RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Mind I ask IN does NOT have any plan to produce its own LPD? Nevertheless, now it's acquiring Jalashwa (Austin class).

I don't mean to replace above deal for LHD, as I fully understand the difference between LPD and LHD. Of course, it's also about the purpose of these 4 LHD, and how LPD can work w/ them. My point is IN should give an opportunity to India's own building capability, and always make best of every import deal.
Currently, I believe the Indian naval shipyards are occupied building warships for a bluewater navy.

As the expansion of these shipyards gets on stream, I presume attention will be paid to the requirement for the ships of the littoral areas.


New Member
Aug 23, 2009
India Looking for Amphibious Ships

In 2007, India's amphibious capabilities took a big step forward, as the US Navy transferred the Austin Class LPD USS Trenton [LPD 14] to India. The 16,590t INS Jalashwa [L41] now serves alongside 2 smaller 5,600t Shardul Class LST-Ls, and 4 remaining 1,324tPolnochny Class LST-Ms. As India looks to project power within the Indian Ocean, however, and upgrade its disaster response capabilities, larger amphibious operations ships become a high priority.

Reports to date indicate that India is looking for up to 4 LHD type aviation & amphibious ships, with designs to come from foreign firms. The expected candidates come from France, Italy, Spain, and even South Korea .

Reported Contenders

Mistral Class LHD

Indian media report that Indian Army Army has almost 10,000 soldiers in 3 amphibious brigades, based in South India, West India and ANC. What it doesn't have, is the naval carrying capability to turn that into a projectable force. LHD type ships could help change this, by full-ship aviation decks, internal hangars and storage space for utility and attack helicopters or UAVs, ample space for vehicles and troops, and specialized areas from hospital facilities to naval command centers. LPD ships like INS Jalashwa offer many of the same potential benefits, at the cost of reduced helicopter capabilities, smaller aviation decks, and generally smaller size. Touted contenders include:

Mistral LHD (DCNS). France's DCNS is currently India's shipbuilding partner for its new andsorely needed Scorpene Class diesel electric fast attack submarines. Their offering would reportedly be the 21,300t Mistral Class, which is also about to be exported to India's ally and weapons supplier, Russia.

??? (Italy). Italy's Fincantieri recently delivered the first Deepak Class oiler vessel to the Indian Navy, and is working with India to build Air Defence Ship/ Project-71 30,000t range escort carriers, based on their Cavour Class. Cavour Class aircraft carriers can already convert aircraft hangar space into vehicle storage, and offload using rear ramps. Further conversion steps toward a full amphibious operations ship may be possible; Mer et Marine simply refers to a "Multifunction Ship" design which is not referenced elsewhere.

Canberra concept
(click to view full)
The next 2 competitors don't have the same history of naval industrial relations, but each offers benefits of its own.

BPE LHD or Galicia LPD (Navantia). Spain's Navantia has already exported LHDs to the region, thanks to its big deal with Australia for the BPE-derived Canberra Class. These 27,000t ships come with a "ski jump," much like the Cavour Class, which could let operators fly some types of fast jets from its deck. They also improve carrying capacity for all fixed-wing aircraft, including some UAVs. Australia doesn't intend to use them that way, but Spain will be flying AV-8 Harrier jets from the Juan Carlos I.

If India would consider LPD ships like the current INS Jalashwa, Navantia's options expand to include their 13,900t Galicia Class, which was co-developed with Royal Schelde and fielded by the Dutch as the very similar Rotterdam Class.

Dokdo LHD (Hanjin HI). The 4th reported contender is Asian, not European. South Korea's 18,860t Dokdo Class lists itself as an LPH (Landing Platform Helicopter), but it has a full well deck that can launch boats and amphibious vehicles, just like the Mistral and Canberra classes.

