Turkey Military News, Reports & Data

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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This thread will be about Turkish Military News, pictures, videos, and happenings.

Lets will start with the following:

Turkey signed a technical protocol for assault rifles grant to Albania


Turkey signed a technical protocol for 30 Assault Rifles grant to Albania.

A technique protocol has been signed towards a grant of 30 Light Infantry Rifles between the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Defence and Republic of Albania Ministry of Defence.

At Albanian Chief of Staff at Headquarters, a technic protocol towards grant of 30 units of MPT-55 and MPT-77 type light assault rifles which have NATO standards has been signed between the Military Attaché of the Republic of Turkey in Tirana Col. Shakir Cumhur Somer and Albanian Chief of Staff Operations and Training Leonard Çoku. Weapons will be used by the Albanian Land Forces Command. These weapons are grant that Turkey continuously provides Albanian Armed Forces besides Natural Disaster Supplies aids.

Albania to Turkey previously had donated medical equipment and armored vehicles.


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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MPG Continues Delivering M4K 8×8 Recovery Vehicles to Turkish Armes Forces


After the prototype delivery of “ mine partial protected recovery vehicle “ (MPPRV) that was developed by the MPG (Makina Produksiyon Grubu) company, the mass production and deliveries continue.

Sources of Defense Turk informed that; after deliveries of 1 prototype and 4 mass produced vehicles, deliveries still continue in April 2020. In this context, 5 more M4K MPPRVs have been delivered to the security forces in April. With the delivery of the last 5 vehicles, a total of 10 vehicles have been delivered. Thus, MPPRVs have been actively used since the day they entered the Army’s inventory.

M4K Supply Agreement Signed with MPG
A total of $ 17.89 million contract was signed with the MPG company within the scope of the ” Mine Partial Protected Rescue Vehicles ” project to procure the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces. Within the scope of the contract, 29 vehicles will be procured for the TAF.


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Meteksan Defence is Preventing the Interference Threads for Global Positioning Systems with Their “Anti-Jamming GNNS”

Meteksan Defence is Preventing the Interference Threads for Global Positioning Systems with Their Innovator Product “Anti-Jamming GNNS”

Meteksan Defence, which develops and presents the critical systems that includes advanced technology of the defence industry platforms, now, offers a new product to the users that will prevent the interference of the signals of Global Positioning Systems which is one of the most important threats of the operational environment.

Since the Global Positioning System signals proceed a long way until they reach the receiver, they are weakening in terms of power due to atmospheric effects. This situation results as the Global Positioning Systems to be easily suppressed by various signal jammers, the receiver loses the signal tracking and begins to fail for providing a solution. Many of our Global Positioning Systems that are in our national platforms, are being jammed by enemy factors; this cause big problems such as losing the function of the platforms and even having an accident.

It has a critical importance to clean and suppress interference signals for the survival of our military platforms. In this respect Meteksan Defence has completed to improve their product Anti-Jamming GNNS (Interference/Deceive Preventor Global Positioning System) which can support the GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU satellite signals and can operate with multi frequency bands. Thanks to Meteksan Defence Anti-Jamming GNSS product, the direction of the interference signal can be determined and suppression of interference signals is provided by using spatial frequency filtering. After the interference signals are distinguished with the help of the algorithm on the signals in the signal processing unit, the cleared signal is regenerated to be given to standard Global Positioning System receivers.


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Turkey Begins To Use UAV for Forest Fires

“For the first time, we will use UAVs to detect forest fires in this year” said Minister Pakdemirli.

In a written statement, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry announced 3 fundamental strategies for fire fighting, stating “First strategy is prevention, namely providing fire prevention trainings to raise awaraness. We shall remember that of all, 88% of the forest fires are human-induced ve to reduce this ratio, we must ensure training, awareness and attention.”

According to the statement by the Minister, the second strategy is prevention, this time for early detection, rapid and effective intervention. Pakdemirli said, “This year we will make the most of UAVs in fire detection. We monitor our forests through 776 fire lookout towers around the country. Thus, we are immediately alerted in case of fire and promptly respond to the fires with the help of our first response team deployed in 1,140 posts, which has resulted in reducing first time response to 12 minutes.”

