Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs)

warrior monk

New Member
Nov 24, 2014
India’s development of MIRV is an important requirement for our strategic forces as the important technologies have already been developed by ISRO and DRDO.

A ballistic entry vehicle with an optimum ballistic coefficient which reduces drag during re entry in its ballistic flight trajectory is already there with a slightly blunted slender sphere-cone geometry of Agni -5 has already been shown , the slightly blunted slender sphere-cone geometry gives a high ballistic coefficent (high weight, low drag and a small frontal area)


The post boost control system of ISRO using sequential launched adapters on the vehicle which are used to align multiple satellite in their trajectory can also control the bus carrying the nuclear payload .

Multiple vernier rockets which are used to pitch the rocket can control and align the PBCV towards optimal ballistic trajectory , movable flaps which can provide three degrees of freedom for ballistic course correction and mass asymmetry , jet interaction for steering out navigational errors for optimal choice of altitude at which to initiate and terminate maneuver corresponds to the L/D lift to drag ratio and nose bluntness ratio of the vehicle Agni looks like a 10 to 11 degree half-angle sphere-cone for which optimal solutions can be created with vernier rockets as already demonstrated by ISRO during numerous PSLV launches.

ISRO has already developed a closed loop guidance algorithm for guiding the RV for optimal ballistic re entry . The mission starts with a de-boost phase in which eight reaction control system (RCS) thrusters are used to reduce the velocity of the vehicle due to the presence of pseudo forces like Coriolis force and Euler force , in RV dynamics instead of high thrust algorithm a low thrust algorithm has been created which is an Augmented Flat Earth algorithm which contrlols the RV during the de-boost phase , Coast phase (where the vehicle coasts to atmospheric entry so that during atmospheric flight, the vehicle is aerodynamically stabilized) and atmospheric phase for ballistic trajectory.

The algorithm steers the vehicle to an inertially fixed descending orbit using predictive probability ensures excellent accuracy ensure the desired entry conditions even under large variations in propulsion parameters and atmospheric perturbation.

DRDO has already developed payload fairing and nose cone fairing for protecting the missile from hostile flight environment during ascent phase . ISRO and DRDO have already developed hypergolic propellent for a restartable engine in the atmospheric stage and ISRO has already tested it many times over the years

Both DRDO and ISRO have already developed Ring laser gyro based inertial navigation system and introduced redundencies into the system with micro inertial navigation system ( MINGS) . The Ring laser gyros works on Sagnac effect , our navigation system uses micro-machined silicon accelerometers . This strap down inertial navigation system with its requisite algorithm with multiple individual accelerometers and gyroscopes is highly accurate and is able to reduce noise and bias providing effective sensor fusion to update and maintain the state of a system and a low error .

ISRO and DRDO have already developed these technologies which can be used to create MIRV ICBMs . Now it only requires the green signal from 5 race course road to give a go ahead without worrying about US gov’s reaction. The question will Indian govt allow ISRO to share technology with DRDO.


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Aug 12, 2015
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Its all very encouraging. But the question is how much did we developed while miniaturizing the propulsion as well as guidance system for MIRVs. As against the general notion of a single RV carrying MIRV it would be more of a single Warhead releasing MIRV in outer atmosphere. Then it would be on the MIRVs to track, locate and guide itself to its target. Its totally different concept then releasing satellites in orbit.

Few days back while reading an article on Agni, I did came across a point where it is mentioned that the CEP of Agni IV being that of 10metres. Now I don't know whether its true or not, but if its the case, then it is a missile with highest accuracy. Keeping all these points in mind, it seems that we have a potent tech to guide the MIRV to the designated target area.

As far as ISRO sharing tech with DRDO is concerned, I am sure that present GOI would readily accept it.

warrior monk

New Member
Nov 24, 2014
Its all very encouraging. But the question is how much did we developed while miniaturizing the propulsion as well as guidance system for MIRVs. As against the general notion of a single RV carrying MIRV it would be more of a single Warhead releasing MIRV in outer atmosphere. Then it would be on the MIRVs to track, locate and guide itself to its target. Its totally different concept then releasing satellites in orbit.

Few days back while reading an article on Agni, I did came across a point where it is mentioned that the CEP of Agni IV being that of 10metres. Now I don't know whether its true or not, but if its the case, then it is a missile with highest accuracy. Keeping all these points in mind, it seems that we have a potent tech to guide the MIRV to the designated target area.

As far as ISRO sharing tech with DRDO is concerned, I am sure that present GOI would readily accept it.

