Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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some reports saying 15 rangers got ticket to jannat today.....more rangers are waiting for jannat in queue....

....I know it's not enough....but India is their father...they should remember


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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It may sound cynical but I am thinking why there are no terror attacks in the hinterland or metro cities of India. Why Pak is not doing what it knows best. Is it the fear of retaliation or lack of capability.


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Nov 1, 2016
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It may sound cynical but I am thinking why there are no terror attacks in the hinterland or metro cities of India. Why Pak is not doing what it knows best. Is it the fear of retaliation or lack of capability.
The police and internal intelligence have improved a lot. Even the most corrupt police departments don't compromise when dealing with terrorism.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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It may sound cynical but I am thinking why there are no terror attacks in the hinterland or metro cities of India. Why Pak is not doing what it knows best. Is it the fear of retaliation or lack of capability.
Both ; But The threat is always there

IB ; NIA and State police agencies have vastly improved their Counter terror capabilities

Their Agents do get caught regularly


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Sep 7, 2015
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Given the communication tunnels behind Pakistani bunkers, there could be possibility of lesser damage. Did we hear the communication chatters to confirm this big kill? My point is if we destroy their posts, send forces to capture that post permanently.
Firstly, the number of casualties on the Paki side have been discerned from signal intercepts. It's 12 Rangers so far.

Secondly, the BSF hit their mortar positions (2 X mortars per post in close support). Three 'posts' destroyed, therefore 6 X mortars put out of action and the crew killed. There may be an equal number injured but that's unknown so far.


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Apr 24, 2016
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UN doesn't care about skirmishes as long as there is a territorial status-quo. The UN is aware that Pakis send terrorists over to India, and will give India a long rope as far as Indian regular forces crossing LoC for retribution is concerned. Our best bet is to terrorize Pak's entire forward deployment to a point where it rethinks the strategy behind sending terrorists over with covering fire from Paki regulars. In a bid to conserve trained, experienced, and valuable officers, Paki forward deployments will increasingly consist of non-coms and sepoys, with command and control deficiencies. That will work wonders for India if one morning Delhi decides to cold-start.

Pak's response, on the other hand, appears to be to show to the Indian media that India's tit-for-tat strategy isn't stopping Paki action, and that talks are the only way forward. It appears like a vicious cycle, but it really isn't. Indian action must always be an overreaction to Paki action. Sustained escalation over extended periods (i.e. 5 years or one BJP term) is a strategy that hasn't been tried by India in the past, and is worth exploring.
That's the thing though isn't it.
Even if we are winning these skirmishes, these events as a whole aren't stopping.
Pakis always initiate it, meaning they think that we are reactionary.

Something happens, pakis start cease fire violations, we escalate and they stop.
Again, later that year something happens and the cycle starts all over again.

There really are only two way to stop these wannabes.
Cold Start, which may or may not lead to a full scale war.
Or a sustained and consistent policy of, as Ajit Doval puts it, "defensive offense" over a period of years.

We need to have mechanism in place such that whenever pakis think of escalation on the LOC, we kick start the proper channels in Balochistan and some other vulnerable areas in pakistan so that their forces are immediately stretched thin and they stop right in their tracks.
We do this over and over again, so much so that Pakis eventually realise that starting something on the LOC means they get fucked on their western border and this becomes the general practice.

And maybe I'm being hopeful but if we do defensive offense properly it just might be possible to bring them to the table and make them give up without even fighting.

After all, let us not forget these are the same people who gave up and accepted defeat publicly and surrendered en masse, all 93000 of them, the only such public surrender in the history of modern warfare.
I honestly think that if we can give them a good scare and make them think that they will be royally fucked from all sides, they will bend over, cower and just give up.

