Multi Role Helicopters (MRH) to be inducted into Indian Navy


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Feb 14, 2012
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Anyone hear anything about an announcement on MRH down select? I guess maybe we will have to wait until after elections?


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Jun 23, 2010
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Anyone hear anything about an announcement on MRH down select? I guess maybe we will have to wait until after elections?
yup... my guess it will be next year... its not just election we are facing but also financial difficulties.


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Mar 25, 2014
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Let the navy decide what helo it wants. Has to be an import as we don't produce the type. East or West don't matter so long as it fits the profile.
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Feb 14, 2012
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Turning into a frog
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Mar 30, 2009
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Go and see how Israeli travelers who come to India treat the native people and then talk. Otherwise you should keep your mouth shut.
I have met only one Israeli in my life, and that was a great experience. I was changing platform in Mumbai with lot of three two bags, while my parents waited with another heavy bag at the bottom of the overbridge. A guy came up and asked if could help me, and he carried the other bag over. I have seen such act of generosity very few times in my life from a fellow Indian. So I don't know which Israeli you met, but my experience was something that I am prone to favour them!


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Feb 14, 2012
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The new issue of Defense Helicopter reports the Netherlands has suspended delivery of their NH90 NFH model helos. The reason surprised me - severe corrosion issues. So much for NHI's touting its significant use of composites. Just goes to show they have a long road ahead to mature the NFH model. My experience tells me this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the NFH model teething problems. To me the data says the IN can buy the S70B, a platform that is mature, or buy into an experiment and spend years getting the NH90 NFH to where it fully meets their needs. Please read some of the other articles in DH on the NH90, together they do not paint a pretty picture.
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Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Now Game Time NH 90 Vs S 70

The Indian Navy has a tender for a Multi- Role Helicopter (MRH) to replace the Navy's ageing Sea King fleet.

The competition comes down to two finalists, based on either side of the Atlantic: a maritime variant of the European-built NH90 (likely to be the NATO frigate helicopter configuration) from NH Industries and the US-made SH-60 Seahawk from Sikorsky, otherwise known as the S-70B.

Both are solid platforms and. the decision could mean not just a $1 billion contract, but the possibility of a follow-up order.

NH90 vs. S-70B: India's Naval Multi-Role Helicopter Contract | Defence IQ

I will be happy anything we get neither the NH 90 or the S 70


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
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Apr 17, 2014
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damn again ..I think Navy interested in NH 90 ..But kickbacks makes the deal Stall

Scam-wary govt defers decision on naval copters - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
I agree there is a need for it but till the time we dont get it can't we just have Dhruv-WSI i.e. Rudra for that role?
It can perform combat air support (CAS) and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) roles .
This process of getting Helis is gonna be time consuming and as they article you referred state we are inducting quite a few Ships for which we need helis can't be Put Rudra/Dhruv to use till then?

Anshu Attri

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Nov 19, 2009
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Kamov ready to supply seaborne helicopters to Indian Navy

Russia's Kamov helicopter design bureau and Russian Helicopters are ready to jointly supply modern seaborne helicopters for the Indian Navy on request, Kamov Chief Designer Sergei Mikheyev said on Tuesday.
"Upon request from the Indian Navy, we are ready to supply jointly with Russian Helicopters the necessary number of seaborne helicopters and offer the latest developments to the Indian side, including the Ka-52K helicopters," Mikheyev said.Helicopters operational in the Indian Navy and Coastal Guard have long grown obsolete over the absence of programs for the purchase of helicopters in the past decade, strict armament-buying procedures and the scandal-hit Augusta-Westland chopper deal, India Today reported recently.
The deteriorating condition of helicopters prompted Indian Defence Minister Arun Jaitley to raise the issues at a session of the Defence Acquisition Council on July 19.Many Indian warships equipped with two hangars have no helicopters on their board, India Today said. In particular, only three out of six Talwar-class frigates are supplied with choppers while others have none. The Indian Navy and Coastal Guard have only 20 percent of the required number of helicopters, according to the magazine's website.
"The Indian Navy had to get 16 choppers as a direct replacement for Seaking 42A helicopters which came with the INS Viraat in 1987 and were decommissioned by the end of the century," an Indian Ministry of Defence official told India Today. "Categorised as 'Multi Role Helicopter' acquisition, it is yet to take off even today.
Kamov joint production in India
Last year, Russian deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin had suggested that India consider a possibility of setting up a joint venture to assemble Kamov helicopters in India. "We have a serious proposal for India which refers not only to purchases of Russian helicopters, Rogozin had said on the sidelines of a ceremony when the INS Vikramaditya was handed over to India. "Russia as India's strategic partner proposes setting up a joint venture, including on India's territory."
Sources tell RIR that this proposal was discussed as recently as June when high level defence talks held in New Delhi that were led by Indian Defence Secretary R K Mathur and Rostec Chief Executive Sergey Chemezov. The new government in New Delhi is eager to see such an idea come into fruition, the sources said.
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Mar 18, 2011
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Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
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Apr 17, 2014
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Why was Navy not Happy with Dhruv ..?
What I found was they were dissatisfied with the folding blade performance and maintenance record .... Was there more to it.....?????

