Practical means to liberate Balochistan and Sindhudesh?

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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I know we often talk about the Balochistan freedom struggle here, but what is a practical means to achieve it? I feel like every option I consider just ends in failure.

1. Direct invasion - This is out of the question. In a conventional war in a vaccum, India would be able to pull it off. But in reality, China will intervene in order to protect their strategic assets (CPEC), and Pakistan will probably launch nukes.

2. Indirect support via arms and military training. - I know Afghanistan is already doing this with regards to Balochistan. NDA is training Baloch rebels, and R&AW is most likely providing additional support. But so far it doesn't seem like this is working. Due to the Chinese interests, China will probably send troops to help the Pakistani military crush them by force if independence is near. USA might also intervene due to fears of instability of the nuclear weapons program.

3. Economic sanctions on Pakistan from the international community until they grant freedom to Balochistan and Sindhudesh - problem is that India has raised the Balochistan issue internationally, and we haven't seen a unified response. The major players (US, Russia, and China) don't want Balochi freedom for the reasons I mentioned above. Trump has even put the BLA on the list of banned terrorist organizations. There are some human rights orgs in Europe and etc. giving shelter to Baloch leaders and raising concerns about the issue, and there were some US congressmen like Louie Gohmert/Dana Rohrbacher and a few others who raised the issue, but it hasn't gained any traction.

What else can be done? This seems like the US would really want an independent Balochistan and Sindhudesh as it would block China's access to the Arabian sea, thus blocking an energy route, but it seems that they are more concerned with the instability of Pakistan's nukes and the fear that they would fall into the wrong hands, that they are trying their best to actually help Pakistan develop economically in order to bring stability to the shithole, even if that means helping China along with their silk and belt road initiative.

What if Indian Americans can change the US's foreign policy, the way disgusting subhuman garbage like Faiz Shakir, Sameera Fazili, Huma Abedin etc. are trying to in favor of Pakistan? I think policy making is a better approach than direct political involvement. I feel like most Indian Americans in congress are virtue signalling progressive fuckholes like Pramilla Jayapal and Ro Khanna (see their activities on Kashmir) as the only avenue for non-Christian Indian success is through the Democratic party, which has wayy too much ummah influence and lobbying to take a tough stand on Balochistan. Promoting "peace" between India and Pakistan (aka demanding that India be noble, virtue signalling, self-sacrificing towards the poor little Jihadists who just have to blow up building and commit mass shootings due to their hurt feelings, or promote "human rights" in Kashmir while ignoring Pakistan's Balochi, Sindhi and non Sunni Muslim oppression and borderline genocides because it would be "Islamophobic" to expect Barbarians to behave like human beings) is the current trend. Whereas in the Republican party, you have to be some toolshed fagass like Bobby Jindal or Nikky Haley, who wouldn't dare show any pro-India bias to their White Christian masters.

In terms of policy making, what would be a practical approach? Could groups like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (who have a lot of activities here) buy a connection to a Balochistan friendly politician like Louie Gohmert? There is a Republican Hindu Coalition. I'm not sure if it's legal to donate to them, but if so, if we can give them enough money, they can donate to a rising star like Ron Desantis (Florida Gov who will probably win the Republican primary if Trump doesn't run in 2024) in exchange for a key advisor on South Asian foreign policy. One can easily sell to the American public, esp through the Republican party, the need to "contain China" by cutting off their access to the Arabian sea, especially after all of Trump's anti-China vitriol that he's loaded into the Republican base.

If you guys think this is a good idea, I can start organizing this with local leaders in the Republican Hindu Coalition and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.
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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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The most practical way in my opinion will be e to create unmanageable unrest into Pakistan so that there army cannot manage it. It should be imploded from inside. However, it is very easy to say than done.
The best way execute it is to keep US in the loop and convince us lawmakers and deep state in particular to do this. If we are able to convince US lawmakers that the United Pakistan is not in the favour of either India US on the world , then this work can more easily be done by using the US influence in the Pakistan by using US influence on Pakistani generals and bribing them. If this can be done then the work can be done with minimum Collateral Damage otherwise other ways are costly and comes with lots of Collateral Damage. When the Pakistan has become the the danger for the whole world , why should India alone pay the price to controlling and dividing the Pakistan. It is not a wisdom. Therefore, a coalition of India, US, France, UK and Israel should be made to see that it happens in a way in which it can be done without too much of Collateral Damage