Emphasizing that the final strategy is based on rehabilitation, that is, reforestating areas that are burnt, Pakdemir also added, “We reforest burnt areas in the first reforestation season, which is in the same year as the fire happened. In accordance with the Constitution, we grant no permission to use of these areas for other purposes. While reforesting, we are also attentive to the protection of original tree species.”


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Back to the Future: Autonomous Technology


Autonomous systems are an integral part of warfare and used for multiple roles during or prior to an operation. An autonomous aerial vehicle is capable of collecting intelligence, surveillance or reconnaissance. Even opted by non- state actors, UAVs have been presumed to lack the tenacity humans possess. Unreliable as UAVs are said to be, there have hitherto been a variety of trials to make them a platform that can match wits with humans, reaping the fruits of AI-powered systems in order to lower the burden and risks of using humans in the field.

Levels of Autonomy
According to NATO, levels of autonomy of UAVs are categorized as:

Level 1: Remotely Controlled System – System reactions and behaviour depend on operator input Level 2: Automated System – Reactions and behaviour depend on fixed built-in functionality (preprogrammed)

Level 3: Autonomous non-learning system – Behaviour depends upon fixed built-in functionality or upon a fixed set of rules that dictate system behaviour (goal-directed reaction and behaviour).

Level 4: Autonomous learning system with the ability to modify rules defining behaviours – Behaviour depends upon a set of rules that can be modified for continuously improving goal directed reactions and behaviours within an overarching set of inviolate rules/behaviours.

In operating UAVs, the duration of OODA -the loop of orient, observe, decide and act- loop sets the level an operator may partake in. Level of autonomy is measured by the moment ‘the button’ is pushed.

Turkey and Autonomous Drones: STM

STM offers a wide range of products with autonomous navigation, learning and decision making capabilities, both in a single-platform and swarm formation. STM’s competence on deep learning and computer vision facilitates real-time object detection, identification, tracking and classification.

Capabilities | Competences

  • High performance autonomous dispatch and control algorithms
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Sophisticated computer vision and deep learning algorithms
  • Vision-based control
  • Embedded and real-time object tracking, detection and classification
  • Real-time obstacle detection and avoidance
  • Real-time localization and mapping
  • Platform-tailored, advanced electronic ammunition safety, arm and fire
More details at:

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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HGK and KGK integration into ANKA+ and AKSUNGUR begins

The integration of Precision Guidance Kit / Hassas Güdüm Kiti (HGK) and Wing-Assisted Guidance Kit / Kanatlı Güdüm Kiti (KGK) developed by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Defense Industries Research And Development Institute (TÜBİTAK SAGE), into twin-engine AKSUNGUR and single engine ANKA+ UAVs has begun.

The news was shared by Gürcan Okumuş, SAGE Institute Manager via Twitter:

Placing the emphasis on the fact that Turkey is capable of integrating indigenous ammunition via indigenous softwares into its UAVs, Okumuş stated, “This capability will be a force multiplier in the field.”

Soon, ANKA+ and AKSUNGUR will be involved in the inventory of security forces.

ANKA+, which is a developed version of ANKA, has been evolved to have a higher capacity of carrying weapons, through its upgraded capacity of payloads. AKSUNGUR UAV has a payload capacity of 750 kg. After the integration of HGK and KGK has been completed, the UAVs’ capabilities will be boosted in the field. The effectiveness of the UAVs are estimated to be bolstered upon AKSUNGUR in the inventory.

KGK developed by TÜBİTAK SAGE and manufactured by Kale Group provides a high precision strike capability within a range of up to 37 km when released at low altitude and 111 km at high altitude, depending upon the carrier platform.


Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Turkey’s 5th Gen TF-X National Combat Aircraft (MMU) progresses

A new cooperation has been initiated for Turkey’s TF-X, a joint project of the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), between the TAI and defence company HAVELSAN.

The MMU is a 5th Gen jet & the domestically built jet is being developed to replace Turkish Air Force F-16 fighters ahead of the gradual phasing out of the latter throughout the 2030s.
The homegrown fighter is expected to make a maiden flight using a domestic engine in 2029

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Marine Assault Vehicle will be in the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces in 2022

MAV, During the beach landing phase of an amphibious operation, these vehicles are launched from landing helicopter docks (LHD) and are able to rapidly cover the distance between the vessel and shore, allowing marine units to land under armor protection with the minimum delay. Once on land, they are able to operate alongside with other armored vehicles.