Was it possible to resolve these issues?

Note : Dhruv is a MRH!!!!


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Feb 14, 2012
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I have worked on the S-70B for many years and consider it to be superior to the MH60R. Some of the data presented here I have doubts about, especially the price. The 70B has always been cheaper to purchase than the 60R in the head to head competitions they have had for a simimilarly equipped aircraft. The big discriminator in my opinion, and as I have stated before, is the avionics and mission system design and user interface.
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New Member
Mar 18, 2011
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I have worked on the S-70B for many years and consider it to be superior to the MH60R. Some of the data presented here I have doubts about, especially the price. The 70B has always been cheaper to purchase than the 60R in the head to head competitions they have had for a simimilarly equipped aircraft. The big discriminator in my opinion, and as I have stated before, is the avionics and mission system design and user interface.

Please tell more about S-70B vs MH-60R. Comparison in terms of performance, price, specs.

I posted that link for comparison but I am not that happy with it.



New Member
Jan 18, 2013
it is funny to see how much Rafale deal/Kolkata destroyer get attention while this topic has only 12 pages, even if it is as much as important as the other two topics if not even more.
India Needs New Maritime/ASW Helicopters
India's Anti-Submarine Weakness
Indian Sea King
(click to view full)
As of 2014, the situation has become grave. India's Ka-28 fleet has dwindled to just 4 operational helicopters, while a mid-life upgrade that would restore 10 to flying condition and give them modern sensors has been trying to get underway since 2008. The effective Sea King helicopter fleet has dwindled to just 16-17 upgraded machines, and all of them won't be in flying condition all of the time. India's Naval Air Arm also has a small number of Druhv utility helicopters, and a somewhat larger set of very old Chetak helicopters that are only suitable for light supply and search and rescue roles, but neither is much help in sea control roles. The resulting situation is dire:

"For instance, between the six Talwar class frigates, which include the recently inducted frigates Teg, Tarkash and Trikand, only three carry a helicopter. Some other frigates don't have even one helicopter between them. Coming to larger ships like the destroyers, one Kamov [Ka-28] helicopter is being shared between five Rajput class ships."

These are key ships that would normally be tasked with anti-submarine duties. Without helicopters, their ability to perform those roles drops sharply. Which means that they are not fit for purpose to protect India's carriers against Pakistani or Chinese submarines. A July 2014 report in India Today said that just 20% of available slots were filled in the Indian Navy, based on:

Delhi Class destroyers can carry 2 helicopters
Kolkata Class frigates can carry 2 helicopters
Shivalik, Betwa, and Godavari Class frigates can carry 2 helicopters
Talwar Class frigates can carry 1 helicopter
Offshore Patrol Vessels can carry 1 helicopter
Landing Ship Tank (Large) can carry 2 helicopters
INS Viraat aircraft carrier can carry 8 helicopters
INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier can carry 12 helicopters
To make things worse, the Indian Navy has been trying to import an Advanced Towed Array Sonar (ATAS) for its ships since the mid-1990s, but the Ministry of Defence has blocked it in favor of DRDO projects that went nowhere. The Nagan project was finally shut down in 2012, but DRDO just turned around and started a new ALTAS project in its place. As a result, 21 destroyers, frigates and corvettes bought since 1997 lack key sonar systems: 3 Delhi Class destroyers, 3 Kolkata Class destroyers, 6 Talwar Class frigates, 3 Brahmaputra Class frigates, 3 Shivalik Class frigates, and 4 Kamorta Class corvettes. They must depend, instead, on an Indian HUMSA passive array towed sonar with limited capabilities.

Indian MoD approval for a limited 6 ATAS buy was finally granted to an exasperated navy in 2009, but baseless complaints of wrongdoing left Atlas Elektronik's systems in limbo, despite investigations that cleared the procurement.

That leaves India's navy with a double ASW handicap, just as advanced submarine systems are proliferating in Pakistan and the Southeast Asian region. At the same time, the country is introducing advanced vessels like aircraft carriers and their accompanying multi-role surface ships. It's a very poor situation, which would quickly turn disastrous if put to a military test
Finally the charges on Finmeccanica were dropped by lack of evidence in italy, I hope this will make your deal faster. I'm curios to know why aren't you evaluating the aw159 wildcat too?

