Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Read a news that..india will implement the IBGs along the border wherever necessary that is by MAY..
hoo haaa
Yes its true. Not posting the entire article as its too long. But worth a read.,1

Integrated Battle Groups
Are India's Response to Pakistan

November 18, 2018
Topic: Security Region: Asia

The decision to form all arms integrated battle groups has the potential to completely upset the conventional strategic balance that has prevailed between India and Pakistan for the last four decades.

Last month, India’s biennial Army Commanders Conference convened to deliberate upon four major in-house studies. One of these studies on the “Re-organisation and Rightsizing of the Indian Army,” made a decision to proceed with forming all arms integrated battle groups (IBG). This decision has the potential to completely upset the conventional strategic balance that has prevailed between India & Pakistan for the last four decades. This is so, as the operationalization of integrated battle groups will mark the concrete acceptance by India of the doctrine of Cold Start, whereby India can wage a proactive war against Pakistan even in a nuclear environment.

Till last month’s army commanders conference, India’s January 2017 acknowledgement of the existence of Cold Start could have meant one of two things . One, was that General Bipin Rawat was simply referring to a more streamlined mobilization procedure, which would represent no doctrinal shift. Second, was that Cold Start referred to the Indian Army’s intention to undertake multiple, short notice, armored thrusts into Pakistan to seize and hold territory, something that would be a real doctrinal shift. Now, however, it is clear that India is envisaging the latter as well.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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The decision to form all arms integrated battle groups has the potential to completely upset the conventional strategic balance that has prevailed between India and Pakistan for the last four decades.
Did you even bother to read it after it?


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Sep 7, 2015
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Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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Pakistani troops fire 2 rocket followed by heavy mortar shelling on one of the IA BOP in Poonch's Qasba sector. Massive retaliatory operation is launched by our troopers since 9 PM. More details to follow


The Ultranationalist

Tihar Jail
Jan 30, 2017
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Pakistani troops fire 2 rocket followed by heavy mortar shelling on one of the IA BOP in Poonch's Qasba sector. Massive retaliatory operation is launched by our troopers since 9 PM. More details to follow

Thats the sound of the big guns and rockets. I dont think such heavy weaponry is being used on loc.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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Our air defence system traick 2 fighter jets of PAF only 7 km away from LOC in Neelam Valley yesterday.
It seems very suspicious.

This is very good news

This means that there has been a build up on our side

And the Pakis are fearing an attack


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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I doubt it has anything to do with the FATF. The US has probably got a commitment from the Afghan Taliban to not allow the ISIS or Qaeda to use their territory to plot terror which means that the ISIS and AQ will need to find new safe havens and the next best place is the badlands of Pak - FATA/North Waziristan.

The Pak Army sees this a clear and present danger and thus wants to reinforce the Western border. The Pakis are now between a rock and a hard place!


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Our air defence system traick 2 fighter jets of PAF only 7 km away from LOC in Neelam Valley yesterday.
It seems very suspicious.

the following restrictions are to be observed by military aircraft of both the forces:

> Combat aircraft (to include fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, jet military trainer and armed helicopter aircraft) will not fly within 10 kms of each other's airspace including ADIZ. No aircraft of any side will enter the airspace over the territorial waters of the other country, except by prior permission.
> Unarmed transport and logistics aircraft including unarmed helicopters, and Air Observation Post (AOP) aircraft, will be permitted up to 1000 meters from each other's airspace including ADIZ.

This one is a clear violation of the agreement between Pakistan and India on prevention of air space violation signed on 6th April 1991. A strong protest needs to be lodged if this report is confirmed.


Hindufying India
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Aug 18, 2010
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Why don’t we completely eradicate Pakis along the border?

See the Pakis are never going to accept the losses from their own. We kill many and after some media report they accept 1 killed to acknowledge.

If say Pakis attack and kill 2 of out soldiers. There should be instant retaliation on 10 of their forward posts, villages on ad hoc basis. For 2 people killed, kill their 30 to 50 people.

George Patton:
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

There should be a khauf in Pakis about Indian cruelty. BC we should have the reputation of the most badass, rogue state in the region.

Our stupid neighbours should always live with fear in their mind just like Russian ones.


New Member
Jul 30, 2018
Why don’t we completely eradicate Pakis along the border?

See the Pakis are never going to accept the losses from their own. We kill many and after some media report they accept 1 killed to acknowledge.

If say Pakis attack and kill 2 of out soldiers. There should be instant retaliation on 10 of their forward posts, villages on ad hoc basis. For 2 people killed, kill their 30 to 50 people.

George Patton:
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

There should be a khauf in Pakis about Indian cruelty. BC we should have the reputation of the most badass, rogue state in the region.

Our stupid neighbours should always live with fear in their mind just like Russian ones.
Lol worthy post:biggrin2:

. ........