More details at: https://en.defenceturk.net/marine-a...nventory-of-the-turkish-naval-forces-in-2022/

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Any truth to this can turkey use civilian jet engine core to develop it's own?
We already know that Chinese have used American CMF-56 core for their WS-10 engine.
Even after copying the cmf 56 core China still struggled to build a reliable engine I don't think Turkey can develop a powerful engine within 10 yrs.

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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First of I Class (Istif), TCG Istanbul will be launched by the end of 2020

STM General Director Murat İkinci, who spoke at the panel held online and live by STM ThinkTech, made very important statements regarding the Istif (I) Class Frigate Project.

“Particularly, I would like to touch upon I class. As you are also aware of, I class frigate is platform with about 15 m long version of MILGEM Project and highly important weapon systems mounted atop it. As you know, , the first 4 ships of the MILGEM Project were succesfully delivered to Turkish Armed and Naval Forces and are currently in service in a number of places, with East Mediterranean being in the first place, which is a glad news for our defense industry as the MILGEM Project is a project that came to light in cooperation with STM and ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, HAVELSAN as well as many other small-scale subcompanies and a good example to display the level where Turkish defense industry has reached” said Murat İkinci.

“From now onwards, the 4 ships, which are a follow-up of the MILGEM Project will not be produced as corvettes. Instead, they will be in the form of I class frigates and manufactured so. The construction of the ship as the first version of I class still continues to be produced in Naval Forces shipyard run Istanbul Naval Shipyard Command in the charge of STM as the prime contractor and with the participation of a number of companies.”

“There is no flaw or delay here. On the contrary, considering the situation in East Mediterranean, we exert every effort to deliver the I class frigate to the Armed Forces before the scheduled date.”

“Our plan is that by the end of 2020, the I class frigate will be launched. I hope that following the equipping of the shit once launched, it will be successfully delivered to the Armed Forces.”


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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PULAT APS and robotization package for ACV-15 by ASELSAN

While carrying out a number of projects to satisfy the current needs of Turkish Armed Forces, ASELSAN, which is the locomotive of Turkish defense industry, also prepares for the future of the Force.

Discerning the needs of combat environment in advance as well as swiftly responding to the current combat environment ASELSAN had exhibited the preliminary example of this during the Operation Euphrates Shield. Based on the package created for the Leopard 2 NG Project, ASELSAN presented a quick solution in order for M60T tanks to adatp to asymmetrical combat environment.

During the operations in Syria, it was noticed that apart from the tanks in the TAF inventory, ACV-15 Armoured Combat Vehicle (ACV) should be modernized. Considering the importance of this need, ASELSAN as the prime contractor and FNSS as the subcontractor signed an agreement.

More details at: https://en.defenceturk.net/first-i-class-tcg-istanbul-will-be-launched-by-the-end-of-2020/

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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ASELSAN carries out works on “Smart Ammunition” in ground vehicles

One of the prominent defense industry companies of Turkey and also supporters of Defence Turk, ASELSAN carries out works on smart ammunition for tanks and armoured vehicles.

35 mm Airburst Ammunition
35 mm Airbust Ammunition, whose fundamental target is air to ground missiles and that was developed by ASELSAN in cooperation with TÜBİTAK SAGE and MKE to be used in KORKUT and Fire Control System as well as 35 mm Modernized Towed Guns, is adapted to increase the efficiency of armoured vehicles. When the ammo is used in KORHAN 35 mm Weapon System still being developed ASELSAN, the efficiency of the weapon system will be also augmented. The said ammo was particularly developed to provide efficiency to infantry targets, light armoured vehicles and critical sensors mounted on heavy armoured vehicles.

More details at: https://en.defenceturk.net/aselsan-carries-out-works-on-smart-ammunition-in-ground-vehicles/

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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ŞİMŞEK target drone system integrated into ANKA UAV


According to the information by Azeridefence, Turkish Aviation and Space Industry (TAI) continues to introduce the ŞİMŞEK target drone system in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. As part of the project, ŞİMŞEK High-Speed Target Drone System was tested in Azerbaijan.