Contracts & Key Events

ROKS Dokdo
(click to view full)
Nov 23/11: Reports surface that India has issued an international RFP for up to 4 amphibious operations vessels with strong helicopter carrier capabilities. Indian shipyards were reportedly consulted first, but of course they have never developed such vessels, and had no design to propose. Mer et Marine [in French] | Navy Recognition.

Sept 10/11: Indian media report that India's Ministry of Defence is finalizing a Rs 16,000 crore (INR 160 billion, or about $3.17 billion) proposal to buy 4 foreign-designed amphibious ships in INS Jalashwa's size class. Reports at this point center on LPDs, which would add options like the Dutch/Spanish Rotterdam/Galicia Class, and Britain's derivative Bay Class (one of which is now serving with Australia), to the mix.

The winning design would reportedly be built by Hindustan Shipyard (HSL) "as well as private shipyards," which would be a notable departure for India's military.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
The winning design would reportedly be built by Hindustan Shipyard (HSL) "as well as private shipyards," which would be a notable departure for India's military.
This part if implemented with hasten the addition to the Fleet.


New Member
Jul 28, 2009
why cant they buy like c-130j hercules instead of dragging by decades with repetive rfp


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
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I think the navy will go with the Mistral because it has a previous experience of using the Viraat as a Amphibious Assault Ship during Operation Jupiter during the IPKF crisis in Sri Lanka in1988. The 7th battalion of the Garhwal rifles was integrated with the carrier and it was turned into a Commando Carrier.


New Member
May 26, 2010
Personally, I don't think India could do better than Spain's BPE. Especially, based on capabilities vs cost. Yet, Italy would be a close second......with France a distance third.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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There is no capability vs cost better than the Mistral. It has turned out to be the most valuable asset of Marine Nationale. It was even used as the base for the recent Somli raid and transport for heavy units to Mali. Much less its extensive use off Libye.


Homo Communis Indus
New Member
Dec 25, 2012
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Can we have a Poll for MRSV?

my vote goes to Juan Carlos class


New Member
May 16, 2011
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The Juan Carlos or The Wasp Class or even the America class Amphibious Assault ships are better choices

Juan Carlos can carry upto upto 30 aircraft in carrier mode . The numbers of troops and vehcles carried is higher and allows us the flexibility to use the F-35 is the IN ever decides to buy it. However, unlike the Mistral does lacks SAMs.

RAMFOR is an Amphibious Division with around 10-15K combat troops and 8K support elements, we're taking about a 23K force, such a large force does demand heavy ships. I would personally put the Wasp or America Class on top with Juan Carlos second and Mistral a close third.

4 to 5 of these would be far deadlier.

America-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasp-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


New Member
May 16, 2011
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Also both the Wasp and America Class Ships have very good SAM cover which for such large ships is a must have. Both carry over 1500 troops in additional to a lot of hardware for some serious firepower.


New Member
Jan 20, 2013
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The Juan Carlos or The Wasp Class or even the America class Amphibious Assault ships are better choices

Juan Carlos can carry upto upto 30 aircraft in carrier mode . The numbers of troops and vehcles carried is higher and allows us the flexibility to use the F-35 is the IN ever decides to buy it. However, unlike the Mistral does lacks SAMs.

RAMFOR is an Amphibious Division with around 10-15K combat troops and 8K support elements, we're taking about a 23K force, such a large force does demand heavy ships. I would personally put the Wasp or America Class on top with Juan Carlos second and Mistral a close third.

4 to 5 of these would be far deadlier.

America-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wasp-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I guess Mistral class is best...by the time we gets LHDs we would have only Mig29k and LCA Navy and no harriers..so no need of Wasp class.
Also wasp class is older and US is looking to replace them.

Mistral is best choice


New Member
May 16, 2011
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Juan Carlos or America Class are better options IMO, these have large aircraft capacity 30+ aircraft (mix of helos and fighters), they both carry a lot more than the Mistral and hence offer lot more firepower. The IN likes its STOVL capabilities and will certainly look at the F-35 in the future.