Hindufying India
New Member
Aug 18, 2010
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Hoooomiiin righttt brigade will eat the army alive with 24 hours new, articles,blogs ,videos (dhruv tatti type) with a photo of a child crying ,hindooo evil And our B-wood watching ,fake secular history taught COOL generation, especially girls will carry placards in every corner of the country , REMEMBER INNOCENT STONE PELTERS VS EVIL INDIAN ARMY , that's when they only defend against them and don't do anything proactively.
Plus compromised pillars of chutiyacracy ,west sponsored commie xtian congi scum , urban naxals ,moles are present in every field including army , for ex that dulat guy ,ex raw chief ,how can a guy like him even become raw chief ,then ofcourse we have morarji Desai etc kind of people ,we have HURRIYAT for god knows what , remember destruction of TSD ? ,A lot of loose ends are present and like always INTENT is missing to tie them up.
We lost INTENT for taking our land back,our women our revenge . We are continuously fed with we never attacked first ,we are moral ,we are peaceful, non - violence etc
I mean look at Punjabis ,it's not that long ago to forget partition riots ,our women were paraded naked in Pakistan and auctioned ,their breasts were cut off ,their noses were cut off, I don't even wanna say the rest, but today you see present generation high on peace afeem with convertedstan , while it continues to fan terrorism.
We don't even blame muzzies for partition and have no movies or shows made on it coz it will hurt their "sentiment" , sentiment that they couldn't finish off Hindus .FUCK WE COULDN'T EVEN MAKE RAM MANDIR ,and instead we have waqf board with the land which was occupied by invaders and monuments built after destruction of temples, why the fuck we gave it to the people who voted for partition.
Bhai only small population unites, ex- Mongols, Japanese , British,Nazis .
You first have to make people like minded ,that can happen by teaching them actual history or , atrocity literature aka victimhood mentality with high horse pride ,with intent it will become deadly cocktail of allah killing tonic.
I have advocated for the destruction of this ecosystem here:

Quoting here again:

Now this topic is even more relevant.

The world is now in a post liberal internationalist phase where the strongman and autocratic leaders who eat the job done are in flavour: Trump, Putin, Xi, Modi, Abe, Bolsonaro, MBS, Erdogan, Orban and many more.

Liberal pussies like Macron, Merkel are getting their butt kicked.

Nor the question comes after reading is how is this relevant with today?

If India initiates to break the lefist ecosystem in our country, we will be supported internationally by these strongmen. They want the same to happen in their country and are doing it. The UN and EU will bark. Ignore them. We will have backing of strong leaders. This will take care internationally.

Time for permanent action to destroy Secular India and turn into an illiberal democracy like Hungary. Please research more on Erdogan and Viktor Orbans tactics to deal with media, judiciary and stupid leftists in their country.

1) Buy out the media and close down the Anti national ones with full government force.

2) Judiciary just cut the cake in one shot with the most brutal constitutional powers and provisions. Put up own man in the courts. Free and fair are leftist delusion. We know how free and fair they are.

3) Ban congress party. Revoke its registration. Confasticate it’s all property, cash, all top rung leaders arrested. Any usage of congress symbol is criminal act. Arrest congress supporters who defy the law. Use brutal force. Don’t care about next election. Be in a war footing like this is the last opportunity. Create fear in heart of Mamtas, Commies of the world. Be with us or against us. There’s no way out. We are the boss.

4) Create a security force in India under the control of central government. Right now law and security is the subject of state government. This way we will never have Indian interests served. The anti nationalists in our land and also outside will always use the loopholes. Like West Bengal, Kerala, J&K, etc.

Inspiration is GESTAPO made by Shri Adolf Hitler. This will be a force drawn from all the central forces. Any case pertaining to national security, larger public interest (keep broad terms prone to interpretation).......will invite the intervention of this force. It is terrorist activity, it is a big corrupt case of income escaping, any issue of national interest, any digital fraud, whatever this force will always have a broad provision to interfere in any issue of the country anywhere over riding any existing authority. This will ensure the governments right and authority over any trivial issue also. It will directly cut into missionary, judiciary, media, communist networking and infrastructure.

Dilute federalism and take more authority in Centrals hand. Too much decentralisation makes you loose focus. That has what fucked up India since last 70 years.

5) Just like media and judiciary run their parallel courts and narratives. Let’s give them some competition.

Create tribunals of the above mentioned force separate and any appeal is outside the scope of regular judicial appeal. Our courts have no jurisdiction on these special darlings.

6) Pass laws bringing the entire university and academic industry under the direct custody of Central Government. All the anti nationals and leftists be arrested and erase them completely. No traces. Place RW all over and be brutal and proud.

Hence, judiciary, media, political parties and

Modi is already the evil in everyone’s eyes. Now let’s do something really evil!

No poor bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making other bastards die for their country. - George S. Patton. US General.

Modi has to become the biggest bastard of India of last 200 years, the biggest bastard generations of Indians have seen. If you want to undo and correct history of many have to hit like no one can think. That’s why a person like Hitler is the most influential man of 20th century. You can debate it is good it is bad, what are the consequences, his legacy. But his actions changed the course of many centuries of history. British empire ended. Colonisation of previous 3 centuries ended. Such is the profound effect this man had.
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