TAI stated that Şimşek target drones were selected in order to use during the firing tests conducted by the Azerbaijan Air Force to test the effectiveness of the air defence systems. After the negotiations between TAI and Azerbaijan Air Force, the ŞİMŞEK High Speed Target Drone System, which was brought to Azerbaijan in late 2019, carried out six flights within 3 days, 3 of which were in the test area near Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.


Integrated into ANKA Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

TAI, which continues to develop new concepts on ŞİMŞEK High-Speed Target Drone System constantly, integrated the Şimşek target drone system into ANKA Unmanned Aerial Vehicles recently. ŞİMŞEK target drone, which can be integrated into each wing, is launched from air to air.

According to the information provided by Azeridefence, TAI managed to make another breakthrough in the unmanned aerial vehicle industry, integrating a target drone into ANKA UAV which has more than 50.000 hours of flight and has proved itself in the domestic and foreign operations. The “ŞİMŞEK” target drone system, which can be launched not only from land platforms but also from surface platforms, can land using a parachute after completing its mission.

Being reported which was reported to provide a very successful performance in the military drills conducted by the Turkish Navy, ŞİMŞEK served as a target drone during the military drills of the Naval Forces Command between the dates of 12-17 January 2020 in the Aegean Sea.


Being an indigenous Design and Development program, ŞİMŞEK High Speed Target Drone System program was initiated in 2009 to meet the increased training requirements of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF).

System will meet the requirements of high speed target drone simulating enemy aircraft and missiles for air to air, ground to air, anti-aircraft gunnery and missile systems’ tracking and firing trainings. Open architecture design of ŞİMŞEK High Speed Target Drone System can be modified with respect to end user requirements.


General Features of ŞİMŞEK System

  • 45 minutes of endurance
  • Mission altitude between 1000ft (350m) to 15000 feet (4500 m) (ASL)
  • 50 km LOS Data Link Range with GCS

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Burak-class corvette in Turkish Navy modernized


Photos of the Burak class F-503 TCG Beykoz corvette of the Turkish Navy were shared on social media. According to the image shared by “Viya”, the cannon and radar of TCG Beykoz corvette, formerly called the D’Estienne d’Orves (Aviso)-class in the French Navy, were upgraded.

According to the examination of the images, the systems replaced in the ships are as follows:

  • French-made 100mm CADAM canon instead replaced by Italian Oto Malara 76mm cannon
  • French DRBC 32E fire control radar replaced by indigenous ASELSAN AKR tracking and fire control radar
  • French DRBV 51A search radar replaced by ASELSAN 3D Search Radar (MAR-D)
Burak-class corvettes, which are six in the Turkish Navy inventory, are between the ages of 43 and 46. These ships were planned to be removed from the inventory in the past years. However, the ships could not be taken out of the inventory due to the delay of the Turkish Navy’s new shipbuilding programs, the tension in the region and the expansion of the Turkish Navy’s mission scope.

“The replaced 100mm guns were heavy and slow. In addition, there is a high dependency on France for spare parts and ammunition. Aviso, namely Burak, class ships are in better condition ships in spite of their age. They are easy to operate, inexpensive and robust ships. The French Navy retired the ships built to replace the Avisos and put the Avisos back on duty with the cannon removed. ” said Kozan Selçuk Erkan, Defense Turk author and naval engineer

France also used the centre line form of Aviso, which was preferable, in the Floréal class reconnaissance-surveillance frigates developed later.

As to the use of corvette, Erkan also said, “There is still no equivalent of corvette design in Greece. They deploy a patrol boat or frigate against the corvettes. For this reason, it is very beneficial for them to remain on duty through cost-effective modifications. ”

The launchers loaded with Javelin and L-UMTAS designed by Roketsan were added to the Burak-class corvettes and shots were made to test them. Among the possible scenarios is the integration of this system, which will be highly deterrent against the close targets in the Aegean.

In addition, even though MM-38 Exocet missiles in the Burak-class have been renovated in the past, the old missiles are considered not to be very effective.


L-UMTAS launched from the Burak-class corvette


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Tests for Early Warning Radar System begin


Within the scope of the Early Warning Radar System (EIRS) Project, the development and supply of radar systems demanded by the Air Force Command for ensuring early warning are planned. As part of the project, 4 Portable EIRS will be produced.

