North Korean nuclear crisis

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
World War 3 is just around the corner..........

Don't believe it? You better believe it.........

world economic recession 1907 - Panic of 1907, a U.S. economic recession with bank failures - resulted in World War 1 1914-1919

world economic recession 2029 - Wall Street Crash of 1929 and Great Depression (1929–1939) the worst depression of modern history - resulted in World War 2 1939-1945

world economic recession 2008 - Subprime mortgage crisis (US)(2007-2010) - would result in World War 3 date 2017- ????

Every time there was a huge economic crises it ended in world war after 7-10 years, Last crises was in 2008 it is 9 years since then...............
With all due respect....
WW1 didn't start because of US recession. Same goes for WW2.

There is a YouTube channel "The Great War" go through it. In WW1 US is not a big player.

If you said the same about US Afghan war and Operation Iraqi freedom, I might have taken your words for consideration.

If US goes to recession, then another war in ME might start but not US Korea war, atleast not untill Kim initiates it.

If I am not wrong, by end of 2018, we will hear something similar from Kim "We are a nuclear power, we are a strong nation. We should behave responsibly. After complete testing of H-Bomb and ICBM testing.


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Dec 25, 2015
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North Korea blow as China allow US missile defence system | World | News
Aurora Bosotti
5-6 minutes
NORTH KOREA has been dealt a huge blow to its nuclear ambitions as China, after a one-year standoff, have allowed the US to install anti-missile defences on the Korean peninsula
13:33, Wed, Nov 1, 2017 | UPDATED: 13:35, Wed, Nov 1, 2017

North Korea has had its missile programme seemingly weakened as China and South Korea agree to hold bilateral meetings to strengthen their ties as their rouge neighbour Kim Jong-un threatens to start World War 3

The deputy director of South Korea’s National Security Office, Nam Gwan-pyo, announced President Moon Jae-in would attend a separate meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to end a year-long argument on US defence systems in the Korean peninsula.

At a press conference broadcasted by Arirang News, Mr Gwan-pyo said: "South Korea and China have agreed to hold a bilateral summit between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Da Nang, Vietnam next week.

“Our two countries are also working towards President Moon's bilateral talks with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang when they both take part in the ASEAN-related summits in Manila.”


North Korea news: World War 3 threat lowers as China allow US missile defences in Asia
China's relationship with South Korea became strained after Seoul and Washington jointly decided to deploy a missile defence system in response to North Korea’s nuclear programme.

China claimed the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) could be used to spy into its territory but was rebuked by both countries.

Chinese President Jinping will meet his South Korean counterpart on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

The two heads of state are likely to discuss Kim Jong-un's missile and nuclear programme as well as ways to develop bilateral ties, a senior South Korean presidential Blue House official later told reporters, declining to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter.

Inside Kim's secret army: North Korean military laid bare in smuggled-out pictures
Mon, October 23, 2017
The true face of Kim Jong un’s army has been laid bare in shocking new images smuggled out of North Korea
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Mar 24, 2013
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North Korea’s dreaded Juche Bird nuke missile CONFIRMED: US admit ‘Kim is going to do it’
NORTH Korea’s threat to explode a H-bomb over the Pacific in an unprecedented show of force is being taken seriously, the US has admitted.

Kim Jong-un is feared to be on the verge of launching the dreaded "Juche Bird” missile – a live nuclear warhead strapped to an ICBM.

US officials now have said they believe the threats to launch should be taken seriously as tensions rage between Pyongyang and Washington.

North Korea suffered a disaster at its underground nuclear base, it emerged yesterday.

And there are now fears Kim may have no choice but to fire the Juche Bird.

Pyongyang’s top diplomats announced plans for test after a fiery clash with US President Donald Trump at the UN – and followed it up with a promise it should be taken “literally”.


JUCHE BIRD: US officials have admitted they believe Kim will attempt to launch the weapon
Inside North Korea: The pictures Kim Jong-un doesn't want you to see
Since 2008, photographer Eric Lafforgue ventured to North Korea six times. Thanks to digital memory cards, he was able to save photos that was forbidden to take inside the segregated state
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Taking pictures in the DMZ is easy, but if you come too close to the soldiers, they stop you
“I would fully expect if he‘s telling us he’ll do it, he’s going to”

US military official
US officials believe North Korea’s bluster about the test is a way to reduce the chance of military action when they carry it out.

The Pentagon is now closely monitoring the rogue state amid fears of an imminent launch.