The propulsion system of the post boost control vehicle with vernier rockets , movable flaps have already been miniaturized , reaction control system thrusters with their closed loop guidance algorithm will control the rv from de boost phase to the atmospheric entry phase where the sequential launch adapters with their on board computers and on-line retargeting system already developed will guide the individual warheads into their individual predetermined ballistic orbit . Now all we need is to put chaffs and flares which is not a big deal. We should understand that the targets are already predetermined before launch.


New Member
Sep 6, 2014
It kind of feels like India is just catching up to the other great powers by following a 1-1 plan. India should do something new and innovative instead of the same old same old. In other areas I can understand the need to be practical, such as super carriers or nuclear submarines. But when it comes to Nuclear weapons/missiles, lets be honest, there's a 99.999% chance no one's ever going to use them. So why not have some fun with it. India should make just a few missiles with something unique like a 100 MIRV head's, call it something catchy like Pasupatra (Lord Shiva's Super Weapon). You know, do something a little different, have fun with it. Doesn't have to produce many copies or be at all practical.

Hell put out a press release, "each one of the 100 MIRV's only targets that part of Pakistan we don't like." Let each city in Pakistan be like "damn, we should watch what we say, be the 101+ hated part of Paksitan by India.

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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It kind of feels like India is just catching up to the other great powers by following a 1-1 plan. India should do something new and innovative instead of the same old same old. In other areas I can understand the need to be practical, such as super carriers or nuclear submarines. But when it comes to Nuclear weapons/missiles, lets be honest, there's a 99.999% chance no one's ever going to use them. So why not have some fun with it. India should make just a few missiles with something unique like a 100 MIRV head's, call it something catchy like Pasupatra (Lord Shiva's Super Weapon). You know, do something a little different, have fun with it. Doesn't have to produce many copies or be at all practical.
Unfortunately, India's financial minister will kill himself for these "funs".

Hell put out a press release, "each one of the 100 MIRV's only targets that part of Pakistan we don't like." Let each city in Pakistan be like "damn, we should watch what we say, be the 101+ hated part of Paksitan by India.
Doesn't work like that.
For every nuclear state except US and Russia, nuclear weapon is kind of suicidal bomb for them. The only opportunity to use these weapons is that they know they are going to die for sure. They either shoot these weapons before death, or die without shooting.
So, how many MIRV does India have is not Pakistan's concern, but American's and Russian's.


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Feb 16, 2009
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While the United States beats the war drums over North Korea and Iran’s long-ranged nuclear armed missiles –which they don’t even possess – Washington remains curiously silent about the arrival of the world’s newest member of the big nuke club – India.

In January, Delhi revealed a new, 800km-ranged submarine launched missile (SLBM) designated K-15. Twelve of these strategic, nuclear-armed missiles will be carried by India’s first of a class of domestically built nuclear-powered submarine, “Arihant.” India is also working on another SLBM, K-5, with a range of some 2,800km.

These new nuclear subs and their SLBM’s will give India the capability to strike many high-value targets around the globe. Equally important, they complete India’s nuclear triad of nuclear weapons delivered by aircraft, missiles, and now sea that will be invulnerable to a decapitating first strike from either Pakistan or China.

Last February, it was revealed that India is fast developing a new, long-ranged, three-stage ballistic missile, Agni-VI. This powerful missile is said to be able to carry up to ten independently targetable nuclear warheads, known as MIRV’s.

Agni-VI’s range is believed to be at least 10,000km, putting all of China, Japan, Australia, and Russia in its range. A new 15,000km missile capable of hitting North America is also in the works under cover of India’s civilian space program. India is also developing accurate cruise missiles and miniaturized nuclear warheads to fit into their small diameter.

These important strategic developments will put India ahead of other nuclear powers France, Britain, North Korea, and Pakistan, about equal in striking power to Israel and China, and not too far behind the United States and Russia.

Delhi says it needs a nuclear triad because of the growing threat of China, whose conventional and nuclear forces are being rapidly modernized.

This writer has been reporting on the nuclear arms race between India and China since the late 1990’s. China has replaced Pakistan as India’s primary nuclear threat. Even so, Indian and Pakistani nuclear forces remain on a frightening hair-trigger alert within only a 3-5 minute warning time of enemy attack, making the Kashmir cease-fire line (or Line of Control) the world’s most dangerous border.

