let down the expectations of the people of the country."
(During a visit to Yamanaka Chinese School in Yokohama, Japan, in 2008, student Kouki Matsuda asked Hu why he wanted to be president.)


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Apr 25, 2020
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1990 Jiang Zemin

ABC reporter Barbara Walters in 1990

In 1990, when Jiang Zemin was interviewed by American journalist Barbara Walters, he was asked about the whereabouts of the students who intercepted the tanks(tank man) during the Tiananman Incident.

Q: Do you know what happened to this young man? We know his name is Wang Weilin.
A: Wang Weilin, I think the scene you mentioned just now illustrates exactly what happened: the man stood in front of the tank and the tank stopped. Why did the tank stop? Was it the kid who stopped the tank? It's because of the tank. The people in the tank don't want to run over the people in front of them. But I think this scene just proves that.

Q: What about the situation of young people?
A: I think this young man maybe not killed by the tank.

Q: No, but did you arrest him? We hear that he was arrested and executed.
A: I cannot confirm whether the young man you mentioned has been arrested.

Q: So you don’t know his situation?
A: But I think (Wang Weilin) was never killed.
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Apr 25, 2020
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2009 Jiang Zemin

Then people don’t know (their own fate), and they can’t predict it. A person's destiny, of course, depends on one's own efforts, but one must also consider the course of history. I absolutely don't know how I, as the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, will be chosen to go to Beijing. So Comrade Deng Xiaoping spoke to me and said, ‘The Central Committee has decided that you will be the general secretary.’ I declined and advised Deng to find some better person.

I'm really... I'm not being modest. Why did I, the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, come to Beijing? However, Comrade Xiaoping said, ‘The Central Committee has already studied and decided’, and then I read two poems, called ‘If you live and die to benefit the country, how can you avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings’, so I went to Beijing. When I arrived in Beijing, I did nothing else for more than ten years, probably three things:

One, established the socialist market economy;
The second is to include Deng Xiaoping’s theory in the party constitution;
The third one is what we know as the "Three Represents" (that is, the CCP represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, the direction of advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people).

The three things that matter most to me. I am very ashamed, I just did a small amount of work.


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Apr 25, 2020
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1998 Jiang Zemin

CBS reporter Mike Wallace in 1998

Li Hongzhi is from Changchun, but he himself said that he is the reincarnation of Sakyamuni and Jesus. How do you believe it? He said the end of the world was coming and that the earth was going to explode. Moreover, he also said that the original Prime Minister Li Peng and I called him and asked him to postpone the destruction of the earth for decades, but we never asked him. He attempts to gain the trust of his followers through this propaganda, giving the impression that he knows China's leaders well, but in fact he is full of nonsense. In fact, many families were broken up and many lives lost as a result of his preaching. Therefore, after careful consideration, we believe that "Falungong" is a cult. Moreover, members of "Falungong" have never been sentenced to death.


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Apr 25, 2020
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1958 Mao Zedong

Who is Qin Shihuang? He only killed 460 intellectuals , while we killed 46,000 intellectuals. We suppress rebellion. Haven't you killed the counter-revolutionary intellectuals yet? When you accuse us of being the dictator, we have always acknowledged it. Unfortunately, what you say is not enough and we often have to supplement it. (laughing out loud)
——"Speech at the Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (Abstract)", Speech at the Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, May 8, 1958


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Apr 25, 2020
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1997 Jiang Zemin

On the afternoon of October 30, 1997, Jiang Zemin took a special plane from Washington to the historic city of Philadelphia in the United States. After getting off the plane, Jiang Zemin went to an ordinary apartment building in downtown Philadelphia to visit his college teacher, Mr. Gu Yuxiu.

I'm very excited today. I recalled that you went to New York two years ago. I really didn't dare to take such a long distance to see me.

According to China's excellent historical tradition, you are my teacher. When I saw you today, I remembered that you were teaching me operational calculus 51 years ago, that is, in 1946.

What I remember most is that you didn’t bring a book or handouts to the lecture. It was all in your mind, and we couldn’t keep up. This is really amazing.

I remember that when I was studying in high school, the teacher taught us calculus. The first lesson was about the "one-foot-long stick, half of it is taken every day, and it lasts forever" in "Zhuangzi", which vividly helped me establish the concept of limits. . This shows that the ancient Chinese have realized that the development and changes of things are infinite, and it also shows that our ancestors have reached a considerable level of understanding of the natural world.

You are not only a doctor of electrical engineering, but you are also a dramatist and a poet. Moreover, our Mrs. Wang, your calligraphy is very good, and you can draw pictures. Can you call drawings pictures, right? Teacher Gu?


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Apr 25, 2020
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1989 Deng Xiaoping

"You can see what it is at a glance. It is unambiguous. It is to overthrow the Communist Party and to overthrow socialism. There are two main things: to overthrow the Communist Party and to overthrow socialism. To establish a so-called republic that is completely Westernized."
——"Speech when meeting with cadres of the Capital Martial Law Force at military level or above", June 9, 1989


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Apr 25, 2020
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1967 Mao Zedong

On September 20, 1967, when talking with Zeng Siyu, Liu Feng and others in charge of the Wuhan Military Region in Wuhan, Mao said: "Now I really don't like the four official titles you gave me, such as great leader, great mentor, and great commander-in-chief, great helmsman, just call me Chairman Mao."

In late May 1968, Mao came to Wuhan again, saw his portraits and quotations posted everywhere, and ordered them to be taken down. In response to Lin Biao's statement that "one sentence of his(Mao's) is worth ten thousand words", Mao said to the staff: "How can a person's words be worth ten thousand words? A word is just one sentence, it cannot be worth ten thousand words. How can my words be so powerful? Isn’t that God? This is not materialism, nor is it dialectics.”


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Apr 25, 2020
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1951 Mao Zedong

In a big city like Shanghai, one or two thousand people may need to be executed within this year to solve the problem. It is necessary to execute three to five hundred people in the spring to suppress the enemy's flames. Nanjing asked the East China Bureau to guide the city's municipal party committee to arrange investigations and interrogations, and strive to execute one or two hundred of the most important reactionaries in the spring.
——"Telegram on the need to strike steadily, accurately and hard against counter-revolutionaries", January 17, 1951


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Apr 25, 2020
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12 Dec 2015 Xi Jinping

"If you are lucky, nothing will happen to you. If something happens to you one day, you will be unlucky."


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Nov 1, 2022
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12 Dec 2015 Xi Jinping

"If you are lucky, nothing will happen to you. If something happens to you one day, you will be unlucky."
16 May 1966 Mao TseTung at the start of The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution .

"Beware these steps comrades . These steps convey you to the top & these very steps take you to the bottom. It happens only in Zhongguo. "

Great helmsman 1.0 citing steps as a capitalist innovation calling for the Han people to avoid them at all costs to ensure perfect uniformity in the social status of all Han people thus achieving universal harmony.


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Apr 25, 2020
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CCP proverb: Loyalty that is not absolute means absolute disloyalty.

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