Back in 2006, Kim’s dad Kim Jong-il announced he was planning to detonate the nation’s first nuclear bomb the week before.

NUCLEAR WAR: North Korea is determined to obtain nukes to strike the US
“I would fully expect if he‘s telling us he’ll do it, he’s going to,” an unnamed US official said, reports Defense News.

The official was briefing reporters who were travelling with the US’s top commander General Joseph Dunford.

Kim’s missile would fly from the nation’s eastern coast – hurtling over Japan – before flying out into the central Pacific.

Trump shows NO FEAR: USS Ronald Reagan leads massive drill near North Korea
The U.S. Navy is conducting joint drills with South Korea navy in a show of sea and air power designed to warn off North Korea from any military action. Including the deployment of USS Ronald Reagan, a 100,000-ton nuclear powered aircraft carrier.
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The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan conducts joint drills with the South Korean navy at sea
Analysts dubbed the North Korean weapon the Juche Bird in an echo of the America’s only ballistic missile launch with a nuclear warhead - the Frigate Bird.

Kim may try to mirror what his old ally China did to prove its nuke to might to the US, as Beijing detonated a missile mounted warhead over the Pacific in 1966.

The “Juche Bird” would be the ultimate provocation of the West and would be an unprecedented step by North Korea that could spark World War 3.


AIR POWER: US bombers swooped over the Pacific this week ahead of Trump's arrival in Asia
North Korea has been silent since September 15 – not firing any missiles or detonating any nuclear weapons.

At least 200 workers are reported to have died a collapse at nuke base Punggye-ri just days after Kim detonated his H-bomb.

US forces are flooding into the Pacific ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to the Asia starting later this week – with North Korea expected to top the agenda.
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Mar 24, 2013
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North Korean defector outlines Kim Jong Un's plan to invade South Korea
by Joel Gehrke | Nov 1, 2017, 11:39 AM

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un wants to develop nuclear weapons capable of striking the United States in order to clear the path for an invasion of South Korea, a defector diplomat told House lawmakers Wednesday.

“While Kim Jong Un has already long had the tools to destroy South Korea effectively, he also believes it is necessary to drive American forces out of the peninsula,” Thae Yong Ho told the House Foreign Affairs Committee during a Wednesday hearing. “And this can be done, he believes, by being able to credibly threaten the continental United States with nuclear weapons.”

Thae is a former senior diplomat who defected from North Korea in 2016 after a stint as the deputy ambassador to the United Kingdom.

There are about 25,000 American service members in South Korea, which hosts one of the largest U.S. military deployments in the world. North Korea emerged this year as a top foreign policy priority for President Trump’s team, as the regime has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles for the first time and detonated a hydrogen bomb over the summer.

“Today, Kim Jong Un thinks that only nuclear weapons and ICBMs can help him avert the continuing disintegration of the North Korean system,” Thae said in his opening statement.

Thae blamed the disintegration of North Korea on increased access to information, despite the government’s attempt to block access to South Korean media. “[T]he existence of a prosperous and democratic South Korea so close to the border is, by itself, a major threat towards his dynasty,” Thae said.

The Trump administration spearheaded an effort to impose multiple rounds of new sanctions on the North Korea through the United Nations Security Council. But China and Russia have insulated the regime from the full affect of such sanctions, according to western observers, and prevented the U.N. from imposing some of the stiffest sanctions.

Thae said the United States needs to impose “targeted sanctions” on the regime. But the effort to change the dictatorship’s strategy is complicated by a “misunderstanding” of American might.

“Frankly, Kim Jong Un is not fully aware of the strength and might of American military power,” Thae testified. “Because of this misunderstanding, Kim Jong Un genuinely believes that he can break the sanctions regime apart once he compels Washington to accept North Korea’s new status after successfully completing the development of his ICBM program and putting the new missiles into deployment.”
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Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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wow,13000 km range.What will the US do now?More tweets and sail some ACs near the Korean peninsula?
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Oct 10, 2014
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problem is any nuclear response against NK will result in many countries being affected i.e. the radioactive fallout.

trump needs to get china and russia on board to pressurize NK otherwise we are looking at WWIII

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
The crisis is one step away from logical end.