The Bush administration began quietly aiding India’s nuclear program with nuclear fuel when India had a shortage of fissile material. Some advanced technology from the US and India’s second largest arms supplier, Israel, has also aided Delhi’s nuclear and missile delivery programs.

India, as I wrote years ago after one of its big nuclear tests, is feeling its “nuclear Viagra.” Most Indians take great pride in their strategic nuclear programs as their way into the great power’s exclusive nuclear club.

But not all Indians are so delighted, particularly those on the left who ask how their nation, with one third of all the world’s poorest people, can afford to spend tens of billions on advanced weapons, including nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, and ICBM’s.

According to the World Bank, 32.7% of Indians subsist below the international poverty level of $1.25 daily, and 68.7% on less than $2 daily. Aid agencies say 33% of Indian children are malnourished.

Delhi is making steady progress in reducing poverty and disease, and in trying to break down the pernicious caste system that dooms a quarter of Indians to lives of misery.

This, critics claim, is no time to be posturing as a world power when Mother India still has feet of clay.

The Bush administration was totally unaware that India’s advent as a major nuclear power whose weapons might one day challenge the United States. Bush & Co. wanted India to bulk up as a competitor to China, a permanent enemy of the Republican hard right. Today’s Republicans think similarly.

India is a great democracy where politicians, not generals, make policy. She is a staunch friend of the United States, where over one million Indians now live. True enough, but we have seen there are no permanent friends in world politics, only permanent interests.

One day mighty India may vie for influence with the US for Mideast and Central Asian oil, and control of the Indian Ocean’s vital sea lanes. But not today, as all eyes are on pipsqueak North Korea and dilapidated Iran.

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New Member
Nov 28, 2015

While the United States beats the war drums over North Korea and Iran’s long-ranged nuclear armed missiles –which they don’t even possess – Washington remains curiously silent about the arrival of the world’s newest member of the big nuke club – India.

In January, Delhi revealed a new, 800km-ranged submarine launched missile (SLBM) designated K-15. Twelve of these strategic, nuclear-armed missiles will be carried by India’s first of a class of domestically built nuclear-powered submarine, “Arihant.” India is also working on another SLBM, K-5, with a range of some 2,800km.

These new nuclear subs and their SLBM’s will give India the capability to strike many high-value targets around the globe. Equally important, they complete India’s nuclear triad of nuclear weapons delivered by aircraft, missiles, and now sea that will be invulnerable to a decapitating first strike from either Pakistan or China.

Last February, it was revealed that India is fast developing a new, long-ranged, three-stage ballistic missile, Agni-VI. This powerful missile is said to be able to carry up to ten independently targetable nuclear warheads, known as MIRV’s.

Agni-VI’s range is believed to be at least 10,000km, putting all of China, Japan, Australia, and Russia in its range. A new 15,000km missile capable of hitting North America is also in the works under cover of India’s civilian space program. India is also developing accurate cruise missiles and miniaturized nuclear warheads to fit into their small diameter.

These important strategic developments will put India ahead of other nuclear powers France, Britain, North Korea, and Pakistan, about equal in striking power to Israel and China, and not too far behind the United States and Russia.

Delhi says it needs a nuclear triad because of the growing threat of China, whose conventional and nuclear forces are being rapidly modernized.

This writer has been reporting on the nuclear arms race between India and China since the late 1990’s. China has replaced Pakistan as India’s primary nuclear threat. Even so, Indian and Pakistani nuclear forces remain on a frightening hair-trigger alert within only a 3-5 minute warning time of enemy attack, making the Kashmir cease-fire line (or Line of Control) the world’s most dangerous border.

The Bush administration began quietly aiding India’s nuclear program with nuclear fuel when India had a shortage of fissile material. Some advanced technology from the US and India’s second largest arms supplier, Israel, has also aided Delhi’s nuclear and missile delivery programs.

India, as I wrote years ago after one of its big nuclear tests, is feeling its “nuclear Viagra.” Most Indians take great pride in their strategic nuclear programs as their way into the great power’s exclusive nuclear club.

But not all Indians are so delighted, particularly those on the left who ask how their nation, with one third of all the world’s poorest people, can afford to spend tens of billions on advanced weapons, including nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, and ICBM’s.

According to the World Bank, 32.7% of Indians subsist below the international poverty level of $1.25 daily, and 68.7% on less than $2 daily. Aid agencies say 33% of Indian children are malnourished.

Delhi is making steady progress in reducing poverty and disease, and in trying to break down the pernicious caste system that dooms a quarter of Indians to lives of misery.