Attacking their vulnerabilities i.e. economically, politically, culturally, etc may also come in the defensive offense strategy.
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New Member
May 28, 2011
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10-15 rangers killed is BS in my opinion.
There's like less than 3% chance of mortars and machine gun fire causing casualties in that magnitude on LoC/IB.
But destruction of 4 BoPs is confirmed which as per historical trends would suggest about 2-4 casualties.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
10-15 rangers killed is BS in my opinion.
There's like less than 3% chance of mortars and machine gun fire causing casualties in that magnitude on LoC/IB.
But destruction of 4 BoPs is confirmed which as per historical trends would suggest about 2-4 casualties.
15 is what I'm guessing
Our man @NeXoft007 is probably hunting for the pics right now


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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That's the thing though isn't it.
Even if we are winning these skirmishes, these events as a whole aren't stopping.
Pakis always initiate it, meaning they think that we are reactionary.

Something happens, pakis start cease fire violations, we escalate and they stop.
Again, later that year something happens and the cycle starts all over again.

There really are only two way to stop these wannabes.
Cold Start, which may or may not lead to a full scale war.
Or a sustained and consistent policy of, as Ajit Doval puts it, "defensive offense" over a period of years.

We need to have mechanism in place such that whenever pakis think of escalation on the LOC, we kick start the proper channels in Balochistan and some other vulnerable areas in pakistan so that their forces are immediately stretched thin and they stop right in their tracks.
We do this over and over again, so much so that Pakis eventually realise that starting something on the LOC means they get fucked on their western border and this becomes the general practice.

And maybe I'm being hopeful but if we do defensive offense properly it just might be possible to bring them to the table and make them give up without even fighting.

After all, let us not forget these are the same people who gave up and accepted defeat publicly and surrendered en masse, all 93000 of them, the only such public surrender in the history of modern warfare.
I honestly think that if we can give them a good scare and make them think that they will be royally fucked from all sides, they will bend over, cower and just give up.

Attacking their vulnerabilities i.e. economically, politically, culturally, etc may also come in the defensive offense strategy.
Few corrections there. First. Doval doctrine is not defensive offence but Offensive Defence.
Second. That something you mention is called terrorist infiltration. That s the reason Pakis initiate ceasefire violation to provide a cover fire when terrorists sneak in. We do not initiate as we are defending our territory.
Thirdly Pakis being Pakis will not come to negotiating table without fight. The 93000 soldiers you mention surrendered after 1971 war in which Bangaldesh was liberated. Objectives of cold start are different. Its aim is not to stop terrorism but to capture territory in other sectors like opposite Punjab or Raj/ Gujarat which can be used as bargaining chip in taking back PoK and destroying terror infra permanently.
Btw we are trying to do exactly what you are suggesting. The best way to strectch Pak army is to arm Afghans. We have just started to openly arm Afghan forces. May be if Trump changes the game in AfPak by dumping Pak altogether we may bargain a window of opportunity to cutup Pak and liberate Balochistan.


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Dec 25, 2016
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Because the paki s are no more playing the game in our level they have upped the ante long back with much more subtle and better way ..Have you forgotten the train derailments in states of UP,MP,Bihar and the number of people died that more than what we loose in one big terror attack ..By using this option they won t bring the fire on their ass if india wants to retaliate ..They are causing the same damage without a chest thumping strategy of Paki terror attack in india style ..

They are more than happy to create riots like the ones we are seeing in past few years and cause maximum destruction to us rather sending few jihadi goat fuckers and getting bad name ...

It may sound cynical but I am thinking why there are no terror attacks in the hinterland or metro cities of India. Why Pak is not doing what it knows best. Is it the fear of retaliation or lack of capability.


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May 10, 2017
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Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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These are knee jerk reactions.

Well atleast I am not happy with whatever is being done. Unless until POK is unstable, it's all useless..
Even after their 6 dead they will retaliate in some other way. And then again same chain of events will occur.
You are just giving them status quo and more and more chances to prepare and kill Indians.

They killed 4 Ind soldiers Ind killed 6 of theirs.

We lost 4 of our soldiers with status quo.

It may sound cynical but I am thinking why there are no terror attacks in the hinterland or metro cities of India. Why Pak is not doing what it knows best. Is it the fear of retaliation or lack of capability
US pressure
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