Myanmar Coup d'etat & it's impact on India


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Manipur had passed on order in morning today to not to help refugees, curb generation of inappropriate adhar cards and turn refugees back to their country (except those which are severely injured).

But that order seems to be withdrawn now after criticism.
Criticism by whom?

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
Country flag
Manipur had passed on order in morning today to not to help refugees, curb generation of inappropriate adhar cards and turn refugees back to their country (except those which are severely injured).

But that order seems to be withdrawn now after criticism.
Who objected? Mizoram


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
Manipur had passed on order in morning today to not to help refugees, curb generation of inappropriate adhar cards and turn refugees back to their country (except those which are severely injured).

But that order seems to be withdrawn now after criticism.
NE is gone case demographics is destiny govt can't won't understand this soon enough they will rebel against our own rule too.

But yes withdraw the order because national security comes second and rioters come first.


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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Myanmar has been in a civil war forever. Democratic govt. were puppet like that of Pakistan and the military pulled the strings, whenever the military thinks democratic govt. is gaining too much power or does something against it, they take the power back.

India cannot do anything, the only action can be through the UN, and we might help with logistics and at most few airstrikes. We are already engaged on two fronts and our infrastructure to support armed operation in bordering states (Arunachal, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur) is pathetic, to say the least.
We just don't have the balls to stand for our own values. Once we begin to stand up, the others shall follow our lead. We can enter our forces, neutralise the Tatmadaw head's with rebels' and the goverment's support, then Myanmar would be effectively on our side on all of our issues. What we need is the government support from Aung San Suu Kyi and her loyalist. Whether we have any/enough strategist and tacticians in our civil-military establishment who understand the region and can competently devise and execute their plans, is the most important issue though, because I doubt that we ever devise our plans to defend ourselves on foreign soil as a result of our stupid policy of having non-adventuring army. If we don't have them, then we need to work on it immediately.

We have to have defensive as well as offensive plans ready all the time to engage in all of our near and distant neighbourhood. That means putting our boots in not just China but also in Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Maldives, Tibet, Srilanka, Burma, Xinxiang and possibly Turkey, Japan and Korea too. We will have to take all who can be taken on our side by means reason, bribes, threats, favors or using other coercive tools.

I am sure the Chinese have their plans (offensive) ready all the time to invade other territories, they just need to find an opportunity where success is guaranteed, they don't give shit if someone yells or abuses Chinese, the only thing Chinese want to ensure is that they have met their objectives before counteraction.

Need not talk about the Yankees, the Russians who almost always have their foots on someone else's soil/territory. And where US is involved, we should pretty much expect the UK, Aussie and French to follow them.


Senior Member
May 28, 2016
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Have the forum memebrs gone mad all of a sudden here?
Why are people expecting Indian gov to do something?
We can't handle our own affairs, influencing foreign nations is far off concern.
I doubt this military rule is really big issue there as much as the Foreign Media and coons are trying to make it look like.

To a outsiders point of view the Farm Protest will also seem to be like the next big revolution because counter point aren't being shown in the English media. But in here we know how the Farm protests are being perceived.

It's just a matter of Frame of reference.

No need to catch the bad side of junta just lobby for our own interests.

Muricna nig@ers are hand in glove with this.
Rightly said,

"Not our circus, not our monkeys".


Senior Member
May 28, 2016
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Folks I think if the Chinese got hold of Myanmar even diplomatically, I mean what gives that they won't station there navy there, or LRBMs. If you guys haven't watched the recent meeting between US and Chinese foreign ministers, the Chinese spokesperson, said

"You can't say balance of power, as certainly you cannot argue when one side is in position of power".

They already have outgunned everybody. So my question is again, did we knew about this, because BARI does include Myanmar, which strategically cuts off our plan for the 4 lane highway to Myanmar, to Thailand. Did our Laddakh encounters and the whole show of repositioning was to cut a deal with Chinese, that deal could be Myanmar? Because right after this whole thing happened, we started hearing news of Myanmar.

Its certain either the US or the Chinese are involved. Tension must remain so that the agenda of QUAD remains, so that we buy guns from US?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Criticism by whom?
Centre, because bad opteeks.
The Mizos love the "Myanmmar refugees" because these refugees are their tribesmen basically, just from the other side of the border.

Some other "solution" needs to be found for the states who don't have tribesmen-across-the-border like Manipur, which is discreet and doesn't attract opteeks of any kind.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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India can save the democracy in Myanmar!
Don't be ridiculous.

We did this exact same crap during Gyanendra era in Nepal and see where it took us. Al Congress played the "we ignore you" with Gyanendra who was friendly to India, while China funded the Maoists. Once the Maoists took over, we all know how India-Nepal relations went for a toss. Whether under Dahal or Oli, both took India for a ride and now they are in a hot mess.

India needs to reach out to Myanmar through backdoor channels and assure the Tatmadaw that we will not intervene in their internal affairs. A friendly Myanmar to India will be neutral towards China. Given that how Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc. have just bent backwards and are in Beijing's pockets, we cannot afford to lose more allies around us.

The US won't be there to save our necks when we have to face the PLA. We need to remember that.

Not just that, it also does not show us as a credible ally when we turn our back on to a country that helped us hunt terrorists in our backyard. Remember, a lot of terrorists from our states in NE have a strong cross-border connects. In the past, Myanmar has helped us crush several terror groups and has been generally friendly to us.

Let's not lose that goodwill just to be USA's cheerleader.

USA is not loyal to anyone except white, Christian countries and Jewish Israel (because white Jews rule it).

I have my reservations about the Quad as well, but that's a topic for some other thread.
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Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Don't be ridiculous. I can't believe you are talking like this after seeing the same thing play out so badly in Nepal during the Gyanendra era. Al Congress played the "we ignore you" with Gyanendra who was friendly to India, while China funded the Maoists. Once the Maoists took over, we all know how India-Nepal relations went for a toss. Whether under Dahal or Oli, both took India for a ride and now they are in a hot mess.

India needs to reach out to Myanmar through backdoor channels and ensure the Tatmadaw that we will not intervene in their internal affairs.

Remember, a lot of terrorists from our states in NE have a strong cross-border connects. In the past, Myanmar has helped us crush several terror groups and has been generally friendly to us.

Let's not lose that goodwill just to be USA's cheerleader.

USA is not loyal to anyone except white, Christian countries and Jewish Israel (because white Jews rule it).

I have my reservations about the Quad as well, but that's a topic for some other thread.
About fucking time.
It's a farmers protest like organised event by Murica.
No need to burn the bridge with Myanmar over this.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2020
This old hog showing too much interest on Myanmar, might get a seizure. Bloody vultures ready to hunt souls in conflict. His ilk must be kept as far as possible from Myanmar and we bloody should help anyone fighting the church. The next bum we don't need in our backyard is a cryptoRB converted Burma.



Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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This old hog showing too much interest on Myanmar, might get a seizure. Bloody vultures ready to hunt souls in conflict. His ilk must be kept as far as possible from Myanmar and we bloody should help anyone fighting the church. The next bum we don't need in our backyard is a cryptoRB converted Burma.

He is just saying what his masters/ideological buddies are telling him to say.
As for converts the non-Bamar tribes are already converted long ago, they are around the Myannmar India border.
Bamars will always remain Buddhist come what may.

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