This, critics claim, is no time to be posturing as a world power when Mother India still has feet of clay.

The Bush administration was totally unaware that India’s advent as a major nuclear power whose weapons might one day challenge the United States. Bush & Co. wanted India to bulk up as a competitor to China, a permanent enemy of the Republican hard right. Today’s Republicans think similarly.

India is a great democracy where politicians, not generals, make policy. She is a staunch friend of the United States, where over one million Indians now live. True enough, but we have seen there are no permanent friends in world politics, only permanent interests.

One day mighty India may vie for influence with the US for Mideast and Central Asian oil, and control of the Indian Ocean’s vital sea lanes. But not today, as all eyes are on pipsqueak North Korea and dilapidated Iran.

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Leftists if in power will run this country into the ground


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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While the United States beats the war drums over North Korea and Iran’s long-ranged nuclear armed missiles –which they don’t even possess – Washington remains curiously silent about the arrival of the world’s newest member of the big nuke club – India.

In January, Delhi revealed a new, 800km-ranged submarine launched missile (SLBM) designated K-15. Twelve of these strategic, nuclear-armed missiles will be carried by India’s first of a class of domestically built nuclear-powered submarine, “Arihant.” India is also working on another SLBM, K-5, with a range of some 2,800km.

These new nuclear subs and their SLBM’s will give India the capability to strike many high-value targets around the globe. Equally important, they complete India’s nuclear triad of nuclear weapons delivered by aircraft, missiles, and now sea that will be invulnerable to a decapitating first strike from either Pakistan or China.

Last February, it was revealed that India is fast developing a new, long-ranged, three-stage ballistic missile, Agni-VI. This powerful missile is said to be able to carry up to ten independently targetable nuclear warheads, known as MIRV’s.

Agni-VI’s range is believed to be at least 10,000km, putting all of China, Japan, Australia, and Russia in its range. A new 15,000km missile capable of hitting North America is also in the works under cover of India’s civilian space program. India is also developing accurate cruise missiles and miniaturized nuclear warheads to fit into their small diameter.

These important strategic developments will put India ahead of other nuclear powers France, Britain, North Korea, and Pakistan, about equal in striking power to Israel and China, and not too far behind the United States and Russia.

Delhi says it needs a nuclear triad because of the growing threat of China, whose conventional and nuclear forces are being rapidly modernized.

This writer has been reporting on the nuclear arms race between India and China since the late 1990’s. China has replaced Pakistan as India’s primary nuclear threat. Even so, Indian and Pakistani nuclear forces remain on a frightening hair-trigger alert within only a 3-5 minute warning time of enemy attack, making the Kashmir cease-fire line (or Line of Control) the world’s most dangerous border.

The Bush administration began quietly aiding India’s nuclear program with nuclear fuel when India had a shortage of fissile material. Some advanced technology from the US and India’s second largest arms supplier, Israel, has also aided Delhi’s nuclear and missile delivery programs.

India, as I wrote years ago after one of its big nuclear tests, is feeling its “nuclear Viagra.” Most Indians take great pride in their strategic nuclear programs as their way into the great power’s exclusive nuclear club.

But not all Indians are so delighted, particularly those on the left who ask how their nation, with one third of all the world’s poorest people, can afford to spend tens of billions on advanced weapons, including nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, and ICBM’s.

According to the World Bank, 32.7% of Indians subsist below the international poverty level of $1.25 daily, and 68.7% on less than $2 daily. Aid agencies say 33% of Indian children are malnourished.

Delhi is making steady progress in reducing poverty and disease, and in trying to break down the pernicious caste system that dooms a quarter of Indians to lives of misery.

This, critics claim, is no time to be posturing as a world power when Mother India still has feet of clay.

The Bush administration was totally unaware that India’s advent as a major nuclear power whose weapons might one day challenge the United States. Bush & Co. wanted India to bulk up as a competitor to China, a permanent enemy of the Republican hard right. Today’s Republicans think similarly.

India is a great democracy where politicians, not generals, make policy. She is a staunch friend of the United States, where over one million Indians now live. True enough, but we have seen there are no permanent friends in world politics, only permanent interests.

One day mighty India may vie for influence with the US for Mideast and Central Asian oil, and control of the Indian Ocean’s vital sea lanes. But not today, as all eyes are on pipsqueak North Korea and dilapidated Iran.