Psychopathic Neighbour
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2021
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The most practical way in my opinion will be e to create unmanageable unrest into Pakistan so that there army cannot manage it. It should be imploded from inside. However, it is very easy to say than done.
The best way execute it is to keep US in the loop and convince us lawmakers and deep state in particular to do this. If we are able to convince US lawmakers that the United Pakistan is not in the favour of either India US on the world , then this work can more easily be done by using the US influence in the Pakistan by using US influence on Pakistani generals and bribing them. If this can be done then the work can be done with minimum Collateral Damage otherwise other ways are costly and comes with lots of Collateral Damage. When the Pakistan has become the the danger for the whole world , why should India alone pay the price to controlling and dividing the Pakistan. It is not a wisdom. Therefore, a coalition of India, US, France, UK and Israel should be made to see that it happens in a way in which it can be done without too much of Collateral Damage
Most sophisticated way is arm Balochi , cut off pakistan diplomatically , bleed their economy.on loc and western front , thry would hurt themselves and this is what we want , when china try to attack Taiwan ,hurt it in Balochistan .


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2021
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The difference between 1971 and 2021, is that Pak possesses nukes, the Chinese would likely intervene in a war between India and Pak, and there is no realistic way of getting the Balochs independence.

I, on the other hand, have a different belief, which might be criticized heavily by the others, but still, worth pondering over.

I believe that India must make Balochistan untenable for the Pakis by providing the Balochs with weapons in collaboration with the Afghan Intelligence, like they are doing right now, but not aim to declare direct war on Pakistan for Baloch independence, as would be needed.

If Balochistan becomes a hole where all of the Paki Army resources are sucked, Pakistan would become weaker, and it would become easier for India to regain its territorial objectives in PoK and KP. Gradually, as Pakistan becomes weaker, demographic changes can be introduced inwards into Pakistan, and lawless sectors can be established in Pakistan. The biggest problem which comes today between India and Pak, is not the nukes of Pak, but the massive population. 200 mil radicalised M's are a much bigger problem for India.

When it comes to an endgame for Pak, I believe that it must proceed in this way, do note that there are no details:

1.Gradually weaken Pak Army, and Pakistan, both economically and militarily. Diplomatic isolation and overall weakening. Erosion of social structure through establishment of a pro-India/India-controlled deep state, which controls their media and education.

2.Support insurgencies which make the existence of the Pakistani state untenable. Bog them down on their own land. Attempt to bring peace to Afghanistan and try to establish a pro-India, anti-Pak govt in Afghanistan like the 1980's. Prevent strategic depth or whatever.

3.Retake our territorial objectives, possibly during a time of strife involving China(Taiwan, Senkaku, SCS, whatever). PoK has to become a part of India before 2025. Right now, there seem to be no intent from the Govt. to do this.

4.Demographic changes in the border areas of Pak, coupled with the removal of religion from Paki discourse, very very hard, I agree, but, any form of religiosity must be removed from the rural areas. Religious discourse can be removed, IMO, by ensuring that regional divisions trump religion and nationalism. An example would be Bangladesh, where Bengali culture, and not religion matters. Regionalism can be promoted in regions like Sindh through orgs like MQM, educational and media propaganda, possibly starting Communist movements which attack orgs like TLP and their Moques.

5.Conversions in interior and rural regions.

6.Split Pak into different parts. Promote inter-regional strife and make money off selling weapons to all sides, also achieves wiping out local populations, impoverishing them, making it easier for conversions.

7.A final Hunger Plan for regions which still hold out. Much more efficient than anything else.

A necessary prerequisite for this is the division of the Pak Army on regional lines, and the removal or atleast the capability to remove Pak's nukes.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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The difference between 1971 and 2021, is that Pak possesses nukes, the Chinese would likely intervene in a war between India and Pak, and there is no realistic way of getting the Balochs independence.

I, on the other hand, have a different belief, which might be criticized heavily by the others, but still, worth pondering over.

I believe that India must make Balochistan untenable for the Pakis by providing the Balochs with weapons in collaboration with the Afghan Intelligence, like they are doing right now, but not aim to declare direct war on Pakistan for Baloch independence, as would be needed.