According to the information released by Defense Turk, tests started on the EIRS System radar, which will also comprise the ÇAFRAD (Multifunction Phased Array Radar) system Long Range Search Radar (UMR). The system is scheduled to be delivered in the first quarter of 2021.

EIRS is also of great importance for the production of this type of radar for the first time in our country.

The systems are being developed with the aim of long-range warning and detection of targets with very low Radar Cross Section such as ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles from very long ranges and early warning of them as well as being operational under variable electronic mixing and difficult geographical conditions. It is also aimed to be used for configuring the systems.

EIRS can perform data fusion and track handover amongst themselves, which is a critical feature especially for
ballistic missile defense

EIRS is a new generation S-Band radar developed for long-range early warning, with AESA and antenna architecture in digital beamforming architecture. Fixed and portable early warning radars will be produced as part of the project.


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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United Kingdom Defence Secretary: “Turkey’s Electronic Warfare and UAV usages are a game-changer”


Speaking at the Air and Space Power Conference, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace drew attention to the future combat environment.

The speech, published by the UK Department of Defense, contains remarkable statements in many respects. Wallace talked about Turkey’s influence in Libya and Syria in his speech.

Wallace continued his speech as follows:

“We need to look at the lessons of others. Look how Turkey has been operating in Libya where it has used Bayraktar TB-2 UAVs since mid-2019.

Those UAVs have conducted intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and targeting operations against frontlines, supply lines and logistics bases.

In July last year they struck the Libyan National Army controlled Jufrah airfield destroying several command and control nodes as well as two transport aircraft

Or consider Turkey’s involvement in Syria and its use of Electronic Warfare (EW), lightly-armed drones and smart ammunition to stop tanks, armored cars and air defense systems in their tracks

According to reports Assad regime suffered heavy losses ‘3000 soldiers, 151 tanks, eight helicopters, three drones, three fighter jets vehicles and trucks, eight aerial defense systems and one headquarters among other military equipment and facilities.’

Even if only half of these claims are true the implications are game changing.”

After this conversation, the Minister pointed out that you can see the current global position of the UK – the improved version of Reaper – by replacing it with Protector UAV, it will perform a major shift.

With the various publications, Defence Turk showcased the way Turkey’s technology utilization on the fields of Idlib which quoted “New generation on the battlefields” by Defence Turk.


Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı: We urgently need air defense frigates and aircraft carriers


The recently retired Rear Admiral Assoc. Dr. Cihat Yaycı commented on the live broadcast.

The recently retired Read Admiral Assoc. Dr. Cihat Yayci commented on tensions with Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean and in the Aegean Sea in recent days, as well as the Turkish Navy, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and TCG Anadolu.

“We urgently need air defense frigates and aircraft carriers”

Yaycı said, “Let’s do this job with UAVs and UCAVs. UAVs and UCAVs have different functions. Air defense and domination can only be achieved through an air defense system or aircraft. So in my personal opinion, we urgently need both air defense frigates and aircraft carriers. Light aircraft carrier Anadolu, and the second project in the planning stage, Trakya, were planned to be launched after the Anadolu and I hope production will take place”.

Yaycı’s statements are compatible with the recently released analysis “Overview on Turkish Naval Forces and aircraft carriers” by Defence Turk. Turkey’s aircraft carrier acquisition idea, the purchase of Harriers, the need for air defense combat destroyers before the aircraft carrier were included in this analysis.

Commenting on the current situation of the Navy and the protection of the Blue Homeland, Yaycı said, “Our Navy uses what is given to its hands in the best way. It also protects the Blue Homeland until the end.” Yaycı continued in his statement, regarding the subject of Libya, “We have to have a great naval force. Why? To become a great state. The Libya issue made it very clear. We need to have a very strong naval force even for Libya. Now, in Libya for instance, if we had an aircraft carrier or an aircraft carrier, everything would be different. ”.

Rear Admiral Assoc. Dr. Cihat Yaycı said, “The Navy estabilished a Naval Aviation School to train its own pilots last year. Jet pilots will be trained here. Why? In order for the pilots to catch up before the jet arrives, so that there will be no shortage of pilots. ” He added that the Naval Aircraft School, in which the Navy would train pilots within its own, was established.