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About the writer
Eric Margolis
Margolis writes a regular column for the Huffington Post and also writes for Dawn, an English language Pakistani newspaper, the Gulf Times in Qatar, the Khaleej Times in Dubai, New York Timesand The American Conservative . He appears regularly on such television outlets as CNN, Fox, CBC, British Sky Broadcasting News, NPR, and CTV. He is a regular guest on the TV Ontario's The Agenda after previously regularly appearing on its predecessor programme Studio 2.

He is affiliated with several organizations including International Institute of Strategic Studies in London and the Institute of Regional Studies based in Islamabad, Pakistan.

The above qualifications make him a paki bootlicker and not worth discussing about in my humble opinion.

Is there any specific reason why you brought out this old news now sir? @LETHALFORCE


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Feb 16, 2009
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About the writer
Eric Margolis
Margolis writes a regular column for the Huffington Post and also writes for Dawn, an English language Pakistani newspaper, the Gulf Times in Qatar, the Khaleej Times in Dubai, New York Timesand The American Conservative . He appears regularly on such television outlets as CNN, Fox, CBC, British Sky Broadcasting News, NPR, and CTV. He is a regular guest on the TV Ontario's The Agenda after previously regularly appearing on its predecessor programme Studio 2.

He is affiliated with several organizations including International Institute of Strategic Studies in London and the Institute of Regional Studies based in Islamabad, Pakistan.

The above qualifications make him a paki bootlicker and not worth discussing about in my humble opinion.

Is there any specific reason why you brought out this old news now sir? @LETHALFORCE
Yes I know the author and I was waiting to see who spots this ? (Playing both sides by USA) secondly I am still waiting for other claims to be spotted that cannot be true
since they would be MCTR,FMCT,NPT violations. Also no replies from anyone about India's whole strategic program controlled by USA (which I don't believe) also many other things. My main reason for posting was to give a link that India had nuclear miniturization capability in another thread

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New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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Yes I know the author and I was waiting to see who spots this ? (Playing both sides by USA) secondly I am still waiting for other claims to be spotted that cannot be true
since they would be MCTR,FMCT,NPT violations. Also no replies from anyone about India's whole strategic program controlled by USA (which I don't believe) also many other things. My main reason for posting was to give a link that India had nuclear miniturization capability in another thread

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Regarding 1st point I still give a benefit of doubt in favour of Americans.As far as i understand political lobbying by foreign institutions is legal in US, so there might lie their two headedness.
2nd point If you are referring to "The Bush administration began quietly aiding India’s nuclear program" I don't believe that shit.The only thing Americans are capable of is helping themselves.
3rd I think India reached (far back) a critical mass on economic and military front to be controlled by anyone(I doubt if they can even influence us like they did in 80's) except by itself.
4th point taken regarding miniaturization i do believe we had it but not deployed it yet( I may be wrong ,we might have tested it covertly, so only the guys in the business know what it is and they are making noises about it)


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Apr 13, 2013
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ICBM Agni-V Test Put on 'Hold' For Modi's US Visit

BHUBANESWAR: The much awaited experimental test of the canisterised version of India's most potent and long range nuclear capable missile Agni-V has reportedly been put on hold for the scheduled visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the US on June 6.

According to reliable sources in the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the purported last developmental trial of the indigenously built surface-to-surface Inter-Continental range Ballistic Missile (ICBM) would be conducted after the PM returns from the foreign visit.

Besides the joint session of the US Congress, the PM is slated to address the 41st Annual Leadership Summit in Washington DC to be attended by business tycoons and government leaders who are likely to debate over the deepening US-India commercial and strategic ties on June 7.
Although the missile is ready to display its fire power, defence sources said, the test has been delayed for over past six months for strategic reasons. Earlier planned in December last year and then early January, the test was reportedly postponed due to the visit of US President Barack Obama and busy schedule of Modi who was slated to witness the launch along with Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar.

A source on the condition of anonymity said while the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) have already given the green signal for the test, the DRDO is yet to get any communication from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

“While the DRDO is waiting for the PM’s confirmation to witness the launch, the PMO is yet to give confirmation on the visit of the PM to the test facility. The test now completely depends on the schedule of the PMO,” the source claimed.

Although India secretly conducted two tests of submarine launched ballistic missile K-4 in March from under water platform in depressed range of less than 1,000 km, as the Agni-V, is in a ready state of induction, it would be fired from a hermetically sealed canister to its full range of around 5,000, km which is a threat for the powerful nations.
The delay has however irked the defence and strategic experts. They believed the decision at the highest levels of government was owing to Washington’s supposed allergy to rising powers displaying their distant strike capabilities.

