MQ9 Predator Acquisition from U.S, News Updates and Discussions


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Feb 19, 2022
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Why India purchasing armed drones. Will India going to use it anywhere.

Seeing history of India, armed drones will be useless for India.


New Member
Mar 18, 2023
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Why India purchasing armed drones. Will India going to use it anywhere.

Seeing history of India, armed drones will be useless for India.
Primarily for recon .. 10 for Navy and 10 for Army and Airforce but… which itself will save cost in recon through P8I or other recon platforms…
Simply the cost of operating a drone is much less than P8I…
Also for Balakote like strike to avoid human capture Predator can be used…
But here I see mainly for recon its a gem…

Also replying on other ques will they use our own sats.. answer is gradually the American drone Eco system has no peer .. Chinese are trying to replicate the same with the understanding and agreement India will find a guided path to eventually replace full ecosystem for Predators but I dont see that happening with in next 5 plus years…


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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TBH, makes sense. Navy is the only one that can use them in wartime, IA and IAF birds will be limited to preventing salami slicing and keeping tabs on chinese buildups.
Most plausible explanation.

EW using a drone is really not ideal. They have pretty low-powered engines and won't be sufficient for an effective attack, especially vs. China who uses more sophisticated comm. systems.

Will these be using our own communication satellites?
Most probably no. Also most likely Americans will have direct access to our drone data because it will flow through their data centers and systems to us.

Why India purchasing armed drones. Will India going to use it anywhere.

Seeing history of India, armed drones will be useless for India.
Armed operation is secondary, primary will be surveillance and ELINT. See how these drones are changing the entire equation of Russia-Ukraine war even being completely outside of Ukrainian territory.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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With Jet engines and drones from the US of A, I guess the Navy will get Rafale M from France?
Since the French have nothing really to offer in terms of drones and weren't really going to offer us much in engine tech, I don't see the correlation. In fact if anything, SH should get a boost because of engine commonality.

The French are good in niche products and useful as a hedge but let there be no doubt, they can't offer us anywhere close to what the US can, both militarily and diplomatically. That doesn't mean the US will necessarily offer those things but the US and the French are not on the same plane.


New Member
Mar 18, 2023
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Heard more Mig-29's to follow. Both Rafale and Hornets on hold.

Will have to wait and watch if our shopping list gets modified during Modi's visit to the US.
I say go for F18, with P8I and Predator Navy will find some compatibility also pave the way for F35 after a decade or so in case AMCA is slow to arrive..


New Member
Aug 11, 2021
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Most probably no. Also most likely Americans will have direct access to our drone data because it will flow through their data centers and systems to us.
Getting 3 Billion from us and then being able to see all the data we gather as we operate them is a good deal for the Americans. Makes it feel like we are paying for the privilege to do surveillance for them.This would also mean that they can monitor what we do with them and ground the fleet anytime they want. I am all for us working more closely with the Americans but trusting them so much is a bit too far.


New Member
Aug 11, 2021
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Big input

MQ-9B can be armed with the Norwegian Kongsberg NSM anti ship missile which navy has procured for the MH-60R... (100x acquired last yr)

View attachment 210622
This could be a good option to have though I wonder how survivable these drones would be in combat. Would they be able to detect and engage enemy ships before they are detected themselves and shot down? The NSM has a long enough range that they should be able to engage Pakistani ships outside the range of their air defences at least.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Since the French have nothing really to offer in terms of drones and weren't really going to offer us much in engine tech, I don't see the correlation. In fact if anything, SH should get a boost because of engine commonality.

The French are good in niche products and useful as a hedge but let there be no doubt, they can't offer us anywhere close to what the US can, both militarily and diplomatically. That doesn't mean the US will necessarily offer those things but the US and the French are not on the same plane.
The IN itself is caught between 2 diametrically opposing school of thoughts with one encouraging further engagement with the US & the other cautioning against deepening the engagement & consequently , dependence. The latter comprises essentially the now rapidly losing steam Russian school of thought - IN guys.

The US for it's part much before recent developments about the ToT of the GE TF & other similar items on the agenda like local mfg of the LM Marine Engines were pushing GoI for greater commitment to the Quad especially the IN to act in close consultation & concert with the US & it's allies. MoD & GoI were similarly on the horns of a dilemma much like IN as described above.

Recent reports that the Rafale Marine was technically qualified by the IN put paid to any such tilt towards the US in this regard assuming the news was genuine. Now who knows ?

Prima facie being engaged with the US means great amount of intrusion , infiltration etc . For instance , the two Sea Guardians the IN's operating is actually being operated by USN personnel from IN bases. The P-8i base at INS Rajali in Arakkonam TN has a DoD team stationed there 24x7 to ensure compliance with the T&A's of our IGA with the US .


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
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People who are paranoid about US 'interference' - I wonder how many of you are aware of the deep malaise that is Russian sabotage of Indian civil society and policy making.

A malaise that has destroyed many promising programs, and has backstabbed us as recently as Galwan.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
People who are paranoid about US 'interference' - I wonder how many of you are aware of the deep malaise that is Russian sabotage of Indian civil society and policy making.

A malaise that has destroyed many promising programs, and has backstabbed us as recently as Galwan.
Please provide specific acts instead of a generic generalization statement. Don't be one of those brainwashed western propaganda types.


New Member
Mar 18, 2023
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I'll give you one classic example from recent times. The Igla scandal and the sheer dumbfuckery that is the VSHORADS procurement.
Russian never saw India more than a colony and always saw India with a contempt, history never lies.

But India had no other choice but to follow Russian lead in tech. Although hard earned many critical technologies has Russian origin although not by Russian goodwill but their own necessities.

India can squeeze Russia now but Russians wont provide us their crown jewels now(Turbo Fans)

Now russian capabilities are fcked up and cant do more than being chinese Natasha ready to offer ass.

Worry about west which has much better capabilities and more malaise towards India