If Balochistan becomes a hole where all of the Paki Army resources are sucked, Pakistan would become weaker, and it would become easier for India to regain its territorial objectives in PoK and KP. Gradually, as Pakistan becomes weaker, demographic changes can be introduced inwards into Pakistan, and lawless sectors can be established in Pakistan. The biggest problem which comes today between India and Pak, is not the nukes of Pak, but the massive population. 200 mil radicalised M's are a much bigger problem for India.

When it comes to an endgame for Pak, I believe that it must proceed in this way, do note that there are no details:

1.Gradually weaken Pak Army, and Pakistan, both economically and militarily. Diplomatic isolation and overall weakening. Erosion of social structure through establishment of a pro-India/India-controlled deep state, which controls their media and education.

2.Support insurgencies which make the existence of the Pakistani state untenable. Bog them down on their own land. Attempt to bring peace to Afghanistan and try to establish a pro-India, anti-Pak govt in Afghanistan like the 1980's. Prevent strategic depth or whatever.

3.Retake our territorial objectives, possibly during a time of strife involving China(Taiwan, Senkaku, SCS, whatever). PoK has to become a part of India before 2025. Right now, there seem to be no intent from the Govt. to do this.

4.Demographic changes in the border areas of Pak, coupled with the removal of religion from Paki discourse, very very hard, I agree, but, any form of religiosity must be removed from the rural areas. Religious discourse can be removed, IMO, by ensuring that regional divisions trump religion and nationalism. An example would be Bangladesh, where Bengali culture, and not religion matters. Regionalism can be promoted in regions like Sindh through orgs like MQM, educational and media propaganda, possibly starting Communist movements which attack orgs like TLP and their Moques.

5.Conversions in interior and rural regions.

6.Split Pak into different parts. Promote inter-regional strife and make money off selling weapons to all sides, also achieves wiping out local populations, impoverishing them, making it easier for conversions.

7.A final Hunger Plan for regions which still hold out. Much more efficient than anything else.

A necessary prerequisite for this is the division of the Pak Army on regional lines, and the removal or atleast the capability to remove Pak's nukes.
I agree about denuclearizing Pakistan, but I do think it is possible to eventually free Balochistan at least.


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Civilians need to shed "vishwa guru" attitude & be shameful of "we did not attack anyone" bs.

This is must as jaisi praja vaisa raja. India is democracy. This idea is somewhat of pre-emptive attack strategy and not considered cool among Indus.


Regular Member
Jun 23, 2019
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1. Direct invasion - This is out of the question. In a conventional war in a vaccum, India would be able to pull it off. But in reality, China will intervene in order to protect their strategic assets (CPEC), and Pakistan will probably launch nukes.
Why would direct invasion be out of question? If Pakistan might launch nukes there's no way the Chinese would intervene due to fear of Indian retaliation. China intervening in an all out Indo-pak war is much different than their usual border antics. Think about it. Tibet is like Antarctica for the Hans. They won't give a fuck if cities like Lhasa are destroyed. But all of China is in range of our ballistic missiles. Why would China risk letting their Han heartland be damaged just because 2 dirty Ah-san countries are fighting each other? CPEC isn't that important to China.

Direct war with Pakistan is the way to go. If China attacks India, they will want to make it a limited war to prevent damage to their Han core territory, and will likely only attack after taking out Taiwan. Destroying Pakistan will greatly improve our global position.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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Why would direct invasion be out of question? If Pakistan might launch nukes there's no way the Chinese would intervene due to fear of Indian retaliation. China intervening in an all out Indo-pak war is much different than their usual border antics. Think about it. Tibet is like Antarctica for the Hans. They won't give a fuck if cities like Lhasa are destroyed. But all of China is in range of our ballistic missiles. Why would China risk letting their Han heartland be damaged just because 2 dirty Ah-san countries are fighting each other? CPEC isn't that important to China.

Direct war with Pakistan is the way to go. If China attacks India, they will want to make it a limited war to prevent damage to their Han core territory, and will likely only attack after taking out Taiwan. Destroying Pakistan will greatly improve our global position.
If Pakistan launches nukes, will it really be worth it after all of the destruction that would cause? (Even IF China doesn't intervene). The rest of the international community would probably put sanctions on India as well and cause all sorts of problems, just look at how lecturing Biden and Obama were towards India with regard to taking a strong stance against Pakistan?