Underlining that there must be planes to be used in TCG Anadolu, Yaycı said, “It is necessary to deploy aircraft on these ships (referring to TCG Anadolu), even if they are not brand new. If they don’t give us the F-35Bs, then let’s get the second hand Harriers somewhere. But we should make an introduction to this as soon as possible. We should purchase the Chinese aircraft if necessary. We should deploy 3-5 aircraft on Anatolia. ” said.

Assoc. Dr. Cihat Yaycı said, “We would have capabilities of power transfer and projection capability. What does that mean? You are transferring power to an overseas location and you are controlling it. You can only do that with the Navy. ” He also touched on the importance of the Navy in giving his statements.

Defence Turk

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Apr 13, 2020
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Turkish UAVs are on duty in Aegean Sea


UAV platforms linked to Turkish Navy Forces operate in the Aegean Sea.

Turkish Navy Forces, which is the only navy that has MALE (medium-altitude long-endurance) class UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) in the inventory, and operating it in the Aegean Sea, continues to serve intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance (IRS) operations through these platforms. Whereas the Greek Navy can carry out those operations with manned aerial platforms, Turkey has announced that Turkish survey vessel Oruç Reis will be in service for new seismic research operations in the Eastern Mediterranean via NAVTEX (navigational telex) starting on July 21, 2020. After the announcement, Greek side slammed Turkey.

It was stated that the Greek Navy was on alert in the Aegean Sea after the NAVTEX announcement. Greek Navy canceled all off days of staff, who manage the operations.

The long-term target surveillance, which is described as “dull” by security forces, is carried out with manned aerial platforms in the Greek Navy, while the Turkish Navy is carrying out with the UAV systems in the Aegean Sea.


Turkish Navy Forces also actively carried out the IRS with UAV platforms in the region before the NAVTEX. The Navy’s IRS operations in the region continue on a 24/7 basis, as in the routine, without putting the staff in any risk environment, after NAVTEX.

Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ)’s ANKA UCAV/UAV and Baykar Defense’s Bayraktar TB2 UCAV/UAV are actively used by Turkish Navy Forces.

TUSAŞ delivered its first three ANKA UAV system in October 29, 2019 to Turkish Navy Forces Command. The UAVs, which has payloads such as electro-optics, infrared cameras, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), perform real-time image intelligence tasks for discovery, surveillance, fixed/moving target detection, identification, detection and tracking, including day and night, adverse weather conditions.

Meanwhile, the first Bayraktar TB2 UAV systems, which entered the inventory of Turkish Navy, were deployed in Çanakkale and started to serve in the Aegean Sea in December 2018.


Turkish Foreign Ministry’s response to the Greek about research operation in the Aegean Sea.
Turkish Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Hami Aksoy answered the questions about the Greek Foreign Ministry’s statement about Oruç Reis’s research operation in the Eastern Mediterranean


As part of the ongoing hydrocarbon exploration activities of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean, it is publicly announced with a NAVTEX (Navigational Telex) broadcasted by the competent authorities that our seismic survey vessel Oruç Reis will launch a new seismic survey in the Eastern Mediterranean, starting from 21 July 2020.

The maritime area, in which Oruç Reis will conduct a survey, is located entirely within the Turkish continental shelf as declared to the United Nations and within the license blocks granted by Turkish Government to TPAO in 2012. As a matter of fact, our seismic research vessel Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa had also conducted a survey in previous years within a portion of the same area.

This being the case, Greece raised objections to the current survey activity and claimed that the survey area is within its own continental shelf. Greece bases this claim on the presence of remote islands far from its own mainland, most notably Kastellorizo. This maximalist continental shelf claim of Greece is contrary to international law, jurisprudence and court decisions.

The argument that an island of 10 square kilometers, located only 2 kilometers away from Anatolia and 580 kilometers from the Greek mainland should generate a continental shelf area of 40.000 square kilometers is neither rational nor in line with international law. We, therefore, reject these unjustified assertions of Greece.

Turkey, while reiterating her calls to Greece for dialogue as repeated at every level on various occasions up until today, will also continue to defend its legitimate rights and interests stemming from international law.



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