The last step could be "America's attack on NK. Victory is highly unlikely for US due to the PLAAF." OR "Kim saying that we're a nuclear power, force to be reckoned with, we should behave responsibly"


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
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wow,13000 km range.What will the US do now?More tweets and sail some ACs near the Korean peninsula?
They will do some more jokes, movies and name calling. Kim knows that Saddam and Gaddafi got killed for not having nukes. Trump will throw more Twitter tantrums.
Once US realises they can do shit, then some visionary POTUS will do some historic diplomacy and broker some deal to sell Coca Cola and McDonalds in North Korea. Kim can be guest of honour in US state visit and open up sweat shops for Apple in Noko.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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They will do some more jokes, movies and name calling. Kim knows that Saddam and Gaddafi got killed for not having nukes. Trump will throw more Twitter tantrums.
Once US realises they can do shit, then some visionary POTUS will do some historic diplomacy and broker some deal to sell Coca Cola and McDonalds in North Korea. Kim can be guest of honour in US state visit and open up sweat shops for Apple in Noko.
good one......... that is true..........



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Mar 21, 2009
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Click to see the full-size map

North Korea has claimed that the rocket it test-fired on November 29 morning is a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile that can strike anywhere on the US mainland, as it declared itself a “complete” nuclear state.

The missile was reported to have flown for 50 minutes on a very high trajectory, reaching 2,796 miles (4,500km) above the earth, before coming down nearly 621 miles from the launch site off the west coast of Japan. South Korea made a test-launch of its own in response

In a special announcement broadcast on state TV, the regime said it had successfully tested a Hwasong-15, which appears to be an advanced version of ICBMs it launched in July.

Click to see the full-size map

The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, was quoted as saying: “Now we have finally realised the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force, the cause of building a rocket power.”

Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, condemned the missile launch as “intolerable” and called for an emergency meeting of the UN security council. Within hours of the test, Abe and Donald Trump agreed to strengthen their defence capability and to urge China – North Korea’s main ally – to apply more pressure on Pyongyang over its weapons programme.

It is the first North Korean ballistic missile test since September 15.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
We should developed trade relation with North Korea
Kim Fat Un is sitting on 6 trillion worth of rare metal
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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2014
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We should developed trade relation with North Korea
Kim Fat Un is sitting on 6 trillion worth of rare metal
The Americans will soon open the door for themselves and others...Kim needs a few more tests..


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Mar 21, 2009
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Putin On Washington Asking For Russian Help: Americans Are Interesting Folks



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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia and the DPRK began the first meeting of a joint military commission.
(Is the delegation of the Russian Federation acting in the role of the cossacked US "Cossack")

The first meeting of the joint military commission of Russia and the DPRK is held in Pyongyang on Thursday, December 14.
Information about this spread the Russian embassy in North Korea.
The delegation of the Russian Defense Ministry, suffering about the destinies of the world, in Pyongyang is discussing with the North Korean military the implementation of the intergovernmental agreement on the prevention of dangerous military activities. This is reported by the Russian Embassy in North Korea on Facebook.

(Discuss with the US .- Adm.) "Negotiations are held in a constructive, businesslike atmosphere. The delegation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will be here until December 16, "the report said.

After Pyongyang launched on November 29, Khwaseon-15 missiles in the DPRK declared that the missile could reach "any point in the US" and that the process of creating "state nuclear forces" had been completed in the country.

At the end of November, Pyongyang was visited by the delegation of the State Duma. As a result of the trip, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for International Affairs Alexei Chepa said that the North Korean side is not ready to follow the road map proposed by Russia and China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on December 7 announced the inevitability of a military conflict on the peninsula in connection with military pressure from the US and its allies. In Pyongyang, they promised to use nuclear weapons in response to any attempt at aggression. In the opinion of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the conflict on the Korean peninsula can be settled only politically and diplomatically within the framework of the Russian-Chinese road map.


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Mar 21, 2009
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December 1, 2017

On July 4, 2017, North Korea conducted what appears to be the first successful test of its Hwasong-14 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). According to, The Hwasong-14 was launched from a newly constructed launch pad, large enough for all known North Korean TELs and MELs.

Four months later, based on photographs of the high-resolution Eros-B satellite, ImageSat team of experts identified new upgrades at the same site. According to the company’s experts, this is an exceptional event, since North Korea has not previously upgraded bases from which missile launches were carried out.

The photographs, first published in Fox News, dated Nov. 23 and 24, appear to show the development of another launch pad just a few yards away from the one used during the July 4 Hwasong-14 ICBM launch, as well as a newly renovated access road.

The satellite images also show the construction of an aircraft hangar, as well as airplanes being moved and stored in hangers on the tarmac.


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