Regular Member
Jun 23, 2019
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If Pakistan launches nukes, will it really be worth it after all of the destruction that would cause? (Even IF China doesn't intervene). The rest of the international community would probably put sanctions on India as well and cause all sorts of problems, just look at how lecturing Biden and Obama were towards India with regard to taking a strong stance against Pakistan?
I'm not talking about Pakistan launching nukes, I'm talking about the possibility of Pakistan launching nukes stopping China from intervening.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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I'm not talking about Pakistan launching nukes, I'm talking about the possibility of Pakistan launching nukes stopping China from intervening.
Ah, but then that still leaves the Pakistani nuke problem. I think we might have to find a way to denuclearize Pakistan first.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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By the grace of lord Vishnu, I will free Balochistan before I die. Even if I have to run for US congress myself to get it done.

I know i will face opposition from the leftists who hate Modi and the oppose the dignity of the Hindu people, that's fine, i'll conquer all of them through sheer willpower. We will succeed ladies and gentlemen. .


Psychopathic Neighbour
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2021
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By the grace of lord Vishnu, I will free Balochistan before I die. Even if I have to run for US congress myself to get it done.

I know i will face opposition from the leftists who hate Modi and the oppose the dignity of the Hindu people, that's fine, i'll conquer all of them through sheer willpower. We will succeed ladies and gentlemen. .
What was that , no we don't recite pledge for personal consumption , and sheer willpower don't do anything , you need strategy , ground network on area of operation , asset at higher echelons and a lot of funding and merciless agents

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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What was that , no we don't recite pledge for personal consumption , and sheer willpower don't do anything , you need strategy , ground network on area of operation , asset at higher echelons and a lot of funding and merciless agents
what are you talking about bro? Personal consumption?

I have a lot of friends in the alt-lite, not sure if that will be enough to launch a grassroots movement.


Psychopathic Neighbour
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2021
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what are you talking about bro? Personal consumption?

I have a lot of friends in the alt-lite, not sure if that will be enough to launch a grassroots movement.
Then you wouldn't be doxing yourself here , where are you from baloch , india , US


Psychopathic Neighbour
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2021
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good point, need to delete this stuff. Sorry i'm drunk.
Alt lite ??????.

You are american for sure , so let's come to point , first eat some curd or something else to get rid of your hangover .

Next by grace of lord vishnu ? Either you are born hindu or someone who chose hinduism or respect our religion genuinely , in all cases it's really nice of you .

Next , you don't know your deep state , our conversation right now will be read by someone assigned to see interaction of possible nationalist alt lite member oversea .

This alt lite thingy is something better than present american politics .

And don't worry about pakistan , it will destroy itself , just ask some newspaper to print a cartoon on islam (provided their security is good enough ) and spread rumours in porky public to ban USA and end up all trade , burn all American provide fighter , tech and all. Then grab a popcorn thb and enjoy the show , they literally burned their homes against french cartoon .

These jihadi terrorist are busy in work from home , give them incentives to continue this

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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Alt lite ??????.

You are american for sure , so let's come to point , first eat some curd or something else to get rid of your hangover .

Next by grace of lord vishnu ? Either you are born hindu or someone who chose hinduism or respect our religion genuinely , in all cases it's really nice of you .

Next , you don't know your deep state , our conversation right now will be read by someone assigned to see interaction of possible nationalist alt lite member oversea .

This alt lite thingy is something better than present american politics .

And don't worry about pakistan , it will destroy itself , just ask some newspaper to print a cartoon on islam (provided their security is good enough ) and spread rumours in porky public to ban USA and end up all trade , burn all American provide fighter , tech and all. Then grab a popcorn thb and enjoy the show , they literally burned their homes against french cartoon .

These jihadi terrorist are busy in work from home , give them incentives to continue this
yeahh i feel you bro. Honestly chink nationalists are bigger threat than porkis. idk how to deal with that though.


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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BREAKING : Protests in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan Continue After Frontier Corps Personnel Rape a 10 Year Old Boy

#JusticeForMuradAmeer #RapistPakistanArmy #FreeBalochistan #PakistanOccupiedBalochistan #RapeInRamadan


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