An eminent national security expert and professor at New Delhi based Centre for Policy Research (CPR) Bharat Karnad said the last year's test was postponed not to upset Washington as Obama was to tour Delhi.

"Now it has been put on hold because Prime Minister does not want his upcoming visit to the US, the fourth in last two years since he took office, to be marred by the launch of a missile that President Obama may deem provocative. He seems more eager to please Washington than to strengthen India's strategic muscle vis a vis China," he observed.

With a strike range of over 5,000, Agni-V is the country’s first ICBM which is capable of hitting targets in all Asian countries and parts of Africa and Europe. The 17-meter long, 2-meter wide, three-stage, solid-fuelled missile can carry a payload of 1.5 tonne and weighs around 50 tonnes.

As a canister-launch system gives the forces the requisite operational flexibility to promptly transport the ballistic missile and launch it from a place of their choice, the DRDO is also working on the canister version of other Agni series of missiles including Agni-I, Agni-III and Agni-IV.
A successful launch of the missile from the Abdul Kalam Island test facility off the Odisha coast would push a step forward towards its induction in the armed forces signaling the defence organization to go for its production. Local DRDO authorities refused to comment.

Strike Range – 5000 km, can target all of Asia and parts of Africa and Europe
Length – 17 meter
Diameter – 2 meter
Launch weight – 50 tonne
Payload – 1.5 tonne
Engine – Three stage solid fuel
Speed - Mach 24 (terminal phase)

Agni-V makes India a member of the elite club of six nations including the US, UK, China, France and Russia which have intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities.

Why Delay the Test!!!:confused1:

US knows that we are gonna test it anyway!!! May be the presstitutes will work their sickness into the visits real time!!

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
The delay in testing won't hurt us.
The delay is necessary as it will take away the leverage from any journalist or diplomat who may want to screw our PM.
It will also make it difficult for Pakistanis too raise question about our BM program during Modi's visit to USA.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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The delay is necessary as it will take away the leverage from any journalist or diplomat who may want to screw our PM.
Once you have declared you have missiles and nukes, what difference does it make? Does Pakistan stop from building its nukes due to some concern for India? I doubt anything would happen except some criticism in American press.

May be government wants some benefit from this trip like signing of some agreement; so wants to avoid bad press.


New Member
Feb 15, 2016
I agree that delay in R&D project should not happen due to diplomatic reasons.

May be typical Indian immaturity in defence matters. Self doubt.
Perhaps we should learn from North Korea. That maniac has ordered their scientists to deliver on deadlines!


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Is this new govt pussy or what, now what it has to with modi's visit to US.

National security should supersede everything.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Russia to test-fire massive nuclear missile: Report

Wed May 11, 2016 7:2AM
The file photo shows the launch of a Russian R-36M (SS-18 Satan) missile.
The file photo shows the launch of a Russian R-36M (SS-18 Satan) missile.
Russia is preparing to start test-firing a highly powerful nuclear missile, which is said to be capable of destroying an entire country in seconds, a report says.

Russia’s Zvezda TV channel reported on Tuesday that the RS-28 Sarmat missile, dubbed Satan 2, will replace Soviet-era R-36M missiles, which NATO military experts had nicknamed “Satan.”

The intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), thought to weigh at least 100 tons, is considered to be the largest atomic weapon-carrying rocket ever produced and is capable of carrying as many as a dozen warheads inside its shell.

With an estimated range of 10,000 kilometers (6,213 miles), the Sarmat missile is “capable of wiping out parts of the earth the size of Texas or France,” Zvezda said.

“In this sense, the Sarmat missile will not only become the R-36M’s successor, but also to some extent it will determine in which direction nuclear deterrence in the world will develop,” it added.

The file photo of a mushroom cloud rising moments after the explosion of an atomic bomb
The report also said that the missile has been designed with stealth technology, which enables it to be fired at a target without being detected by radar systems.

Moscow is planning to test-fire the missile this summer at Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia’s largest operational missile testing and space launch facility, the report said.

The missile has reportedly been in development since 2009 and will be in active service at some point by 2020.
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New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Is this new govt pussy or what, now what it has to with modi's visit to US.

National security should supersede everything.
Naa..its not because of the Govt being a pussy..its because of the media being a well used pussy which can be brought by a few cents.
These media pussys make a lot of noise.
We know what the media did with National Security on Augusta Westland for Indian National Congress Pvt Ltd. headed by Antonia Edvige Albina Maino.

